Wednesday, October 8, 2008

cerita seram

scary story

di perjalanan pulang dari embah sehabis acara pertemeuan keluarga di hari ketiga idul fitri..
on our way home from family reunion on day 3 idul fitri...

udah masuk maghrib, dan anak2 kayanya boring banget di mobil. untungnya ibit punya ide seru, mereka akan bergantian telling scary story...
it's getting dark, and the kids seem bored sitting in the car. fortunately Ibit had an idea, they should tell scary story

cerita pertama dari Ibit. dia menceritakan kembali salah satu novel thriller anak anak yang pernah dibacanya. adik-adiknya lumayan dibikin ketakutan, apalagi aku nambahin sound efffect.. (yang tulisannya di-italic itu aku)
first story by Ibit. She retold a kid thriller story she read. her brothers seem got goosebumped... more over with the sound effect I added. (the italized words is me)

laudia dan nadya memasuki rumah itu
belum ibu….!!!!
lalu terdengarlah suara itu

ibu, ayo suaranya…
ho.. ho.. ho..
bukan… yang tadi…
uhuk.. uhuk.. uhuk..
bukaaa..n.. yang tadi yang mirip hantu beneran…


laudia and nadya entered the empty house...
ee... hee...hee
Ibu... not yet..


and then they hear that voice
Ibu... the voice.. the voice..
ho.. ho.. ho..
no not that... the voice you made before...
ough.. ough..
Ibu... that lady ghost voice.. you sound so much like her.. c'mon do it again..


cerita kedua dari Ar, sepertinya murni dari khayalannya. deskripsinya tentang hantu bener2 menyeramkan...
the second turn was Ar. he told something from his imagination I think, and his description of ghost was pretty scary...

hantu itu menempel di pohon
matanya yang satu merem, yang satunya lagi bolong

eh, ngga
bibirnya… mm..
bibirnya… uh..
ngga ada

ngga ada bibir dan hidungnya…


the ghost sticked to a tree
his left eye was closed, and the right one is a hole
his mouth is...

ah, no
his mouth is..
his mouth is..
not there

no mouth and nose


cerita ketiga dari Ir, berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi, cerita waktu dia main di game fantasia...
last turn was Ir, he told a story based upon his experience when he went to a play ground

suatu hari aku pergi ke game fantasia
lalu aku main pancing-pancingan

tiba-tiba pancinganku gerak-gerak sendiri, padahal ngga ada orang
lalu … pyuk!!
airnya nyiprat ke mukaku…

*dan ini komentar Ar: serem itu?*

one day I went to game fantasia
I played fishing

suddenly my fish hook moved, while there was no one there
and... pyukk!!
the water splashed to my face

*Ar commented: is that scary?*

ooh... siapa sangka anak-anakku ternyata pendongeng yang hebat?
ooh.. who ever thought that my children are great story tellers?


Are You Serious! said...

♥ That is so cute! I love their stories, and the sound affects! :)

The Burp Cloth Babe said...

Adorable...can't wait for my kid to talk...sometimes :)

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Good job kids! Fun pictures!