I am not a patient girl. nothing happens on my due date drove me crazy. I didn't want to be induce or have C-section. then I did crazy thing that I thought would give me contraction.
aku bukan gadis penyabar. tidak terjadi apa-apa di HPL bikan aku senewen. aku ga mau diinduksi apalagi operasi. lalu aku melakukan hal-hal gila, yang aku pikir bisa merangsang kontraksi
I swept the whole house's floor (well it is a small house anyway :P)
I cleaned the bath room
I walked 2 kilo meters in the morning, and again in the afternoon
aku ngepel seluruh rumah (halah, rumah kecil ding :P)
aku nyikat kamar mandi
aku jalan 2 kilo di pagi hari, dan lagi sore harinya
I wanted to walk around every floor in the biggest mall in the city but Dan thought it was too crazy he could not tolerate.
aku mau jalan-jalan keliling tiap lantai di mal paling besar di semarang, tapi ga boleh sama Dan.
I don't know if those worked, or there was any other reasons. I got contraction and about 9 pm I went to hospital. until 7 am (GOD, ten hours!) there was no progress, my contraction stood still, even weakening. I didn't want but I needed a little induction to fix the contraction. at 8 am they put it in, and alhamdulillah at 9.10 am, this little guy says hello to me.
ngga tahu apakah itu hasil usahaku atau ada sebab lain. akhirnya aku dapat kontraksi dan jam 9 malam masuk rumah sakit. sampai jam 7 pagi (Ya Tuhan, sepuluh jam!) tidak ada kemajuan. kontraksiku bukannya nambah malah melemah. aku tidak ingin tapi harus diberi induksi untuk memperbaiki kontraksi. jam delapan infus dipasang, dan alhamdulillah jam 09.10, lelaki ganteng ini berteriak menyapaku
world, Dek Ai'
dunia, Dek Ai'

*we haven't find a name but we already have that nick name.
*belum nemu nama panjang, pokoknya panggilanannya begitu
this has been the biggest toot of the week. so I'm joining
aku bukan gadis penyabar. tidak terjadi apa-apa di HPL bikan aku senewen. aku ga mau diinduksi apalagi operasi. lalu aku melakukan hal-hal gila, yang aku pikir bisa merangsang kontraksi
I swept the whole house's floor (well it is a small house anyway :P)
I cleaned the bath room
I walked 2 kilo meters in the morning, and again in the afternoon
aku ngepel seluruh rumah (halah, rumah kecil ding :P)
aku nyikat kamar mandi
aku jalan 2 kilo di pagi hari, dan lagi sore harinya
I wanted to walk around every floor in the biggest mall in the city but Dan thought it was too crazy he could not tolerate.
aku mau jalan-jalan keliling tiap lantai di mal paling besar di semarang, tapi ga boleh sama Dan.
I don't know if those worked, or there was any other reasons. I got contraction and about 9 pm I went to hospital. until 7 am (GOD, ten hours!) there was no progress, my contraction stood still, even weakening. I didn't want but I needed a little induction to fix the contraction. at 8 am they put it in, and alhamdulillah at 9.10 am, this little guy says hello to me.
ngga tahu apakah itu hasil usahaku atau ada sebab lain. akhirnya aku dapat kontraksi dan jam 9 malam masuk rumah sakit. sampai jam 7 pagi (Ya Tuhan, sepuluh jam!) tidak ada kemajuan. kontraksiku bukannya nambah malah melemah. aku tidak ingin tapi harus diberi induksi untuk memperbaiki kontraksi. jam delapan infus dipasang, dan alhamdulillah jam 09.10, lelaki ganteng ini berteriak menyapaku
world, Dek Ai'
dunia, Dek Ai'

*we haven't find a name but we already have that nick name.
*belum nemu nama panjang, pokoknya panggilanannya begitu
this has been the biggest toot of the week. so I'm joining
welcome de' ai!!!
wish that i could meet you back then :(
but hopefully i'll have another chance to go to semarang!!
Congratulations!!!!!! All the exercise did the trick. Welcome little guy. He is beautiful!
jadi dek Ai ini lelaki ke lima toh
wuihhh being the most beautiful women around. keren uy !!
helloooo againt baby prince
♥ What a sweetie! Adorable! Congratulations!
Oh my goodness! He's amazing!! Congratulations to your family.
He is beautiful! Congratulations to you and your family.
Congrats again! He is a precious gift and I'm glad he decided to grace you with his presence!!
waaah, adek Ai cakep. congrat ya. mbak ^^
awww CONGRATUlations SO beautiful so precious...can't wait to hear what you name him
Holy God! And I didn't know!
Congratulations, Mbak Latree! I'm so glad!
*kiss kiss*
Well, once he decided to come out he came very quickly. :)
Congratulations......he is beautiful!
He's ADORABLE! Congratulations!
WW: The Pond, One Year Later
Congratulations! What a doll baby.
How much did he weigh? He's gorgeous!
thanks every one..
Angie, he's so tiny. 2,5 kilograms, about 5lbs. But I hope he's healthy.
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