tapi ini komentar mbakku: kamu boleh ngga ingin. gimana kalau anaknya yang ingin?
but this is what my sister said: may be you don't but what if they do?
aku selalu dukung Ibit ikut lomba-lomba di Ungaran-Semarang. tapi ikut audisi Idola Cilik?
audisinya aja di yogya. belum lagi kalau lolos (ya ampun pede-nya!) apa ngga harus bolak-balik Semarang Jakarta?
I always supported Ibit to join any singing contest in our city. but joining Idola Cilik? (it's like Indonesian Idol for kids). the audition would be held in Yogya. and if she make it (ugh, like if she would!), means I would have to travel Semarang - Jakarta every weekend.
'aku ingin tau, menurut mereka aku bagus ngga nyanyinya', katanya
'I only want to know, how good they think I sing', she said
ya sudah, masak mau ngga dibolehin? paling-paling juga ngga lolos audisi. (duh, doa yang jelek karena males ngebayangin ribetnya kalau lolos....)
well, would I say 'NO'? I think she wouldn't make it (what a bad prayer of a mom who can not imagine how hard it would be if she does make it)
sudah sering lihat yang beginian di tivi, tapi ngalami sendiri?
as seen on TV, but being a part of it?
as seen on TV, but being a part of it?

capeknya ngantri tiga jam lebih
tired being in three hours waiting in line
tired being in three hours waiting in line

dalam jenuh kami mulai gila-gilaan....
and we started going crazy...
and we started going crazy...

dan ibit senang dapat teman baru
and she was glad to have a new friend
and she was glad to have a new friend

they will let us know if she made it or not tomorrow, by phone. I don't know what to wish better, should she make it or not...
I think it would be a great boost to her confidence if she makes it, but I understand not wanting your child to be a celebrity.
Either way she has made a memory and had an adventure and she will always remember your love and support of her while you let her do what she loves!!! Very impressive for you to give her that gift inspite of your fears for her.
haduuhhhh, syang ga pernah nonton rcti, lolos ga lolos semoga jadi pengalaman tak terlupakan dan bisa jadi pembelajaran :D
salam buat ibit, kok ga pernah ngeblog lagee
wah, foto2nya udah mulai tayang... si ibuk memang rajin ya Bit? :D
love it - great ww
Either way, what a great bunch of memories she has!!!
Oh, what a fun experience for her.. I am a firm believer in everything happens for a reason..
Good Luck in whatever you guys decide to do..
You're a great Mom for taking her, either way! I've loved reading a little about your life!
What a great mom you are.......what a lot of people! Either way, I'm sure it was a great experience, one she'll never forget!
I think it would be an awesome experience for her if she makes it, but I can also understand the whole I dont want my kids to be a celebrity.
how great. keep us posted.
How exciting for her.... and maybe nerve racking for you both! Wow just for her to have the confidence to try for it! I could never have done that! Looking forward to hearing the results!
I had to back track because I had missed this one.
How exciting and so frightening!
♥ How exciting for her! I think I'd feel the same way as you though! :)
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