I'm just a piece of dandelion seed, that flew with the wind, away from where I used to be, to find a place to belong to, but I won't forget who I was
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
is this a year end?
and it is, Dan's birthday...
I have said that Happy Birthday words and wishes
but we still try to figure out what we're going to do to celebrate it
I mean... Dan always work till late every 31 december. yeah, new year eve at office..:P
well I guess I'll just go there to his office and sit by him. what do you think?
Monday, December 29, 2008
double new year
Thursday, December 25, 2008
memori masjid (tidak) tua
Ibit dan Ar-Ir sedang liburan panjang akhir tahun. Dua hari yang lalu aku dan Dan mengirim mereka ke embah di Wonogiri. Kemarin pagi, tiba-tiba mobil Dan tidak bisa distarter. Lalu Dan bersama adikku Bond mendoronganya, dan menyuruhku duduk di belakang setir, masuk gigi tiga, injak kopling - dan melepasnya pelan-pelan ketika mobil sudah mulai jalan. Great, mesinnya hidup. Diputuskan untuk membawa mobilnya ke bengkel, katanya ada yang salah dengan dinmao-nya atau apalah. Well, aku ngga peduli, benerin aja...
Ibit and Ar and Ir are having their two weeks holiday in this year end. Two days ago I and Dan sent them to my mother's house in Wonogiri. Yesterday, Dan got problem starting the engine. So while he and my brother Bond pushed the car, he told me to sit behind the steer, put the car in the third gear, step on the coupling and release it ad the car goes faster. Great, the engine was on. Then we took it to a reparation and the said something was wrong about the dynamo or something. Well I didn't care what it was about, just fix it up..

Selagi montirnya bekerja, aku dan Dan duduk dan memandang ke seberang jalan dan melihat ini... Aku agak berdebar sedikit..
While the mechanic was doing his job, Dan and I sat and looked across the road and saw this... And I stopped breathing for few seconds...

Iya, soalnya ini masjid tempat aku dan Dan dulu menikah.
Yes, it is the masjid where I and Dan got married in.
Dan memegang tanganku dan berkata:
"Aku tidak terlalu memperhatikan masjidnya. Aku tidak ingat bagaimana aku bisa berada di dalamnya, naik mobil siapa, duduk sebelah siapa... Aku cuma ingat aku mengucapkan ijab Qabul, dan kamu jadi isteriku..."
Dan held my hand and said:
"I didn't notice about the masjid. I couldn't remember how I got there, in whose car I sat, who was sitting beside me. All I remember was, I was there, saying the ijab Qabul and then you became mine..."
Aku melihat dia sedang mengingat hari bahagia itu.
I looked at his eyes, and saw him remembering that happy day.
"O ya? Aku ingat aku naik mobilnya Pak Madi bersama Bapak dan Ibu. Kamu sama Om Dalin"
"Oh really? I remember I was in Pak Madi's Car, with my father and mother. And you were in Om Dalin's"
"Apa iya ya? Ga inget sama sekali. Aku terlalu excited menikahimu, ga peduli yang lainnya"
"Was I? I can't remember at all. I was too happy to have you as my wife, I didn't care about the rest"
"Aku juga bahagia, dan jantungku berdegub keras lihat kamu masuk, tapi aku masih ingat hal-hal lain.."
"I was happy too, and my heart beat so fast when I saw you walked in. But I still remember other things..."
"Aku enggak... aku enggak..."
"I don't. I don't..."
Wow, aku ngga pernah menyangka ternyata Dan sebahagia itu... sampai-sampai dia hanya melihatku dan ngga peduli sekitar kami.
Semoga kami akan tetap selalu bahagia...
Wow, I never thought that Dan was THAT HAPPY... so he only saw me, and didn't give a damn about other things.
I hope we'll always be happy, as should be...

