Kemaren di bus, dalam perjalanan pulang.
I wouldn’t care if only it was a boy or man. I mean I would; I would put a coin or two in their hand -- unless they sang awful, I wouldn’t pay attention or money....
I wouldn’t care if only it was a boy or man. I mean I would; I would put a coin or two in their hand -- unless they sang awful, I wouldn’t pay attention or money....
Aku ngga akan peduli kalau saja itu laki-laki. Makusuku ya aku peduli; aku akan kasih sekeping dua keping -- kecuali nyanyinya bener-bener payah, aku ngga akan kasih perhatian ataupun uang...
But it’s a girl, and I can’t help myself not to pay more attention. I don’t really like the song, but she sang quite well. She was so strong she could hold the guitar without a hanger. I wouldn’t be able to strum if so.
Tapi ini perempuan, dan aku ngga bisa menahan diri untuk tidak memberi perhatian lebih. Aku ngga begitu suka lagunya, tapi suaranya lumayan. Dan menurutku dia kuat banget, pegang gitarnya tanpa gantungan. Kalau aku, aku ngga akan bisa genjreng.
Everybody has to struggle for their life, but some has to struggle harder than the others. She is one of those. And I sympathize to girls who choose to be a singing beggar.
Everybody has to struggle for their life, but some has to struggle harder than the others. She is one of those. And I sympathize to girls who choose to be a singing beggar.
Setiap orang harus berjuang untuk hidupnya, hanya saja sebagian harus berjuang lebih keras, Dia salah satunya. Dan aku bersimpati pada gadis-gadis yang mau jadi pengamen.
Unemployment has become a big issue in this province in the last few years. Many factories have to fire their workers because they loss more and more each day.
Unemployment has become a big issue in this province in the last few years. Many factories have to fire their workers because they loss more and more each day.
Pengangguran sudah jadi masalah besar di provinsi ini beberapa tahun terakhir. Banyak pabrik terpaksa memPHK karyawannya karena terus menerus merugi.
It needs tons of courage to stand there in a bus and sing. Not only because you have to stand in a shaking running bus, strumming guitar and sing. But you have to compete and deal with the boy ones.
It needs tons of courage to stand there in a bus and sing. Not only because you have to stand in a shaking running bus, strumming guitar and sing. But you have to compete and deal with the boy ones.
Butuh kekuatan besar untuk jadi pengamen di bis bagi seorang gadis. Bukan cuma karena harus berdiri di bus yang ngebut dan berayun, memegang gitar dan bernyanyi. Tapi juga harus bersaing dengan pengamen-pengamen laki-laki.
Competition in street lives is sure so hard...
Competition in street lives is sure so hard...
Persaingan hidup di jalan pasti sangat keras....
1 comment:
That would be a difficult thing to do! We're so blessed that we don't have too!
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