Friday, April 11, 2008

kiss me...

cium aku...

when it comes to bed time, neither Dan or me will kiss the children. no? no, because THEY will kiss us. and each of them has their own kissing style...
kalau tiba waktunya tidur, aku atau pun Dan tidak akan mencium anak-anak. tidak? tidak, karena mereka yang akan cium kami. masing-masing punya gaya mencium sendiri

Ibit; kisses on right cheek, left cheek, forehead, nose, lips
Ibit; cium pipi kanan, pipi kiri, kening, hidung, mulut.

Ar; kisses on right cheek, left cheek,lips, nose, right eye, left eye, forehead, hair. and sometimes he gives extra kisses up to 15... (and he counts them!)
Ar; cium pipi kanan, pipi kiri, bibir, hidung, mata kanan, mata kiri, kening, rambut. kadang ada tambahan ciuman hingga jumlahnya sampai 15... (dihitung lho!)

Ir; no specific style, he kisses just the way he likes it. sometimes he does Ibit's, Ar's, or nobody's. some time even 'only lips'
Ir, nggak ada gaya khusus, suka-suka dia. kadang pake gaya Ibit, Ar, atau bukan gaya siapa-siapa. kadang malah 'mulut aja'

I love kisses


Kurt Hansen said...

How sweet is that! I love getting kisses from my babies too. There is something so special and so sincere and so full of pure love that those little ones give you. Mine also love blowing kisses, if they see me across the room or something. Makes me feel warm and special inside.

latree said...


Are You Serious! said...

♥ Oh the cuteness!!! There is nothing like the love of a child! :)

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! kids are funny! The little guy I babysit has his ritual too. Love little kids hugs and kisses, but I have trouble when they get big -- like my near 14 yr old, he's a bit too kissy and huggy for me! {I know I'm weird....}