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
'late' is my middle name
for this week's sundayscribblings prompt: 'late'
in the office where I work, there is a morning briefing at 07.00, and every employee has to attend. now imagine. I live about 20 km away, and going through morning traffic jam, I need at least 45 minutes to get there.
di kantor tempat aku bekerja, ada apel setiap jam 07.00 pagi, dan setiap karyawan harus hadir. sekarang bayangkan. aku tinggal kira-kira 20 km jauhnya, dan dengan kemacetan pagi hari, butuh paling tidak 45 menit untuk sampai ke kantor.
means, I have to get out of my house at least at 06.15. but, I'm a lazy one. I usually get out my house at 06.20 or more. so it is a fortune if I could get to my office before the briefing begins.
artinya, aku harus berangkat paling tidak jam 06.15. tapi aku ini anak malas. biasanya aku baru keluar rumah jam 06.20. jadi beruntung sekali kalau aku bisa sampe kantor sebelum jam 07.00.
is it ok for me to miss the briefing? off course not. some important things are announced here, and I've missed some, because I was late. I try to go earlier, but my best is at least once being late in a week.
apakah terlambat apel tidak jadi masalah buatku? bukan begitu. ada beberapa hal penting yang disampaikan di apelan. beberapa kali aku tidak tahu, karena terlambat apel. aku sudah coba sih untuk berangkat agak pagian lagi. tapi hasil terbaikku adalah, telat sekali dalam seminggu.
I never make a full presence in morning briefings during my five workdays. does my boss mad at me? you bet. I'm not a discipline girl, I know. so I try to pay my 'late' by working as hard as I can after I get to the office. does it work?
aku belum pernah berhasil hadir apel pagi seminggu full. bossku marah ngga padaku? ya pastilah. aku tahu aku bukan anak yang disiplin. jadi aku mencoba membayar keterlambatanku dengan bekerja sebaik-baiknya begitu aku sampai di kantor. berhasil?
almost :D
hampir :D
Thursday, December 18, 2008
similar but not same

I know I've been talking so much about how my twins are. But day by day there are always new amazing things happening.
aku tahu aku sudah sering banget cerita tentang kembarku. tapi hari ke hari selalu ada saja hal yang menakjubkan tentang mereka
Ok, just a little flash back for you who feels lazy to click on my link above.
Ar Ir was said to be an identical twin, but I always tried my best (because it is not easy as I some time still see them as one) to treat them as different person. And I found that they are different in some ways, above the special bond they have.
I insisted to put them in different classes in kindergarten to make them a little independent between each other. It was hard at the beginning but finally worked.
ok deh, sedikit kilas balik buat yan gmales ngeklik link di atas.
Ar Ir sih katanya kembar identik. tapi aku selalu berusaha keras (karena susah banget, soalnya aku masih sering melihat mereka sebagai satu kesatuan) untuk memperlakukan mereka sebagai dua individu yang berbeda. dan ternyata mereka itu banyak beda di banyak hal, di atas ikatan khusus di antara mereka berdua.
ketika mereka mulai sekolah, aku ngotot untuk memasukkan mereka ke kelas yang berbeda di TK, supaya mereka bisa mengurangi saling ketergantungan satu sama lain. awalnya berat, tapi berhasil.
So. There are two grades in the kindergarten with three parallel classes each , split based on ages. According to that, Ar Ir should be in the 2nd class. Since I asked to put them in the different classes, in the first year the teachers put Ar in the proper class, but Ir in the 3rd class with friends of ages above him.
I knew it would be hard for Ir to compete with his friends, but what could I say?
Results: Ar got a trophy for best coloring, and Ir got nothin.
jadi... di TK kan ada kelas A dan B. masing-masing punya tiga parallel yang dibagi berdasarkan umur. harusnya Ar ir masuk di kelas ke dua. tapi karena aku minta mereka dipisah, akhirnya Ar masuk di kelas kedua, sedangkan Ir di kelas ketiga yang notabene anak-anaknya lebih tua dari dia.
Hasil: Ar mendapat piala untuk terbaik di ekstra mewarnai, Ir ngga dapat apa-apa.
So for the second years, we made a twist. Ir in the 2nd class and Ar in 3rd. I guess it would be fair enough for both to feel how to be in the proper class and in a harder class.
jadi untuk tahun kedua aku twist. Ir di kelas kedua dan Ar di kelas ketiga. kupikir cukup fair, masing-masing mereka merasakan bagaimana di kelas yang pas, dan juga di kelas yang lebih berat.
The result, I found to day when I took their odd semester report. Ir is 1st rank in class while Ar is just another ordinary student.
hasilnya adalah apa yang kulihat dari rapor yang aku ambil hari ini. Ir ranking satu, sementara Ar menjadi murid biasa aja.
I mean, wow. I (I'm sorry) some times thought Ir is less clever than Ar. Just because Ar learns things quicker than Ir. Some thing I finally realized to be wrong.
maksudku.... wow. (maaf) kadang aku merasa Ir tidak secerdas Ar, hanya karena Ar lebih cepat menangkap apa-apa yang diajarkan kepadanya. sesuatu yang akhirnya kudapati salah.
when they started learning to read, at the beginning it seemed hard for Ir to understand about the letters and how he should say the words, while Ar caught everything easily. But in last few weeks, like Ir has found a pattern and suddenly made a boost on reading. Now he reads better than Ar.
ketika mulai belajar membaca, awalnya Ir kelihatan sulit banget memahami huruf-huruf dan bunyi yang harus dia ucapkan, sedang Ar tampak gampang dan cepat menguasai. tapi minggu-minggu terakhir ini, Ir seperti menemukan pola dan tiba-tiba bikin boost dalam membaca. sekarang dia membaca lebih baik dari Ar
Does it mean Ir is cleverer than Ar? NO! It definitely is not what I mean. It's just that they learn thing in different ways, and everybody has their own specific intelligence. Yes, I'm always amazed by Ar's skills in using computer. I'll tell about it someday.
apa artinya Ir lebih cerdas dari Ar? BUKAN! sama sekali bukan itu maksudku. hanya saja mereka punya cara yang berbeda dalam memahami sesuatu, dan mereka punya kecerdasan spesifik sendiri-sendiri. bener, aku selalu kagum dengan keahlian Ar make komputer. kapan-kapan deh cerita soal ini...
'Open your eyes Latree, open your eyes to something you should've known since first' -- I told my self.
'buka mata, latree. buka mata atas apa yang seharusnya sudah kau ketahui sebelumnya' -- kataku pada diriku sendiri
I've never been so proud about my boys before.... :D
aku ngga pernah sebangga ini tentang Ar Ir sebelumnya... :D

