Monday, October 27, 2008

atlantic dream land

ini tempat rekreasi keluarga, tempatnya di salatiga, jawa tengah. baru berumur beberapa minggu, masih baru gres. hari minggu kemaren hampir seharian di sana.
ada 12 wahana. ceritanya 'dufan' mini mungkin... masing-masing wahana punya harga tiket antara IDR 7500 s/d IDR 20000. tapi kalau mau pake tiket terusan, bisa main sepuasnya di 9 wahana (untuk 3 wahana yg lain tetep harus bayar lagi)
dengan IDR 40.000 di hari minggu dan libur (IDR 30.000 di hari senin-sabtu) akan dapat ini.

have fun with your family. it's located in salatiga, central java. it's only been few weeks established, so it is still fresh and new. I brought Ar Ir and Ibit there last weekend.
there are 12 items. it is like mini dunia fantasi. each items has it's own ticket price between IDR 7500 to IDR 20000. but with IDR 40.000 on sunday and holidays or IDR 30.000 in weekdays for overall tickets you will get this

bisa keceh di sini
and you can splash splash here
kolam renang (swimming pol)

perosotan di sini
or slide here

jejeritan di sini
scream here
jet coaster

atau di sini
or here
circular track

atau pose di sini (halah!)
or pose here (halah!)
apa ini namanya...?
what is this?

kebut-kebutan di sini
drive speedy here
ATV (lupa kepanjangannya apa)

ini juga bukan ar ir ur atau bapaknya... asal jepret aja :D
those are not Ar Ir and their Bapak. I don't know who they are, I just took a shot like that.. :D

tabrak-tabrakan di sini
or hit and run here
boom boom car

ada lebih lagi buat anak anak....
and there are more for the kids..

nyantai di sini
relax here
junior coaster

berpusing-pusing di sini
spin around here
carrousel aka komidi putar

panjat-panjatan di sini
climb up here
arena outbond

atau di sini
or here

sementara sambil nungggu, orang tuanya bisa narsis2an begini...
while the kids busy playing, parents can take some photos like this.. :D

3 wahana lain yang harus bayar lagi adalah game center, flying fox, dan battery car. ga ambil gambarnya, anak-anak ga maen ke sana, wong modalnya ya cuma yang 40 ribu itu tadi... :D
the other 3 games that we should buy indpendent tickets are game center, flying fox, dan battery car. no pictures of them. the kids didn't play there because I thought IDR 40.000 each was enough :D

wah... capek tapi seneng! lebih teteg maen ke sini daripada ke wonderia...
tired, but fun. this is way better then wonderia!


iway disini said...

helppp ada mermaid nyasaarrrrr :P

WheresMyAngels said...

Oh we have stuff like that, but not the fun car riding stuff. I do not like water slides. I felt like i was going to drown going down one a few years ago. I will NEVER go down one again, it was so scary.

But I love the wave pools.

Are You Serious! said...

♥ How FUN!!! It looks like a great time! :)

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

That looks like a great place to spend the day! Wonderful pix too! Love the one of you in the shell! :)

Claremont First Ward said...

How do you stay cool?