Monday, October 29, 2007


Whuah!!!! Great Iedul Fitri

Ied was great. Our family together. I can see my parents are happy. Ibu, as usual got hypertention. Her 10 grandchildren has brighten up the house, and ruining it at the same time. Ho.. ho.. they ran here and there. They fought, they laughed, they cried, they yelled, they scream...

Ied at my husband's family couldn't get any 'worse'. We visit every body who has relation with my parents in law. I always had trouble to remember who is whose who. Alhamdulillah, this is my eightth years doing this, I think I get better each year :)).

My First day work
Which was 22 October. I was overloaded with jobs I left for two weeks during Ied holiday. I sat in front of my computer all day long. I really had no time to peek any pages other than my job. I even got home after maghrib, tired. Everything was should be ready by, as usual, ‘this afternoon’. It was painful all over my body, stiff in every joint and muscle, ooooohhhhh. I got home to take bathe and go straight to my bed… This happened for the whole week. :(

My First aerobic - after almost two months off
It was a low low low low low impact, done in my first Friday morning at work, in the backyard of my office. Felt so hard, but I felt fresh after doing it. Sweat was good. Stretches has loosen my muscles. Steps have relieved my stress. Tired of having exercise is fun, much better than working …:)

My First Swim – after at least two months off
I used to do at least 200m. Not much, but that’s my portion. But this time, I gave up before 100. My chest was like pressed. I couldn’t control my breath. I was even twisted, couldn’t control my balance…

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