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
ketika embak pulang...
long week end kemaren si embak pulang kampung. tapi rupanya aku tidak perlu khawatir. banyak volunteer :D
last long weekend, the nanny went home, but seemed I didn't need to worry, I had volunteers... :D
Ir bagian nguleg bumbu. pake kacamata, katanya biar ngga pedes kena bawang... keren :D
Ir mashed the spices. he wore glasses, he said mashing garlic and shallots made his eyes watering... cool :D
Ar bagian ngerajang, lumayan. walaupun ni mata ngga bisa lepas ngawasin, takut terjadi sesuatu...
Ar sliced onion leaves. not bad. but I couldn't take my eyes of the knife, afraid of something going wrong...
mbak Ibit bagian nggoreng tempe dan ayam, aku bagian was-was...
Ibit fried the chicken and tempe. I was watching afraid of the oil that might splash on her..
makasih semuanya...
yang lebih membahagiakan, siang itu anak2 makan sendiri dan lahap. enak katanya. padahal menurutku ya biasa aja, kurang asin sedikit malah... karena ikut masak kali ya, rasanya jadi beda...
thanks everybody..
what made me feel even better was, that day they had their lunch so well and quick. they said it tasted so good. I thought it wasn't that good. I even needed to put a little more salt actually. may be because they were involved doing it, made it taste different..

