Thank you so much Crazy daisy who has given me this, I can't tell how happy I am. I would like to give this award to you also, although I know you already got one...
mungkin kedengarannya konyol, tapi aku girang banget menerima award ini.
terimakasih crazy daisy, aku juga memberimu award ini, meskipun kamu udah dapet.

So I had to pick 10 people to pass it along, and I decided to pick these followings. They all have great blogs, just go check out.
jadi aku harus memberikan award ini juga kepada 10 orang lagi. aku pilih nama-nama berikut, liatin deh, blog mereka keren-keren.
bloggers abroad:
- melissa at are you serious
- carrie at keiser family
- casey at quilaotriplet
- jane at hotmamashouse
- diana at forgetfulone
- burpclothebabe at shake rattle and read
- kelli at allknames
- melissa at are you serious
- carrie at keiser family
- casey at quilaotriplet
- jane at hotmamashouse
- diana at forgetfulone
- burpclothebabe at shake rattle and read
- kelli at allknames
bloggers in Indonesia
- evi nasywa at grow and shine
- mlandhing at rumah mlandhing
- venus at venus to mars
- evi nasywa at grow and shine
- mlandhing at rumah mlandhing
- venus at venus to mars
hope you like it gals!
hohoho...thank you, dear :D
hohoho...thank you, dear :D
thank you SO much.
may your kindness return to you
Oh! Thank you SO much! I get really excited when someone gives me an award too! You make me smile!
♡ Thank you! :)
Thank you so much. I will post it proudly! Have a great day. Diana
halah! thank you ya... :D
Wow! Thanks for thinking of me! It's been so fun getting to know you and your sweet family!
♡ I tagged you but no pressure if you don't want to do it! :)
Congrats, Latree! You deserve it!
Thanks for the award...very sweet of you!
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