my kids are small, compared to the kids of their ages. especially Ibit.
anak-anakku kecil, jika dibandingkan dengan teman-teman sebayanya.
when I knew that Ar and Ir had to hold the bass drums in their drum band group at school, I protested the teacher:
"my boys are small, maam. basses are way too heavy for them"
waktu aku tahu bahwa Ar dan Ir memegang drum bass di grup drum band sekolah, aku protes ke bu guru:
"anak-anak saya itu kecil bu guru. bass itu kan besar, berat"
but this was what they said:
"bass is unique. it has it own beat, not the same with other small drums. it requires a kid with special abilities to play it. and your boys have it"
tapi ini jawabnya:
"bass itu beda. dia punya beat khusus, tidak sama dengan drum-drum kecil. butuh anak dengan ketrampilan khusus untuk bisa memainkannya. Ar Ir yang bisa"
so I totally understood when, at the middle of their show, Ir refused to continue playing.
"I'm tired. this is heavy"
jadi aku maklum banget waktu di tengah pentas Ir mogok main.
"aku capek, berat"
at home, I tried to cheer him up and keep him enthusiast. as what I heard from the teachers, some kids couldn't join the group and their parents complained. I told Ir about that, and how lucky he was to be able to join the band. but this is what he had to say:
"let them hit the bass. I quit"
di rumah, aku mencoba menyemangati dia lagi. seperti kata bu guru, beberapa anak tidak bisa ikut bergabung di grup, dan orang tua mereka sempat protes. aku ceritakan itu ke Ir, dan betapa beruntungnya dia karena bisa ikut kelompok drum band. tapi ini jawabnya:
"ya suruh mereka aja yang mukul bassnya. aku ngga mau lagi"

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
anak-anakku kecil, jika dibandingkan dengan teman-teman sebayanya.
when I knew that Ar and Ir had to hold the bass drums in their drum band group at school, I protested the teacher:
"my boys are small, maam. basses are way too heavy for them"
waktu aku tahu bahwa Ar dan Ir memegang drum bass di grup drum band sekolah, aku protes ke bu guru:
"anak-anak saya itu kecil bu guru. bass itu kan besar, berat"
but this was what they said:
"bass is unique. it has it own beat, not the same with other small drums. it requires a kid with special abilities to play it. and your boys have it"
tapi ini jawabnya:
"bass itu beda. dia punya beat khusus, tidak sama dengan drum-drum kecil. butuh anak dengan ketrampilan khusus untuk bisa memainkannya. Ar Ir yang bisa"
so I totally understood when, at the middle of their show, Ir refused to continue playing.
"I'm tired. this is heavy"
jadi aku maklum banget waktu di tengah pentas Ir mogok main.
"aku capek, berat"
at home, I tried to cheer him up and keep him enthusiast. as what I heard from the teachers, some kids couldn't join the group and their parents complained. I told Ir about that, and how lucky he was to be able to join the band. but this is what he had to say:
"let them hit the bass. I quit"
di rumah, aku mencoba menyemangati dia lagi. seperti kata bu guru, beberapa anak tidak bisa ikut bergabung di grup, dan orang tua mereka sempat protes. aku ceritakan itu ke Ir, dan betapa beruntungnya dia karena bisa ikut kelompok drum band. tapi ini jawabnya:
"ya suruh mereka aja yang mukul bassnya. aku ngga mau lagi"

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Wow I love the video and I can understand about the bass drum been really hevy especialy for soem one so small.
great photo friday
Wow is right!
I played the bass drum in school, and it IS heavy!
Cute kids!
♥ They're so cute! What a great job! Those are huge drums for little kids! :)
You can't say you didn't try to warn the teacher~
Great video. I love the bright colors of their uniforms. My youngest girl wants to play the drums badly.
They did a great job! I played the drums 5th to 10th grade, but I never had to carry the bass and march.... that would be tough. I always got the cymbals.
Wonderful job! The video is really great!
They are so cute, what talent, and my boys would quit too, that thing looks heavy!
My daughter plays drums and the bass is way too heavy for her. Good luck to your kids.
my little sister used to join the band when she's in kindergarten
she played a rather little drum *i forget what we called it*
one day when the band performed in some local carnival, she began to beat her drum with only one hand
when my mum ask her why, she said: "mum, i'm tired, can i just switch with my friends there who bring the flag and just dance??this is heavy!"
after that show, she refused to play at all ahakakakakakaka
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