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Monday, December 8, 2008
how important do you find birthday is?
what do you do in that time?
whose birthday is most important to you?
penting ngga sih?
apa yang kamu lakukan saat-saat itu?
ulangtahun siapa yang paling penting buatmu?
my birthday is important and not at the same time to me. it's not only something to celebrate, but also a time for me to take a look at myself for a while and see, what have I been doing in my life?
ulang tahunku sendiri sih penting ngga penting. bukan sekedar sesuatu untuk dirayakan, tapi jadi waktu untuk berhenti dan melihat diriku sendiri barang sesaat, dan mencari tahu, apa yang sudah kulakukan seumur hidupku?
the most important birthday, would be my children's, then husband's. I don't know why I put children's first, it just feels that way. because I watched them grow day by day, from their first day until now and hopefully on. I want to see their next and next and next birthdays...
ulang tahun terpenting adalah ulang tahun anak2ku, setelah itu suami. ga tahu kenapa anak2 aku dulukan. ya pokoknya rasanya begitu. masalahnya, aku melihat mereka tumbuh dari hari ke hari, sejak h ari pertama mereka lahir di dunia, sampai sekarang dan mudah-mudahan seterusnya. aku masih ingin melihat ulang tahun mereka yang berikutnya dan berikutnya dan berikutnya...
what about your blog? does it have a birthday? well it should be. but, I don't know is it right or wrong, I didn't pay too much attention to my blog's birthday. I need to look back way there to see when I did my first post.
bagaimana dengan blog anda? punya ulang tahun juga? mestinya begitu. tapi, ngga tahu ini baik atau buruk, aku ngga terlalu peduli dengan ulang tahun blogku. aku musti nengok jauh ke belakang untuk melihat kapan aku pertama kali posting.
my bloggie friend forgetfulone will be celebrating her blog's third anniversary on saturday. wow, three years! I hope some day I will get there. you know, some time I feel so bad mood about blogging, tired and no eager at all to write mine or read my friends'.
temen blogku forgetfulone akan merayakan ulang tahun blognya yang ke tiga sabtu nanti. wow, tiga tahun! mudah-mudahan nanti aku sampai ke sana. tahu kan, kadang-kadang aku bad mood banget dan jenuh blogging. males nulis, males juga baca tulisan orang...
have you noticed that I only blog once a week lately? how do get my passion in blogging back?
I hope I will find a way to. so I can keep blogging and meet friends, share with and learn from other bloggers around the world.
perhatiin ngga, sekarang aku cuma posting di sini seminggu sekali? gimana ya caranya biar semangat ngeblog lagi? mudah2an nanti bisa, jadi aku bisa tetep blogging, ketemu teman, berbagi dan belajar dari blogger lain di seluruh dunia...
happy third blogversary, diane!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Bersih Desa
Aku tinggal di Jawa Tengah. Dari yang kuketahui, bahkan di Jawa sendiri, masing masing daerah punya tradisi yang berbeda.
Speaking about traditions, Indonesia is the place. Thousands ethnics live here, and each has its own traditions.
I live in Central Java. I have learned, that even in Java, every place has their own traditions.
Bersih Desa adalah satu tradisi di kampung tempat kami tinggal. Acara ini diselenggarakan dalam rangka bersyukur pada Tuhan atas segala yang telah diberikannya. Yang harus dicatat, ini bukan acara keagamaan, tapi benar-benar tradisi Jawa.
Bersih Desa is one of the treaditions in the village we live in. This occasion is held as one way to thank God for all His blesses. One thing is important, this is not a religion thing, this is purely Javanese tradition.

Acara ini diadakan setahun sekali, pada waktu-waktu di antara bulan kalender Jawa, Syawal dan Besar. Tahun ini diadakan tanggal 22 Nopember kemarin. Puncak acara adalah pertunjukan wayang kulit semalam suntuk. Lakon untuk kali ini adalah 'Arjuna Syukur'
We do Bersih Desa every year in times between Javanese months Syawal and Besar. This year it was held on last 22 November. The biggest event in Bersih Desa is wayang kulit all night show. This time the story was "Arjuna Thank God"
Wayang kulit is a Javanese Traditional puppets show. The puppets are made of bull's leather, and played by an artist called 'dalang'. The performance can not be separated with the javanese orchestra, gamelan. It has hundreds parts of stories, which all are fragments of whole story Mahabharata. The story is always about the battle between good (represented by the Pandawa family) and bad (represented by the Kurawa family). And of course, the good always wins.
Aku sih suka nonton wayang. Ngerti juga bahasanya. Cuma ngga tahan ngantuknya, semalam suntuk gitu lho...
I enjoy watching wayang. I also understand although the story is told in Javanese. But I can't stand to stay awake all night long...
Jadi kami sekeluarga cuma nonton pembukaannya, yang isinya cuma omong-omong di dalam istana. Padahal yang seru itu sebenernya 'goro-goro', yaitu ketika para punakawan beraksi, dan saat-saat terakhir di dini hari ketika tiba saatnya perang. Kalo dalangnya pinter... wayangnya bisa lompat dan jungkir balik berakrobat, asyik banget...
So I and Dan took the children to the show just to see the beginning part. The best parts were usually played at mid night, 'goro-goro', it's when the punakawan (some kind of clowns) perform and entertain us with jokes; and at dawn when the battle began. If the dalang is expert, the wayang will jump and roll like doing acrobats... so cool..
Ngga papa lah, yang penting anak-anak bisa kenal, kita punya kesenian tradisional yang hebat...
It's OK, at least I can show my children, that in this modern life we're living, there still is a great traditional culture we try to maintain...

