Fakta-fakta - sebuah catatan setelah tujuh hari.
I'm not in the mood of being sentimental. I just want to talk facts.
aku sedang tidak mood being sentimental. aku mau bicara fakta saja.
@Fact 1: Dek Ai' was delivered after exactly 40weeks pregnancy and over 14 hours struggling.
Fact 2: Was so tiny, 5,5 lbs and 19 inches.
Fact 3: Succeeded early initiation within 30 minutes.
Fakta 1: Dek Ai lahir setelah kehamilan selama 40 minggu, dan 14 jam perjuangan di ruang bersalin.
Fakta 2: Kecil, cuma 2,4 kg dan 48 cm.
Fakta 3: Berhasil dalam Inisiasi Menyusui Dini di 30 menit setelah kelahirannya.
Fact 4: He was, and still yellow due to Icterus, high bilirubin in his blood. Therefore he needs extra sunbathing every morning, and much maternity milk flowing -- to gain weight and rinse the bilirubin along with the pee.
Fakta 4: Tubuhya kuning karena Icterus, kandungan bilirubin yang tinggi dalam darah. Karenanya dia butuh dijemur tiap pagi, dan banyak minum ASI -- untuk menambah berat badan dan menggelontor bilirubinnya keluar bersama urine.
Fact 5: As the doctor told me, a yellow baby sleeps a lot, over 18 hours a day. I need to wake him up every other hour to breastfeeding.
Fakta 5: Seperti kata dokter, bayi kuning banyak tidur, lebih dari 18 jam sehari. Aku harus membangunkannya tiap 2 jam untuk menyusui.
Fact 6: He is now 7 days old, and like I've always wished and my every prayer, I wish for his health.
Fact 7: I'm just a mother, who has found him as my new reason to live. And I'll do the best I can, that's all I can do.
Fakta 6: Sekarang Dek Ai' sudah 7 hari, dan seperti yang selalu aku mohon dalam doa, aku memohon untuk kesehatannya.
Fakta 7: Aku cuma seorang ibu, yang mendapatinya sebagai alasan baru bagiku untuk hidup. Aku akan memberikan yang terbaik yang aku bisa, hanya itu yang aku bisa.
Hosted by Cecily and Krista
He is SO gorgeous! What a beautiful boy.
The best you can do will definitely be good enough! Enjoy your little one!
Lovely baby. He will do well for sure.
Congrats and all the best.
hi there gorgeous!
so....what's this handsome little guy name?? :)
or you still don't figure it out and simply call him de ai'??
He is beautiful! The condition of yellowing - we call that jaundice (pronounced jon dis) in USA. Lots of babies are born with it. A little sunlamp, lots of milk, and time. He looks perfect now, just a week later!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's adorable!!! I hope the jauntis clears up quickly so he doesn't have to sunbathe anymore. :)
He is so precious! and perfect! Love him and hold him and kiss him.
sun sayang sun sayang sun sayang!!!!
pengen ketemu dirimu, dan ibit, ar, ir, juga ai sekalian...
Sun sayang buat semuanya ya :)
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