I'm just a piece of dandelion seed, that flew with the wind, away from where I used to be, to find a place to belong to, but I won't forget who I was
he took me hunting, fishing, play tennis. he taught me drawing and painting. and I believe from him I got my brain.
my mother was so beatiful, and still is. she's not as patient as father but she' always cared about us, her children, I knew. she used to be a singer, a dancer, and a gym atlet. so I know where I got those abilities from.
ibuku dulu cantik banget, dan sekarang juga masih. tidak sepenyabar bapak, tapi dia selalu menyayangi kami anak-anaknya, aku tahu itu. dia dulu penari, penyanyi, dan atlet senam. jadi aku tahu pasti dari mana aku dapat semua kebisaanku sekarang.
she is a strong woman, a very strong one. that made me, at least not become a weak girl
ibuku wanita yang sangat kuat. ini membuatku, paling tidak, bukan menjadi wanita yang lemah.
2 has become 21
2 sudah menjadi 21
I miss them
aku rindu bapak ibu..
Dan has told them to let it go. But they don't want to, and keep feeding it with rice to make it stay alife.
Dan sudah menyuruh mereka untuk melepaskannya, tapi mereka nggak mau, dan tetep ngasih makan nasi, supaya si kepting tetap hidup.
this is one of solo batik patterns, called 'kawung'
ini salah satu motif batik solo, 'kawung
we know what it is...
udah tahu kan, ini apa...
well, even I, myself, am not sure what it is
yang ini... aku sendiri juga ngga yakin ini apa
I posted this here
ini sudah aku post di sini
and this one is my favorite, coz I have make a better version of it, here
yang ini favoritku, karena aku sudah bikin versi yang lebih indah di sini