and photo story Friday

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Thursday, November 27, 2008
PSF: stop global warming
How much are you concerned about the issue?
seberapa peduli kah dirimu tentang isu yang satu ini?
Ibit read about it in her kid magazine, BOBO. Since then she always tried her best to save the earth from global warming. One of her action is reducing plastic trash.
Ibit membaca tentang itu di majalah BOBO. sejak itu dia selalu berusaha untuk menyelamatkan bumi dari global warming. salah satuya adalah mengurangi timbunan sampah plastik.
Yesterday we need to go to a market and shop some stuff. She told me to bring our own bag and refuse to use plastic bags the store would give.
kemarin kami belanja kebutuhan harian. dia memintaku untuk membawa tas sendiri dan jangan mau dikasih plastik dari tokonya
That isn’t something we usually do. This is what the stores give us to bring our stuffs home.
tentu saja ini bukan hal biasa. biasanya toko akan memberikan ini untuk membawa belanjaan pulang
But Ibit thought it will add plastic litter on earth.
tapi kata Ibit itu akan menambah sampah plastik di bumi
“I’m afraid of global warming”, she said, “The ice in the north pole will melt, the sea water level will increase, and we will be drown in it. We have to save our earth”
"aku takut dengan global warming". katanya, "es di kutub utara akan mencair, muka air laut akan naik. lalu kita tenggelam. kita harus menyelamatkan bumi"
I told her to tell the cashier what she wanted to do. And she did. So we didn’t litter this time, because Ibit brought her own bag, and insisted to just put the milk box in the trolley without plastic bag.
jadi aku minta dia untuk bicara ke kasir tentang keinginannya. dan dia mau. jadi kali ini kami tidak nyampah, karena Ibit bawa tas sendiri, dan dia ngotot untuk langsung meletakkan box susu di troli tanpa tas plastik
“We can put in the car baggage, thank you”, she said.
"biar nanti langsung kami taruh di bagasi saja", katanya.
The cashier smiled. I didn’t know what she thought and I didn’t try to explain either. I’m glad I can let Ibit do some thing she thinks is important for the earth.
kasirnya senyum-senyum aja. aku ngga tahu apa yang dia pikirkan, dan enggak juga pengin kasih penjelasan. aku senang bisa membiarkan Ibit merasa telah berbuat sesuatu untuk menyelamatkan bumi
It may sound simple. But think, if everybody in the world thinks and does the some. Would it still be simple?
mungkin kedengarannya sederhana. tapi coba, kalau semua orang di dunia berpikir dan berbuat sama. ngga simple lagi kan?

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Wordful Wednesday - bau kertas terbakar...
last monday, at about 10.30 in my office

'pak, yang bener aja dong, kalau buang puntung rokok jangan di tempat sampah!'
'aku ngga ngrokok...'
'oh please, you shouldn't put you cigarettes in the trash basket'
'I wasn't smoking...'
'kebakaran... turun semua... kebakaran...!!'
'fire... everybody get down... FIRE!!'
aku masih bengong di tempat dudukku. tapi kulihat dari arah dapur mulai mengepul asap putih. spontan hal pertama yang kulakukan menyambar laptop di mejaku dan menjejalkannya asal-asalan ke wadahnya. untung ngga lagi tak sambung adaptor. aku langsung menyusul yang lain keluar ruangan. tapi baru sampai pintu tangga balik lagi, HP dan kacamata ketinggalan. udah turun hampir sampai lantai 2, balik lagi, kepikiran uang tabungan teman-teman di laciku.
I sat stiffed there on my seat. but then I saw from the kitchen some smoke started to spread into our room. my first reaction was grabbing my laptop, put it in its case, and went eith the other employees ran out the door. I almost got to the emergency stair when I realized I've left my phone and glasses. so I turned back to take them. but again, after few steps down stair, I remember I left some amount of money in my drawer. I turned back again
saat itu ruanganku sudah penuh asap, dan aku sempat melihat nyala api (warnanya oranye...) di arah dapur.
that time my room was filled with smoke, and I saw the fire at the kitchen
sayang ngga kepikiran moto oranye-oranye itu. boro-boro... aku udah gemeteran menyeret ranselku yang tiba-tiba terasa lebih berat dari biasanya, dan asapnya mulai hitam pekat dan seperti mengejar aku yang lari sepanjang lorong ke arah tangga darurat.
too bad, I didn't even think to take a picture of it. I was too afraid and trembly dragging my backpack that suddenly felt heavier than it usually was. and the smoke was turning to dark and like chasing me running along the corridor to the emergency stair.
kupikir aku ini pemberani. paling tidak cukup berani untuk berhenti sebentar ambil foto api atau asap. blehh...!! :P.
ternyata aku cuma bisa ikut yang lain, lari menyelamatkan diri (dan harta karun) keluar gedung.
I thought I was a brave girl. at least brave enough to stop for a while and took a picture of the fire or smoke.. bbbllhhh... :P
all I did was just ran to save my self (and my treasure) out the building.
alhamdulillah, pemadam kebakaran cepat datang. api bisa dilokalisir di tempat asalnya, belum sempat menjalar ke mana-mana. diduga penyebabnya adalah hubungan arus pendek. terima kasih pak pemadam, anda keren banget... :)
alhamdulillah, the firefighters soon came. the fire was blocked at the location where it started and didn't spread out any farther. they said it was caused by an electricity short cut. thanks to the firefighters, you are so cool.... :)
Friday, November 21, 2008
I'm grateful for everything Allah has given to me.

