
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
kalau kau punya seseorang, yang telah bersamamu sejak kau bahkan masih berbentuk zygot, bisakah kau bayangkan bagaimana berartinya dia buatmu?
if you had someone, who has been with you since you were a zygote, how much he/she would mean to you?
dia jadi orang terakhir yang kau lihat sebelum tidur. orang pertama yang kau temukan ketika bangun. waktu berumur dua tahun, kau bahkan mengira bayanganmu di cermin adalah dia. dia jadi temanmu bicara sejak kau bisa saling melihat, saling bersuara. dia adalah teman bermainmu yang kau bawa dari rahim ibumu.
he/she is the last one you see before sleep at night. the first you see when you wake up int the morning. even when you were two years old, you thought the reflection in the mirror was him/her. he/she has becamoe the one you talked to since the time you both could see each other, and hear each other's voice. he/she is a company you brought from your mother's uterus.
aku sih merasa sudah berusaha menciptakan perbedaan. dari hal yang paling mendasar (umum?) tentang anak kembar: baju. bahkan sejak bayi, sejak mereka belum peduli apa yang mereka kenakan, aku membelikan baju yang berbeda. tidak pernah benar-benar sama. beda warna sama bentuk, atau sama warna beda bentuk. atau beda sama sekali.
I feel I have done my best creating differences. from the basic (general) thing about twin: clothes. even since they were babies, when they didn't even care what they wore, I gave them different clothes. never exactly the same.
toh kembarku masih saja seperti mimi lan mintuna. ke mana- mana berdua. kalau kumpul berantem, tapi kalau pisah nyari. dibeliin dua kasur, akhirnya cuma satu juga yang kepake.
but still my twin boys are like two-in-one. they go everywhere together. they some times fight but can not stand to be away from each other. I bought them two beds, but they use only one.
jadi kemarin aku dan Danang bikin percobaan. mengajak pergi Ar saja, meninggalkan Ir dan Ibit di rumah. dengan perjanjian, akan digilir di antara mereka siapa yang diajak, satu satu saja. Ibit sempat protes waktu kubilang dia dapat giliran terakhir. tapi ketika kujelaskan proyek apa yang sedang kami kerjakan, dia mengerti (anak manis...)
so Dan and I made an experiment few days ago. we took Ar to go with us and left Ir and Ibit at home. with an agreement, every one will get their turn to go with us next coming days. Ibit protested for being the last turn. but when I explained why we are doing this, she totally understood (what a sweet girl..)
awalnya Ar sangat antusias, membayangkan bersenang-senang diajak pergi sendirian. tapi...
mobil baru berjalan kira-kira seratus meter, dia mendekat ke depan dan bertanya.
at the beginning, Ar was so excited and imagined of how fun to go with us, alone. but... only about 300 yards away from our house, he moved closer to us and asked:
Ar: kenapa Ir tidak diajak?
Dan: lain kali, gantian
Ar: kasihan Ir
Dan: Ir ngga papa kok, dia mau pergi giliran kedua minggu depan
mata Ar berkaca-kaca
aku: bukannya enak diajak pergi?
Ar: ngga enak kalau ngga ada Ir...
Ar: why do we have to leave Ir at home?
Dan: his turn will come
Ar: poor Ir
Dan: Ir is okay. he will go with us next week
Ar's eyes were watering
me: isn't it great to go with us, alone?
Ar: it's not great without Ir
kami bukan pergi ke mana-mana. cuma ke warung minum es kelapa muda dan jus. Ar tidak mau memesan apa-apa. diam menggeletak di bangku. 'aku mau pulang...'
tapi kami menahan untuk beberapa saat. ya... paling tidak sampai habis minuman yang kami pesan. kalau ada Ir, mereka tidak akan mungkin duduk diam. lari, kejar-kejaran, guling-gulingan...
we didn't go nowhere special. only to a cafe for some drinks and juice. Ar didn't order anything. he just lied down on the couch and said, 'I want to go home..'
but we held him for a while, at least until we finish our drinks. when we had Ir with us, they wouldn't be able to sit. they would run here and there chasing, rolling...
Ar mencoba melakukan hal yang sama, sendiri. kelihatannya bosan banget dan sama sekali ngga asik. lalu dia melihat sesuatu dan spontan berteriak' Ir! lihat!'. tapi sadar yang dipanggil tidak ada. dan dia meringkuk di sampingku.
Ar tried to do the same, alone. but it seemed boring and he couldn't enjoy it at all. then he saw something and yelled, 'Ir, look!'. but he realized that the one he called wasn't there. he came to me and cuddled up beside me.
'kamu mau telpon Ir?' tanyaku. dia mengangguk. ya Tuhan, baru satu jam kurang mereka terpisah, kelihatannya tersiksa banget... setelah menelpon, wajahnya sedikit dihiasi senyum. ketika tau mau pulang, matanya berbinar-binar.
'do you want to call Ir?' I asked. he nodded. oh my God, it was less than one hour and he looked so horrible. after the call, he could smile a little. when it was time to go home, his eyes were shining...
sampai di rumah, Ir sudah tidur. Ar sendiri tidak bisa langsung tidur dengan masih memakai baju 'pergi'. sengantuk apa pun dia akan ganti dengan baju rumah yang udah kumel dan bolong-bolong tapi adem. dia berdiri di samping kasur sambil memakai bajunya. memandangi 'cermin'-nya yang sudah lelap, sambil berkaca-kaca.
when we got home, Ir was already asleep. Ar change his clothes next to the bed and staring at his sleeping sound mirror, with eyes watering...
aku ingin tahu bagaimana kalau tiba giliran Ir yang nanti diajak pergi...
I wonder how is it gonna be when Ir's turn come...
Ibit juga menulis tentang ini di blognya
Ibit also wrote about this on her blog.
duh, anak kembar bisa sampe segitunya ya La
*eh aku belum pernah ketemu sama Ar & Ir, hiks*
saya membacanya jadi trenyuh.
kalian terasa kejam jadinya :)
jangan mengujicoba hal aneh macam itu lagi ah,
kasian mereka ..
♥ That's sweet. My twins a Livvy do that only if they know that they aren't going to see each other for a little bit. Like when we were looking for a house and Eliza had to stay with us and the other 3 went to grandma's. Other than that they really enjoy the one on one time with which ever parent... :)
My kids do the same things...they fight like they'd rather eat glass than be in the same room but they miss each other when they are apart too long.
Sweet snap of your little one!!
Awe, such a sweet story! I think it's wonderful that they are so close. What an amazing life they will lead, having each other to lean on.
Awwwwww how sweetly twins love each other. I remember the first time EmmaLece went with Grandma and Grandpa without Scott he was really having a hard time with it.
I think that's a great experiment! I can only imagine how strange it was for him not having his twin there. My two (even though they're a boy and girl) would react in a similar way. Not now, but at that age.
This is so sweet. Poor little guy.
That is so sweet! My kids enjoy their one on one time with us, but sure do miss each other when they are away from each other for a day or two.
Great story! My oldest was on the east coast for a week.....she and her sister have been so sweet to each other since she returned.
Oh, now I need to know how Ir's turn goes! Poor thing!
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