Tuesday, May 20, 2008

oseng-oseng buncis udang

greenbean and shrimp oseng-oseng

agak pedes, tapi Ir doyan banget!
it's a little hot, but Ir loved it!

bahan/what you need:

100 grms udang/shrimp ---> bersihkan kulitnya(peel)
200 grms buncis/greenbeans ---> potong 2cm (cut in 1 inch)
3 bawang putih/garlic ---> iris halus (slice)
4 bawang merah/shallot ---> iris halus (slice)
2 cabe merah/red pepper ---> iris halus (slice)
2 cabe hijau/green pepper ---> iris halus (slice)
1 lembar daun salam/salam leaves
1/2 sdt garam /teaspoon salt
1 sdt gula /teaspoon sugar
2 sendok (sp) minyak sayur/vegetable oil
50 cc air/water

cara memasaknya:
panaskan minyak. masukkan berturut-turut bawang putih, bawang merah, daun salam, cabe merah dan hijau. tunggu hingga agak layu dan harum, masukkan udang. tunggu hingga berubah warna, masukkan buncis. tunggu sebentar, tambahkan air, garam, gula. tunggu sebentar. selesai.

how to make it:
heat the oil. put in in order garlic, shallot, salam leave, green and red pepper. wait until they smell good, put in shrimp. wait until it changes color, put in greenbeans. wait, put in water, salt and sugar. wait few minutes. done.

boleh dicoba mengganti gulanya dengan 1 sdm kecap manis. rasanya beda, tapi warnanya akan jadi agak gelap.
you can try to substitute the sugar with 1 spoon full of sweet soy sauce. it will taste different with a darker look.


Malena said...

Looks yummy!
Are you sure it's chick peas though? They look like green beans! We're having chicken pad thai for dinner tonight, but now you've got me in the mood for shrimp, I think I might have to substitute!

latree said...

I was confused between those two. I guess you're right. it's greenbeans

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Thanks for sharing this recipe..... it looks really good.

Claremont First Ward said...

This looks so delicious! I just realized that your blog somehow disappeared from my bloglines so I wasn't get notified when you updated. Sorry I haven't commented in awhile!

Theresia Maria said...

waaa...lah ini, bikin peyut keroncongan eh, dangdutan...

Met kenal juga ya jeng, makasih udah ngisi komen.