My life.
My job.
My family.
My laugh.
My tears.
My health.
My wealth.
Even if the ocean is the ink
and the earth and the sky are the papers
it will never be enough for me to write on
all His blesses on me.
for sundayscribblings
and photo story Friday

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I can not wait to be grown up...
few days ago I was bathing Ir. he looked at his bapak's shaver and asked,
'what's that?'
'to clean beards and mustaches with?'
'and put some foam on the chin before doing it?'
'when I grew up, will I have beard and mustache?'
'and I'll shave using it'
beberapa hari yang lalu aku ketika sedang memandikan Ir, dia menunjuk ke alat cukur bapaknya dan bertanya,
'itu untuk apa, Bu?'
'membersihkan jenggot dan kumis?"
'dan dagunya dikasih sabun dulu?"
nanti kalau aku sudah dewasa, aku akan punya jenggot dan kumis?'
'lalu bercukur pake itu...'
last night, I let my twin clean up and brush their tooth together before bed. suddenly... "OOUCH!!!"
'what is that?', I asked
the bathroom door was opened, 'Ir shaved his beard', Ar said...
semalam, aku biarkan Ar dan Ir cuci tangan kaki dan sikat gigi bareng sebelum tidur. tiba-tiba... "ADDUHH!!"
'apa itu?', tanyaku
pintu kamar mandi terbuka, 'Ir bercukur', kata Ar...
Thursday, November 6, 2008
what is the best moment of your life?

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
ga bisa jawab. bukannya ga punya momen special. banyak malah. dan semuanya berharga, tidak bisa disebut satu yang paling.
But would you agree with me, If I say that one of those precious moment is my wedding?
tapi setuju ngga, kalau aku bilang salah satu special moment itu adalah pernikahan?
I'm not telling about my wedding this time. It's my youngest brother's. It was held last Sunday.
Days before the day was full of nervousness, panic, worries... He kept asking about this and that. Made sure that everything was ok, every thing was well prepared. He didn't want to dissapoint any one, including himself.I
aku tidak akan bercerita soal pernikahanku di sini. tapi tentang pernikahan adik bungsuku yang dilaksanakan minggu lalu. hari-hari sebelum hari H dia kelihatan gugup. panik. khawatir. selalu bertanya ini itu. memastikan semua siap. tidak ingin mengecewakan siapa pun, termasuk dirinya sendiri.
The seconds before the time... did the nervousness raise up?
You bet...
detik-detik menjelang saatnya, makin gugup?



Everybody cried during the moment.. Well may be not every body. But I surely did.
semua orang menangis sepanjang prosesi. ga semua ding, tapi aku jelas..
Have a happy marriage, Bot and Lin!
semoga bahagia Bot dan Lin!
I want to tell how the procession was. But it is too complicated for me to translate to English. You can see how basically islamic matrimonial ceremony is here
I don't have a specific picture of the form of dowry of Bot and Lin's wedding. So here it is, I cropped from their aqad picture. 2 dinars and 11 dirhams.

