We visited this temple last week end.
Akhir pekan kemaren kami ke sana
Dan decided to let Ar Ir and Ibit ride the horses, because tha path was hill climbing and 4km (3miles) far. He told me to ride with Ibit and he wolud walk behind us. Thank God I decided to walk with him. He almost got fainted in the middle of the trip. He never walked this far, and on this hard track. Me? I joined aerobic class 3 times a week! But we did it to the last temple. (And didn't spend my energy half than if I work out)
Dan memutuskan untuk membiarkan Ar Ir dan Ibit naik kuda, karena jalurnya menanjak dan 4 km jauhnya. Dia juga menyuruh aku untuk naik kuda bareng Ibit dan dia akan jalan di belakang kami. Untunglah aku nggak mau. Di tengah perjalanan Dan hampir pingsan. Dia nggak pernah berjalan sejauh ini, apalagi medannya juga sulit. Aku? Aku ikut aerobic 3x seminggu. Tapi alhamdulillah kami bisa selesai sampai ke candi terakhir. (Dan capekku belum setengahnya kalau senam)
When I take pictures, I always have problems with angles and composition. In a simple word, I'm a bad photographer.
Kalau mengambil gambar aku selalu punya masalah dengan sudut pengambilan dan komposisi. Singkatnya, aku fotografer yang payah.
So while Dan was taking this picture with his camera,
Jadi ketika Dan mengmbil gambar ini dengan tustelnya,
I took this with my handphone.
aku ambil ini pake handphoneku.
O ya. Di area candi ini juga ada kolam air hangat (Tapi gak ambil gambarnya) dan semburan gas belerang.
Tired, but fun.
Capek, tapi seneng.
The land is beautiful! The pictures are great -- all of them!
Thanks for stopping by
Hi~ I really enjoyed your blog. You really seem to enjoy life! Funny fact...my husband's name is Dan, too! :)
♥ That looks really fun! The temple is beautiful. I love your comment about your aroebic's class! Great pictures and by the way I am a horrible photographer!!! :)
wowwww...seru yaaa kesana....masih blm byk berubah....jadi pengen lagiiii...
naek kuda, makan sate kelinci:D
What a beautiful place to visit! Great photos too!
Beautiful pictures, and it looks like an amazing trip!
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