I was a little ugly duckling in early 80s
I'm just a piece of dandelion seed, that flew with the wind, away from where I used to be, to find a place to belong to, but I won't forget who I was
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
x-ray and infra-red
Cerita berawal hari Senin kemarin. Ibit baru pulang sekolah, aku masih di kantor. Dia menelepon sambil nangis dan matur bahwa tangan terpuntir ketika sedang main dengan temannya. Sikunya sakit, dia tidak bisa menggerakkan dan menekuk tangannya, dan tidak bisa ganti baju, bahkan membawa ranselnya.
I got home and found her still crying in her bed. She wore the shirt incompletely. Her left body was not covered. I touched her elbow and she screamed. I touch her waist and screamed again. It looked hurt so bad I almost cry seeing it.
Aku pulang dan menemukan dia sedang menangis di tempat tidurnya. pakai bajunya ngga sempurna, cuma masuk lengan kanannya, yang kiri tidak bisa. Aku pegang sikunya dia menjerit. Aku pegang pergelangannya dia menjerit. Kelihatannya sakit banget.
There is a physiotherapist who lives not too far from our house. I brought her there and ask him what was wrong with Ibit. He couldn’t tell. He told us to take an x-ray photo to see if there was any trouble with the bones. So we right away went to a clinic for that.
Didekat rumah kami ada seorang fisioterapis. Aku bawa Ibit ke sana dan bertanya kira-kira kenapa tangannya, Beliau belum berani bilang atau berbuat sesuatu. Ibit diminta foto rontgen dulu untuk melihat apa yang terjadi, siapa tahu ada retak tulang. Akhirnya kami pergi ke klinik untuk itu.
According to the photo, Ibit bones were fine. But why did it hurt so badly?
The physiotherapist said it must be the tendon which was wounded. Then he started to give it some massages and infra-red light. He moved Ibit’s lower arm slowly in and out. Ibit some time still screamed when it hurt, and he would stop and start from beginning again. It took almost one hour for that first day. He said she might need at least six times therapy. But she can stop if she gets better before six times.
Kata fisioterapisnya, tendonnya yang terluka. Dia mulai memberikan pijatan dan ifra merah. Tangan Ibit digerakkan naik turun perlahan. Kadang Ibit menjerit, maka gerakkannya dihentikan sebentar, lalu mulai lagi. Terapi pertama itu hampir satu jam lamanya. Katanya, Ibit perlu paling tidak enam kali terapi. Tapi kalau sudah membaik sebelum itu, kami boleh stop.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
Senin, Selasa, Rabu, Kamis.
This morning, I was having my bath. Somebody knocked the door and I opened it to peak a little. It was Ibit who just woke up. She smiled and showed me her left arms, and swing it up and down. “No more hurts”, she said.
Pagi ini, aku sedang mandi. Seseorang mengetuk pintu kamar mandi, aku buka sedikit dan mengintip. Ternyata Ibit yang baru bangun tidur. Dia tersenyum dan menunjukkan tangan kirinya, diayun naik turun. "Nggak sakit lagi", katanya.
Alhamdulillah. She only needed four times therapy to get well. It is still not 100%, but she’s happy now that she can do things like taking bath, dress up, and tie her hair, all by her self.
Alhamdulillah. Dia cuma butuh empat kali terapi untuk sembuh. Belum 100% sih, tapi dia kelihatan bahgaia sekali bisa melakukan banyak hal sendiri lagi.
Dan aku juga senang melihatnya. Aku bener-bener ngga tahan waktu melihat dia menangis beberapa hari yang lalu. Sssst... sebenarnya aku malah hampir pingsan waktu nungguin dia terapi. Penakut. Tapi aku berusaha tidak tunjukkan di depan Ibit. Aku ingin dia kuat selama terapi, biar cepat sembuh...
Monday, October 27, 2008
atlantic dream land
ada 12 wahana. ceritanya 'dufan' mini mungkin... masing-masing wahana punya harga tiket antara IDR 7500 s/d IDR 20000. tapi kalau mau pake tiket terusan, bisa main sepuasnya di 9 wahana (untuk 3 wahana yg lain tetep harus bayar lagi)
dengan IDR 40.000 di hari minggu dan libur (IDR 30.000 di hari senin-sabtu) akan dapat ini.
have fun with your family. it's located in salatiga, central java. it's only been few weeks established, so it is still fresh and new. I brought Ar Ir and Ibit there last weekend.