Monday, November 3, 2008
Harus buru-buru. Aku harus sampai kantor jam 07.00. Dan menyetir keluar gerbang block. Ibit masih di sana menunggu mobil jemputan sekolahnya.
"Has she passed by?" I asked.
Ibit shook her head. Quite late. Bu Retno usually passed by not mere than 06.25
"Bu Retno sudah lewat?", tanyaku
Ibit menggeleng. Agak telat. BIasanya Bu Retno lewat sebelum 06.25.
"Should we drive her to school?", I asked Dan.
"You'll be late"
"Let me be late. Let's drive Ibit first"
"Kita antar Ibit dulu?", aku tanya Dan.
"Nanti kamu telat"
"Biar aja"
So I told Ibit to get into the car. Just about 10 seconds later, the school car came by.
"That's Bu Retno, Bit. Get down and go with her. So we both won't be late. Hurry up", I said.
Dan stopped and Ibit got down, and run back to where she used to wait for the car.
Kusuruh Ibit naik ke mobil. Tapi baru jalan 10 detik, datang mobilnya Bu Retno.
"Itu Bu Retno, Bit. Kamu ikut dia aja ya, jadi Ibu juga ga telat. Sana cepat", kataku.
Dan berhenti, Ibit turun dan lari balik mengejar mobil jemputannya.
We moved again, but then I told Dan to turn back.
"Do you think Bu Retno would turn back and pick up Ibit, or go on and out of the block through other gate?"
"I waved my hand to her, she saw me"
"Don't you think she might thought that Ibit has gone to school with us?"
Kami jalan lagi, tapi aku minta Dan balik.
"Menurutmu, Bu Retno akan balik dan ambil Ibit, atau bablas dan keluar perumahan lewat jalan lain?"
"Aku sudah melambaikan tangan, dia lihat aku"
"Mungkin ngga, dia justru berpikir Ibit kita antar?"
So Dan turned the car around, "You will really be late"
"I don't care"
Akhirnya Dan berputar, "Kamu akan benar-benar terlambat"
"Aku ngga peduli"
And there she was. Ibit sat on the same place she was., tears were on her face.
"Come on up. We'll drive you to school", Dan told her to get in.
She got in the car and wipe her tears.
Itu dia, duduk di tempat dia biasa menunggu Bu Retno, matanya berair.
"Ayo, Bapak anter", Dan menyuruhnya naik.
Dia masuk mobil dan menghapus air matanya.
"Hey, why are you crying? What's up? Ain't Bu Retno going to turn around and pick you?"
"She will"
"Then why you cry?"
She smiled, and I shouldn't have asked why. I know being driven by us is a special thing to her. She almost got it, then almost lost it... but she got it back!
"Hey, kenapa nangis? Bu Retno nanti muter jemput kamu atau bablas sih?"
"Jadi kenapa nangis?"
Ibit tersenyum, dan harusnya aku tak usah bertanya. Aku tahu, diantar oleh Bapak atau Ibunya adalah hal istimewa buat dia. Dia baru saja hampir mendapatkannya, tiba-tiba hampir kehilangannya, tapi akhirnya mendapatkannya lagi.
I'm glad I decided to turn around...
Untung aku memutuskan untuk balik...
Friday, October 31, 2008
how did I look in 80's?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
x-ray and infra-red
Cerita berawal hari Senin kemarin. Ibit baru pulang sekolah, aku masih di kantor. Dia menelepon sambil nangis dan matur bahwa tangan terpuntir ketika sedang main dengan temannya. Sikunya sakit, dia tidak bisa menggerakkan dan menekuk tangannya, dan tidak bisa ganti baju, bahkan membawa ranselnya.
I got home and found her still crying in her bed. She wore the shirt incompletely. Her left body was not covered. I touched her elbow and she screamed. I touch her waist and screamed again. It looked hurt so bad I almost cry seeing it.
Aku pulang dan menemukan dia sedang menangis di tempat tidurnya. pakai bajunya ngga sempurna, cuma masuk lengan kanannya, yang kiri tidak bisa. Aku pegang sikunya dia menjerit. Aku pegang pergelangannya dia menjerit. Kelihatannya sakit banget.
There is a physiotherapist who lives not too far from our house. I brought her there and ask him what was wrong with Ibit. He couldn’t tell. He told us to take an x-ray photo to see if there was any trouble with the bones. So we right away went to a clinic for that.
Didekat rumah kami ada seorang fisioterapis. Aku bawa Ibit ke sana dan bertanya kira-kira kenapa tangannya, Beliau belum berani bilang atau berbuat sesuatu. Ibit diminta foto rontgen dulu untuk melihat apa yang terjadi, siapa tahu ada retak tulang. Akhirnya kami pergi ke klinik untuk itu.
