Monday, March 17, 2008

Ir is a loving boy...

Ir anak yang penuh kasih sayang.

I always see that Ar and Ir has a very special bond between them. Is it because they've been together since they were zygots?
Aku selalu melihat Ar dan Ir punya ikatan yang sangat istimewa di antara mereka. Mugnkinkah karena mereka sudah bersama sejak mereka sama-sama masih berbentuk zygot?

But they show their loving each other in different way, and sometime I think, different amount. Ar seems a litttle more careless while Ir does another way. Well they fight a lot about things but I think it's just a part of the game, how to make their days fun.
Tapi mereka menunjukkan kasih sayang dengan cara yang berbeda, dan dalam kadar yang berbeda pula. Ar kelihatannya agak-agak cuek. Mereka sering berantem tentang ini itu tapi kupikir itu hanya bagian dariermainan, untuk bikin hidup lebih seru.

One day I got tired hearing them fighting on things. So I said, 'I think I'm gonna send one of you to your granny, so you don't have to fight anymore'. They were awaiting for 'who would that be'.
Suatu hari aku capek banget dengerin mereka berantem. Lalu aku bilang, "Nanti salah satu akan IBu kirim ke Embah biar gak usah berantem terus'. Mereka menunggu siapa yang akan dikirim ke Embah.
'It's gonna be you, Ar'
'Kamu ya Ar'
They both said together, 'No!'
Bareng mereka menjawab, 'Nggak'
'Okay then it's Ir'
'Kalau begitu Ir'
Ir said: 'No', but Ar said: 'Yes'
Kata Ir: 'Tidak', tapi Ar bilang:'Ya'

Another day, Ar was very sick and couldn't get off his bed. His body was hot and red, and he cuddled up in blanket. Ir was outside the room sitting, bored. Then Ir got in the room brought many toys they usually fought of, and put it beside Ar. "You can play it all. Get well soon', he said.
Di hari lain, Ar sakit dan tidak bisa ke mana-mana. Badannya panas dan merah, dan dia meringkuk aja di dalam selimut. Ir duduk di luar, kelihatannya bosen banget. Lalu dia masuk ke kamr membawa banyak mainan yang biasanya mereka perebutkan dan meletakkannya di sebelah Ar. 'Ni, Ar, buat kamu semua. Cepet sembuh ya'

Few days ago, when Dan helped Ar pee and brush kids teeth before bed. I was lying on a mattras in front of our TV waiting for them to finish, I got diarhea and was feeling so weak. Ar suddenly cried out when Dan splashed water on his p**** (this is the way we clean up). Ar got hurt on it while he was biking the afternoon. He cried so loud and Ir who was waiting for his turn in my room got out and hug me, 'what's wrong with Ar?'. I told him what happened. He hugged me tight and I can see his eyes was watering.... And I saw this happened alot, every time Ar got hurt or cried, Ir would have his eyes watering like he suffered the same.
Beberapa hari yang lalu ketika Dan bantuin anak-anak gosok gigi dan pipis sebelum tidur. Aku tiduran di kasur di depan TV, aku sedang dapet diare dan lemes banget. Tiba-tiba Ar menjerit ketika Dan menyiramkan air ke p****nya. Rupanya lecet karena jatuh waktu main sepeda. Nangisnya keras banget. Ir yang lagi nunggu giliran di kamar keluar dan memeluk aku, 'Ar kenapa, bu?'. Lalu aku ceritakan kenapa. DIa memelukku lebih erat, dan aku bisa melihat matanya berkaca-kaca. AKu sering melihat kejadian yang begini. Setiap kali Ar menangis atau kesakitan, matanya akan berkaca-kaca dan kelihtannya dia ikut merasakan penderitaan Ar.

I'm not saying that Ar doesn't have empathy on others, but not as much as Ir shows. May be Ar just doesn't show it as much as he feels, who knows...
Aku tidak bilang Ar tidak punya empati ke orang lain, tapi tidak pernah sebesar yang kulihat pada Ir. Mungkin karena Ar tidak menunjukkan seberapa besar yang dia rasakan, diapa tahu...

Ir is so very special.
Ir memang istimewa.


Are You Serious! said...

♥ My kids show their emotions and feelings in different ways as well!

Unknown said...

Say, aku mo beli springbed ni, bs recommend merk apa ya yg cukup oke n ga terlalu dalem ngerogoh kantong nih. Tengkyu ya ... Sori ih kok jd ngomong springbed?

Tori :) said...

That was just the sweetest post!! Sibling love is the best. My 2nd son is much more open with his feelings than my oldest.
Thanks for visiting my blog today. :)

Janice {Run Far} said...


My girls fight so much, it drives me soooooo crazy. My first one is really emotional but the other one is not. They are so different it blows me away.

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Each kid is different. Twins are fun to watch, as they have that bond. Scott is my hugging lovie one. Not saying that he doesn't fight, just that he is the one with the softer side. I think neither really likes being without the other.

Claremont First Ward said...

I love watching my children interact, especially my twins.