Monday, October 29, 2007


It's raining now. It's been raining since the latest days of ramadhan. Not everyday, but rain has wetted the soil, and it smells so good.
When I was in school, I learned that rain should fall between October-April. Climate has slide a bit I guess. I remember my first child was born in August. In her age of two months I was busy wash n drying her clothes and layette, it was starting rainy around September.
The good thing of this late rain season is, we finished repairing our roof. I can not imagine if it is still open and rain falls... The window on the east sides isn't finish yet, so some water poured in last night. I put a curtain to make the water flow down to the floor, and catch it with some mop-cloth. Alhamdulillah the rain wasn't too long. I will have the handyman to finish it today.
I can't wait to see the rainbow in Ibit's room...

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