According to the photo, Ibit bones were fine. But why did it hurt so badly?
The physiotherapist said it must be the tendon which was wounded. Then he started to give it some massages and infra-red light. He moved Ibit’s lower arm slowly in and out. Ibit some time still screamed when it hurt, and he would stop and start from beginning again. It took almost one hour for that first day. He said she might need at least six times therapy. But she can stop if she gets better before six times.
Kata fisioterapisnya, tendonnya yang terluka. Dia mulai memberikan pijatan dan ifra merah. Tangan Ibit digerakkan naik turun perlahan. Kadang Ibit menjerit, maka gerakkannya dihentikan sebentar, lalu mulai lagi. Terapi pertama itu hampir satu jam lamanya. Katanya, Ibit perlu paling tidak enam kali terapi. Tapi kalau sudah membaik sebelum itu, kami boleh stop.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
Senin, Selasa, Rabu, Kamis.
This morning, I was having my bath. Somebody knocked the door and I opened it to peak a little. It was Ibit who just woke up. She smiled and showed me her left arms, and swing it up and down. “No more hurts”, she said.
Pagi ini, aku sedang mandi. Seseorang mengetuk pintu kamar mandi, aku buka sedikit dan mengintip. Ternyata Ibit yang baru bangun tidur. Dia tersenyum dan menunjukkan tangan kirinya, diayun naik turun. "Nggak sakit lagi", katanya.
Alhamdulillah. She only needed four times therapy to get well. It is still not 100%, but she’s happy now that she can do things like taking bath, dress up, and tie her hair, all by her self.
Alhamdulillah. Dia cuma butuh empat kali terapi untuk sembuh. Belum 100% sih, tapi dia kelihatan bahgaia sekali bisa melakukan banyak hal sendiri lagi.
Dan aku juga senang melihatnya. Aku bener-bener ngga tahan waktu melihat dia menangis beberapa hari yang lalu. Sssst... sebenarnya aku malah hampir pingsan waktu nungguin dia terapi. Penakut. Tapi aku berusaha tidak tunjukkan di depan Ibit. Aku ingin dia kuat selama terapi, biar cepat sembuh...
Monday, October 27, 2008
atlantic dream land
ada 12 wahana. ceritanya 'dufan' mini mungkin... masing-masing wahana punya harga tiket antara IDR 7500 s/d IDR 20000. tapi kalau mau pake tiket terusan, bisa main sepuasnya di 9 wahana (untuk 3 wahana yg lain tetep harus bayar lagi)
dengan IDR 40.000 di hari minggu dan libur (IDR 30.000 di hari senin-sabtu) akan dapat ini.
have fun with your family. it's located in salatiga, central java. it's only been few weeks established, so it is still fresh and new. I brought Ar Ir and Ibit there last weekend.
there are 12 items. it is like mini dunia fantasi. each items has it's own ticket price between IDR 7500 to IDR 20000. but with IDR 40.000 on sunday and holidays or IDR 30.000 in weekdays for overall tickets you will get this
and you can splash splash here
kolam renang (swimming pol)
or slide here
scream here
jet coaster
or here
circular track
or pose here (halah!)
apa ini namanya...?
what is this?
drive speedy here
ATV (lupa kepanjangannya apa)
ini juga bukan ar ir ur atau bapaknya... asal jepret aja :D
those are not Ar Ir and their Bapak. I don't know who they are, I just took a shot like that.. :D
or hit and run here
boom boom car
ada lebih lagi buat anak anak....
and there are more for the kids..
relax here
spin around here
carrousel aka komidi putar
climb up here
arena outbond
or here
while the kids busy playing, parents can take some photos like this.. :D
the other 3 games that we should buy indpendent tickets are game center, flying fox, dan battery car. no pictures of them. the kids didn't play there because I thought IDR 40.000 each was enough :D
wah... capek tapi seneng! lebih teteg maen ke sini daripada ke wonderia...
tired, but fun. this is way better then wonderia!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
my little book worm
is she?
well may be. she really likes to read. this is what she does when she's out of something to read: go to an online kids magazine web and print some short stories.
apa iya?
ya... mungkin. yang aku tahu dia suka sekali baca. ini yang dia lakukan kalau kehabisan bahan bacaan: klik ke BOBO-online dan ngeprint cerpen.

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek