Friday, December 19, 2008

'late' is my middle name

'terlambat' adalah nama tengahku

for this week's sundayscribblings prompt:


in the office where I work, there is a morning briefing at 07.00, and every employee has to attend. now imagine. I live about 20 km away, and going through morning traffic jam, I need at least 45 minutes to get there.
di kantor tempat aku bekerja, ada apel setiap jam 07.00 pagi, dan setiap karyawan harus hadir. sekarang bayangkan. aku tinggal kira-kira 20 km jauhnya, dan dengan kemacetan pagi hari, butuh paling tidak 45 menit untuk sampai ke kantor.

means, I have to get out of my house at least at 06.15. but, I'm a lazy one. I usually get out my house at 06.20 or more. so it is a fortune if I could get to my office before the briefing begins.
artinya, aku harus berangkat paling tidak jam 06.15. tapi aku ini anak malas. biasanya aku baru keluar rumah jam 06.20. jadi beruntung sekali kalau aku bisa sampe kantor sebelum jam 07.00.

is it ok for me to miss the briefing? off course not. some important things are announced here, and I've missed some, because I was late. I try to go earlier, but my best is at least once being late in a week.
apakah terlambat apel tidak jadi masalah buatku? bukan begitu. ada beberapa hal penting yang disampaikan di apelan. beberapa kali aku tidak tahu, karena terlambat apel. aku sudah coba sih untuk berangkat agak pagian lagi. tapi hasil terbaikku adalah, telat sekali dalam seminggu.

I never make a full presence in morning briefings during my five workdays. does my boss mad at me? you bet. I'm not a discipline girl, I know. so I try to pay my 'late' by working as hard as I can after I get to the office. does it work?
aku belum pernah berhasil hadir apel pagi seminggu full. bossku marah ngga padaku? ya pastilah. aku tahu aku bukan anak yang disiplin. jadi aku mencoba membayar keterlambatanku dengan bekerja sebaik-baiknya begitu aku sampai di kantor. berhasil?

almost :D
hampir :D


Are You Serious! said...

♥ That's a long drive and and early wake up call! I get up at 6:30 and that's to dang early! I can't imagine having to wake up at 5 or so every morning! :)

Roan said...

I understand long drives to work. It's hard not to be late.

linda may said...

I hate getting up early too, not so much in summer, but I hate it in winter, especially when it is still dark. Tomorrow I have to be on the other side of the city at 8.30 after about a 45 minute drive,yucky. At least it isn't winter.

Forgetfulone said...

It seems like no matter how hard I try, I am a couple of minutes late almost every day. I don't mind except on mornings in which meetings are scheduled.

Linda Jacobs said...

That's a long haul every morning! I'd be tired before I got to work! I can see why you are late.

Tumblewords: said...

Those are long days, for sure! I'd be late, too, probably, or not very happy!

Anonymous said...

Too early for me to get up, too. Wish your day started later. I think it's responsible of you to offer to work later in the day to make up for arriving late.