reading someone's blog remind me of this
suatu hari aku masuk toko sport, cari baju senam. tokonya lumayan besar dan komplit. kalau masuk toko, aku lebih suka dibiarkan melihat-lihat dan memilih sendiri. baru kalau perlu bantuan aku akan minta tolong pramuniaganya.
one day I went to a sport shop. it was quite big and complete. I usually prefer to be let alone to be able to see around and choose what I like. and I'll call the clerk when I need some help.
di toko ini, mungkin memang standarnya pelanggan harus dilayani sebaik-baiknya, yaitu dengan mendampingi si pelanggan saat sedang melihat-lihat atau memilih barang. jadi begitulah, seorang pramuniaga mendampingiku.
in this shop, may be, the standard is to give the best service to costumers, which means to accompany them when seeing around. so that was how it went. a clerk accompanied me.
'cari apa mbak?'
'what are you looking for, miss?'
'baju senam'
'ftiness suit'
tidak kuduga bantuan yang diberikannya.
'yang murah di sebelah sana', katanya sambil menunjuk ke deretan baju murah.
the help she gave was inscrutable.
'you can find the cheap ones over there', and she pointed to the cheap area.
bukannya aku tidak suka harga murah. aku akan cari yang diskon habis-habisan kalau perlu. tapi kata-kata si mbak ini menunjukkan dia underestimate pada pelanggan. menurutku itu tidak sopan. ingat julia roberts di 'pretty woman?'. dia ditolak belanja di suatu butik karena masih pakai kostum 'kerja'nya. padahal dia bawa kartu kredit tanpa limit punya richard gere...
it's not that I don't like cheap prices. I'd look for big sale if I need to. but what this girl said showed how she underestimated a customer. I think it's rude. remember julia roberts in 'pretty woman'? she was rejected in one boutique because she was still wearing her 'working' costume, whereas she was holding richards gere's unlimited credit card...
jadi aku berkata, 'saya cari yang bagus dan saya suka. bukan yang murah. dan saya rasa saya ngga perlu cari di sini', lalu aku pergi.
so I said, 'I'm looking for something good, that I like. not something cheap. and I don't think I will look for it here', and I left.
Good for you!
it is good you stood up for yourself. When My husband and I eat out, we often feel the wait staff treats us differently because we are younger and may not spend as much.
♥ I remember that part in pretty woman! Crazy she was so rude to you!
Good for you. I cannot stand presumptious people. And, what she said was downright rude.
respon yang bagus dan cepat mba,kterlaluan bgt tuh
How rude! I am glad that you took up for yourself!!! PS I love that part in Pretty Woman!
I would have been ticked! Good for you!
hal seperti ini kok sering banget terjadi ya...
ini yang bikin kesel ya mbk.. aku juga kalo di gituin pasti tersinggung.. apalagi aku orangnya sensitif... bagus tuh.. emang perlu di gituin..
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