there are 12 items. it is like mini dunia fantasi. each items has it's own ticket price between IDR 7500 to IDR 20000. but with IDR 40.000 on sunday and holidays or IDR 30.000 in weekdays for overall tickets you will get this
and you can splash splash here
kolam renang (swimming pol)
or slide here
scream here
jet coaster
or here
circular track
or pose here (halah!)
apa ini namanya...?
what is this?
drive speedy here
ATV (lupa kepanjangannya apa)
ini juga bukan ar ir ur atau bapaknya... asal jepret aja :D
those are not Ar Ir and their Bapak. I don't know who they are, I just took a shot like that.. :D
or hit and run here
boom boom car
ada lebih lagi buat anak anak....
and there are more for the kids..
relax here
spin around here
carrousel aka komidi putar
climb up here
arena outbond
or here
while the kids busy playing, parents can take some photos like this.. :D
the other 3 games that we should buy indpendent tickets are game center, flying fox, dan battery car. no pictures of them. the kids didn't play there because I thought IDR 40.000 each was enough :D
wah... capek tapi seneng! lebih teteg maen ke sini daripada ke wonderia...
tired, but fun. this is way better then wonderia!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
my little book worm
is she?
well may be. she really likes to read. this is what she does when she's out of something to read: go to an online kids magazine web and print some short stories.
apa iya?
ya... mungkin. yang aku tahu dia suka sekali baca. ini yang dia lakukan kalau kehabisan bahan bacaan: klik ke BOBO-online dan ngeprint cerpen.
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Thursday, October 16, 2008
'good morning , ibu...'
'good morning honey... '
'did they call?'
I shoke my head. she cuddled up in my arms. silent.
she nod
'I'm okay'
long before ramadhan, she called me one afternoon when I was still in office
'Ibu, will you buy my the CD of Idola Cilik?'
and the first thing she did was unwrapped it and : 'yes! here it is'
'Idola Cilik audition form'
'you want to join it?'
'may I?'
may she? I never wanted to introduce my kids to entertainment world... I supported her to join any singing contest. trembling and watering seeing her performing. heartbeating during announcement. happy to see her shining receiving awards.
'so may I join the audition?'
'what for, you want to be on TV?'
'I want to sing better'
'you can take a lesson'
'I want to have friends. there are no girls in the neighborhood'
'friends you could find there would live even further'
she looked at me. I could see her 'want' was so big, but she didn't know how to convince me to let her join the audition.
'there will be sooooo many participants'
'I know'
'and they sing sooooo good as you've seen on TV'
'I know. and I want to know if the judges in the audition think I sing good or not'
so I let her do. I wasn't as enthusiast as she was. I can't imagine how hard it would be if she makes it. I and Dan both work, and I don't know how to manage time to accompany her to go to Jakarta every weekend.
I believe prayers of a mother is mostly answered. and I don't know which prayer HE would answer. I feel so guilty because at the beginning I wished she doesn't make it, just because I can't imagine the followings...
but I saw her wanted it so much. I can't let my self ignore that. so I went with her to the audition. jostled between hundred, may be thousands other participants. calmed her down when she got impatient. cooled her down when she got tired.
'do you really want to make it?'
'yes I do'
'can you imagine the bustle that might happen?'
she stood still for a second, then said, 'I wish you weren't working'
oh that ambition...
'it's six a clock, Bit'
'they said they'd call between six and midnight, ibu. let's just wait....'
after sholat maghrib, she sat on my lap and show me the daily prayers book
'I was looking for a prayer that might make our wish come true'
'did you find it?'
she showed me: a prayer for a wish to come true
'I've read it this afternoon before nap'
'let's read it again, after sholat is a good time to pray'
suddenly I wanted her to make it. suddenly I didn't care if I had to take an off every friday. suddenly I prayed to Allah to give what she wanted. but would HE allow it?
I went to bed holding my cellphone. waiting. at 00.05 I woke up. I might didn't hear the phone rang. so I checked, but there wasn't any missed call. they didn't call.
is she really okay?
is she really not sad?
than why my fussy girl didn't talk so much today?
how deep her disappointment is?
have I supported her enough?
