is she?
well may be. she really likes to read. this is what she does when she's out of something to read: go to an online kids magazine web and print some short stories.
apa iya?
ya... mungkin. yang aku tahu dia suka sekali baca. ini yang dia lakukan kalau kehabisan bahan bacaan: klik ke BOBO-online dan ngeprint cerpen.

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
That is fantastic. It's never too early to develop a love of reading.
And I'm not even a teacher.
i love that she takes that kind of initiative! How cool is that?!
When you love to read, you can go anywhere, be anything, or do anything you wish..within the words of a story..
May she always have a love for reading..
A love for reading is fantastic! And so creative about getting online to find more. HAPPY PSF!
That's great! And excellent way to start :)
That is so neat that she does this.
My 7 year old is really getting into reading too! It is fun to see their passion! Happy PSF!! :)
Wow, I think this is a great sign so young!
Oh, a girl after my own heart. I'm a book worm through and through.
now that's too cute! a strong reader will go far. mine don't like to read as much now that they're older, but they are both very strong readers, and have been so from an early age. it's really helped.
Good for her. I hope she never loses that interest.
What a great idea! And what a problem solver. She'll never completely run out of something to read now.
She is my kind of girl! My Mother used to make me go outside, because I'd just sit in a corner and real all day, every day!
reading is an excellent past time! love to read now I read alot of blogs and not so many books! :)
once a reader always a reader..fantastic!
set dah, bule kabeh sing komen ck ck ck :P
Wow, that is so cute. Pretty impressive also.
My 4 year old is cracking me up. She thinks she can "write", now that she can draw a few letters.
♥ How great! Emma loves to read also. Now I just need to work on my others and get them ready for school and reading! :)
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