Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Belajar Membaca

Learn to Read

ayat pertama turun.... "IQRO'..."
first verse... "read..."

bukannya ingin mencerabut masa bermain anak-anak dan memaksanya untuk belajar. tapi anak-anak harus belajar untuk belajar
not to grab children's play time and push them to study too hard. but children need to learn to study.

Ibit jaman seumuran Ar Ir sekarang udah bisa baca meskipun belum lancar amat. masih suka bingung antara p - d - b. sebelum baca musti dilihat dulu keseluruhan kata, baru bisa putuskan itu p - d atau b.
when Ibit was Ar Ir's age now, she could read even wasn't so fluent. she sometime still get confused between p - d - b. before saying the words she need to see the whole letters to decide is it p - d or b.

ya... waktu itu aku belum kerja. di rumah aja. waktu full buat anak-anak.
well... I didn't work that time. stay at home. full time for children.

waktu Ibit umur 3 tahun, sempet ngerekam dia nyanyi sampe dapat sekaset penuh. perlu waktu hampir sebulan, karena meskipun hafal banyak lagu, kalo lagi nggak mood ya nggak mau nyanyi... toddlers.
I remember when Ibit was 3, I recorded her singing and we got a cassette full. took almost a month, coz although she knew many songs, some time she didn't get the mood and refused to record.... toddlers.

waktu Ir umur 2 tahun belum apal warna, aku panik dan segera memberikan kursus intensif setiap hari. hari pertama aku pake metode 3 mangkok berwarna lego merah - kuning - biru, mengumpulkan lego berwarna yang sama di satu mangkok-- belum dengan menyebutkan warnanya. Ir bahkan ngga ngerti dia harus apa. sempat putus asa. lalu aku bikin robot dari warna-warna lego yang berbeda. tiba-tiba dia ambil lego yang belum dipasang dan memberikan lego dengan warna yang sama dengan robotnya. jadi begitulah: robot merah maem yang merah... alhamdulillah berhasil.
when Ir was 2 and didn't kno colors, I got panic and soon give him an intensif course everyday. first day I used the method of putting legos of same colors in a bowl -- without mentioning the colors. just put them in groups. Ir didn't understand what to do and I got frustrated. then I made robots of different coler. sudddenly he took a piece of lego and fed it to the robot of the same color. so it goes that way: red robot eat red lego... alhamdulillah we did it.

saat ini aku merasa bersalah banget. aku keasikan jadi orang kantoran. kalo di rumah ama anak-anak adanya main-main aja. ngajarin Ar Ir ini itu cuma kalo inget aja. habis anaknya juga ngga pernah minta, malah kadang di ajak belajar susah. beda ama Ibit dulu yang justru selalu minta diajarin karena pengin cepet bisa baca. hasilnya, di umur hampir 5 tahun, mereka baru sampai 'na'. ibu macam apa aku ini...
right now I feel so guilty. I was too busy working. when I am at home all we do is mostly play around. I teach Ar Ir this and that so rarely. they never asked for it too, they some times even refused to learn. unlike Ibit who always asked to learn because she wanted to be able to read. results: in age of 5 Ar Ir gone this far : 'na'. what kinda mother I am.

waktunya membayar kesalahan. aku mulai rutinkan nemenin Ar Ir mengenal membaca, setiap hari, hatta cuma 10 menit. alhamdulillah cepet. mereka sudah siap untuk mengenal huruf vokal selain 'a'.
time to pay. I started to accompany Ar Ir learn to read daily ten minutes a day. alhamdulillah they learn quickly. now they are ready to know other vocals than 'a'

ayo anak-anak, kita bisa!
come on boyz, we can do it!


Are You Serious! said...

♥ Emma would be b & d mixed up too! She still does, every now and then.

I've noticed that I've slacked off with my younger ones compared to when Emma was little. But I think it has to do with having more children around to take care of and sometimes the little things get pushed aside!

I totally understand what you're saying! :)

Unknown said...

Waa semangat ya Bu, blajar bersama anak²! Hehehe... Anyway thanks for da comment, yo actually aku juga wegah ngingu kewan tp piye wong yang memberi mantan pacar je! (tul skali Danang iku bojoku, bapake Pasha 100% ... hehehe mlipir sithik dadi sembrono ki!). But we're not talking about same Danang to? ... lol .. hush!

Claremont First Ward said...

The same thing happened in my family. But don't worry, they catch up, and learn quickly!