GOD, why did I ever wished for her not to make it....????
forgive me, bit.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
they didn't call
sebenarnya kemaren itu aku berdebar-debar juga, tapi kok ngga ada telpon yang kutunggu-tunggu ya?
usually, if my heart beats during an announcement, Ibit will win the competition. yesterday I felt my heart beat too , but the call we were waiting for... ah, they didn't call us
ya... paling tidak kami sudah mencoba. mungkin memang sebaiknya Ibit tidak jadi artis :D
well. at least we tried. may be she better not be a celeb :D
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
aku ngga ingin anakku jadi artis
tapi ini komentar mbakku: kamu boleh ngga ingin. gimana kalau anaknya yang ingin?
but this is what my sister said: may be you don't but what if they do?
aku selalu dukung Ibit ikut lomba-lomba di Ungaran-Semarang. tapi ikut audisi Idola Cilik?
audisinya aja di yogya. belum lagi kalau lolos (ya ampun pede-nya!) apa ngga harus bolak-balik Semarang Jakarta?
I always supported Ibit to join any singing contest in our city. but joining Idola Cilik? (it's like Indonesian Idol for kids). the audition would be held in Yogya. and if she make it (ugh, like if she would!), means I would have to travel Semarang - Jakarta every weekend.
'aku ingin tau, menurut mereka aku bagus ngga nyanyinya', katanya
'I only want to know, how good they think I sing', she said
ya sudah, masak mau ngga dibolehin? paling-paling juga ngga lolos audisi. (duh, doa yang jelek karena males ngebayangin ribetnya kalau lolos....)
well, would I say 'NO'? I think she wouldn't make it (what a bad prayer of a mom who can not imagine how hard it would be if she does make it)
as seen on TV, but being a part of it?
tired being in three hours waiting in line
and we started going crazy...
and she was glad to have a new friend
they will let us know if she made it or not tomorrow, by phone. I don't know what to wish better, should she make it or not...
Friday, October 10, 2008
silly stupid comic
*I swear this isn't what actually happened. the pictures were taken by an amateur paparazzi which is my brother in law, and not the same order as they are shown here. I rearranged them and put some texts on and... here is a little silly stupid comic.
*sumpah, kejadiannya sama sekali ngga seperti ini. foto-foto ini diambil oleh kakak ipaparazzi, dan urutannya juga ngga begini. ini dipas-pasin dan ditambahin teks dan... jadilah komik konyol ini
udah dong... jangan nangis / kamu ninggalin aku sendiri
maaf... tapi jangan marah gitu dong. lihat, semua orang ngeliatin kita..
maaf? gitu aja? / OK, aku janji besok ngga lagi-lagi
sekarang kita pulang yuu..kk / tapi beliin es krim..
nanti aku akan beliin es krim yang ada di seluruh dunia / lalu kita berenang di dalamnya..
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
cerita seram
di perjalanan pulang dari embah sehabis acara pertemeuan keluarga di hari ketiga idul fitri..
on our way home from family reunion on day 3 idul fitri...
udah masuk maghrib, dan anak2 kayanya boring banget di mobil. untungnya ibit punya ide seru, mereka akan bergantian telling scary story...
it's getting dark, and the kids seem bored sitting in the car. fortunately Ibit had an idea, they should tell scary story
cerita pertama dari Ibit. dia menceritakan kembali salah satu novel thriller anak anak yang pernah dibacanya. adik-adiknya lumayan dibikin ketakutan, apalagi aku nambahin sound efffect.. (yang tulisannya di-italic itu aku)
first story by Ibit. She retold a kid thriller story she read. her brothers seem got goosebumped... more over with the sound effect I added. (the italized words is me)
laudia dan nadya memasuki rumah itu
belum ibu….!!!!
lalu terdengarlah suara itu
ibu, ayo suaranya…
ho.. ho.. ho..
bukan… yang tadi…
uhuk.. uhuk.. uhuk..
bukaaa..n.. yang tadi yang mirip hantu beneran…
laudia and nadya entered the empty house...
ee... hee...hee
Ibu... not yet..
and then they hear that voice
Ibu... the voice.. the voice..
ho.. ho.. ho..
no not that... the voice you made before...
ough.. ough..
Ibu... that lady ghost voice.. you sound so much like her.. c'mon do it again..
the second turn was Ar. he told something from his imagination I think, and his description of ghost was pretty scary...
hantu itu menempel di pohon
matanya yang satu merem, yang satunya lagi bolong
eh, ngga
bibirnya… mm..
bibirnya… uh..
ngga ada
ngga ada bibir dan hidungnya…
the ghost sticked to a tree
his left eye was closed, and the right one is a hole
his mouth is...
ah, no
his mouth is..
his mouth is..
not there
no mouth and nose
cerita ketiga dari Ir, berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi, cerita waktu dia main di game fantasia...
last turn was Ir, he told a story based upon his experience when he went to a play ground
suatu hari aku pergi ke game fantasia
lalu aku main pancing-pancingan
tiba-tiba pancinganku gerak-gerak sendiri, padahal ngga ada orang
lalu … pyuk!!
airnya nyiprat ke mukaku…
*dan ini komentar Ar: serem itu?*
one day I went to game fantasia
I played fishing
suddenly my fish hook moved, while there was no one there
and... pyukk!!
the water splashed to my face
*Ar commented: is that scary?*
ooh... siapa sangka anak-anakku ternyata pendongeng yang hebat?
ooh.. who ever thought that my children are great story tellers?
I never wanted to be a teacher
it is a BIG obligation. but not being a teacher, doesn't mean we can not teach any thing. well, at least I taught my kids some things. I share with my friends how to blog, how to work with computers, and many things that we thought simple but mean some thing to some people.
itu tanggung jawab yang besar. tapi dengan tidak menjadi guru, ternyata bukan berarti kita tidak bisa mengajarkan sesuatu. paling tidak aku mengajarkan banyak hal kepada anak-anakku. dan aku berbagi ilmu dengan teman-teman yang mulai ngeblog, bagaimana bekerja dengan komputer, dan hal-hal lain yang kita kira sederhana tapi ternyata berarti buat orang lain.
like this blog I do. all I did is writing about things that cross my mind, telling about things that happen around my in my daily life... but forgetfulone said: I learn about her country and her culture every time I read her blog. isn't it sweet?
seperti blogku ini. aku cuma menuliskan apa yang terlintas di kepala, dan kejadian-kejadian sehari-hari di sekitarku. tapi kata forgetfulone: aku belajar tentang negaranya dan kebudayaannya setiap kali aku membaca blognya. manis sekali kan?
aku bahagia bahwa ternyata tanpa kusadari, aku berbuat sesuatu yang berharga. dan yang bikin aku lebih bahagia, sekaligus terhormat, adalah, dia memberiku ini:
so I proudly give this award to:
jadi dengan bangga aku sampaikan penghargaan ini kepada:
angie, for teaching me how to write with hart (mengajariku menulis dengan hati)
melissa, for teaching me how to deal with 'catastrophe' the kids make (mengajariku menghadapi 'bencana' yang ditimbulkan anak-anak)
carrie, for teaching me how to love and tolerate each other (mengajariku untuk saling mengasihi dan bertoleransi)
mlandhing, for teaching me how to cook (mengajariku memasak)
ndorokakung, for teaching me how to write with passion (mengajariku menulis dengan hasrat)
thank you, for all the lessons you give.
terima kasih atas semua pelajaran yang kalian berikan.
Monday, October 6, 2008
lebaran... lebaran...
this is my story from this year's Idul Fitri
ini cerita dari lebaran tahun ini
day 1
doing sholat Ied at Dan's home village's masjid (mosque) and spent the day (until night...) visiting Dans family here and there around Sukoharjo.
hari 1
sholat Ied di kampung halamannya Dan, langsung dilanjutkan berkunjung ke sanak famili Dan di seputar Sukoharjo -- sampe malem!
day 2
in my parents home, Wonogiri. all of us were there, and it was great. the 21 of us!
we spent the day at Teleng Ria Beach, Pacitan. hot but fun (this would make my blackskinned face even darker...)
hari 2
di rumah ortuku, Wonogiri. semua datang, 21 orang! ugh, hebat. kami habiskan seharian di pantai Teleng Ria Pacitan. panas, tapi seneng. (proyek menghitamkan wjah yang sudah hitam ni....)
day 3
we went to a family reunion in my mother's parents house, in Boyolali
and it was great also
hari 3
menghadiri pertemuan keluarga besar orang tua ibuku, di Boyolali. menyenangkan juga..
day 4
back to Dan's side family, we went to the floating restautrant in the middle of Gajahmungkur Dam
hari 4
kembali berkumpul dengan keluarga dari pihak Dan, makan di rumah makan terapung di tengah waduk Gajah Mungkur
day 5?
I and Dan had to go back to Semarang, because we have to back to work. but the children still have one more week holiday, and we let them stay in their grandparents house during that time. we'll pick em up next saturday.
sst.... it's just the two of us, again! :D
hari 5?
aku dan Dan harus balik ke semarang, karena senin harus masuk kerja lagi. anak-anak masih libur seminggu lagi jadi kami tinggal aja di embahnya, jemput sabtu depan.
sst... berduaan aja nih, lagi :D