Monday, June 21, 2010

the inconvenience.

aku suka kalau teman anak-anakku datang ke rumah. main seharian. apalagi menginap. mereka juga sepertinya senang. mereka tahu aku galak, tapi sebenernya baik hati (uhuk!)
I like it when my children's friend come to my house. all day long. or stay over. I think they are happy too. they now I'm a screamer but very kind *uhuk*.

jika mereka masih berada di rumahku saat tiba waktu makan, aku akan menyuruh mereka makan. jika Ibu mereka tidak mengijinkan untuk makan 'di rumah orang', maka mereka akan aku suruh pulang untuk makan di rumah. aku menghormati kebijakan ibunya, apa pun alasannya. meskipun aku sendiri sama sekali tidak keberatan mereka makan di rumahku, seperti aku tidak keberatan jika sekali waktu anakku main ke rumah temannya dan ditawari makan di sana.
when it is meal time and they are still at my house, I will ask them to have meal together with my children. if their parents don't allow that, then I'll ask them to go home and have meal at home. I respect their parents policy, for whatever the reason be. although I don't mind at all letting them have meal at my house, as I don't mind if some times my children go to their friends house and asked to have meal there.

beberapa hari di awal liburan ini, teman-teman Ibit dan Ar Ir berkumpul di rumah. ramai banget kadang aku sampai kasihan Ai' yang sering kaget karena jeritan teriakan. untunglah dengan memberi sedikit pengertian mereka bisa lebih menahan diri untuk tidak terlalu bervolume tinggi jika sedang dekat tempat Ai' tidur.
these early days of holidays, Ar Ir and Ibit's friend came by. so noisy but fun. the noise some times bothered my baby but thank God it was easy to make them understand and not to scream near where the baby sleeps.

kemarin, ketika tiba jam makan, Ibu dari salah satu teman Ibit menelpon, meminta putrinya untuk pulang makan. si anak minta ijin untuk tetap tinggal dan makan di rumahku, tapi ibunya tidak mengijinkan. akhirnya dia membereskan mainan yang baru saja dia pakai (ini peraturan kalau main di rumahku - beresin dulu baru pulang :D) dan bersiap pulang. kebetulan saat itu, ada tukang dawet lewat dan anak-anak mau. selesai beberes mereka minum dawet dulu.
yesterday, at lunch time, one of the children's mother called, asked for her daughter and son to go home and have lunch at home. the daughter asked if she were allowed to stay and have lunch with Ibit but the answer was no. so she tided up the toys and got ready to go home. by the time a dawet seller was passing by and I treated the children. so after finished tidying up the toys the enjoy the drink.

saat itu lah si ibu yang tadi menelpon datang menjemput. dia minta maaf karena anaknya 'merepotkan'. aku tertawa saja, karena sama sekali tidak merasa direpotkan. mereka semua gampang diatur dan menyenangkan. dia juga menyatakan keheranannya, kenapa dua anaknya betah banget kalau main di rumah Ibit.
that time, the mother who just called came to pick up her kids. she apologized for her kids have given me some inconvenience. I just smiled and said it was no inconvenience at all. they were all have been so nice. she also tell me, she wondered why her children like to stay ang play in Ibit's house.

aku sempat mendengar si ibu menanyai teman Ibit itu, "kamu barusan makan apa?"
"ngga makan apa-apa"
"jangan bohong, Ibu cium bau makanan di mulutmu"
akhirnya anak itu mengaku.

I caught a conversation between that mother and child when theyleft
"what did you eat?"
"don't lie, I can smell something"
and the child confess.

sungguh, aku tidak mengerti kenapa ada orang yang melarang anaknya makan di rumah orang, sampai segitunya. aku takut apa-apa yang aku hidangkan dianggap tidak layak makan buat anak-anak mereka...
really, I don't get it, why some people prohibit their kids eating something from others. I mean, they know me, and I am not a bad guy. I'm afraid they think I give the children food that are not foodgrade.

hari ini rumah tidak seramai kemarin. dua kakak beradik yang dijemput ibunya kemarin itu, tidak datang lagi. seorang teman Ibit yang lain, yang biasa nyamperi mereka sambil perjalanan menuju ke rumahku mengatakan, bahwa mereka berdua tidak diperbolehkan oleh ibunya untuk main ke rumah Ibit.
today this house is not as noisy as yesterday. those two kids picked up by their mother don't come. a friend has came by on her way here, she said they both are not allowed to go to Ibit's house anymore.

sedih ngga sih. apa aku sudah melakukan sebuah kesalahan? aku harus bagaimana?
isn't this so sad? did I do some thing wrong? what should I do?


Heather said...

That's too bad their friend doesn't get to come back over. I know we live in different cultures/countries but parents there should be glad you give their children a snack or meal. My kids have friends' houses that they go to and don't get much food to eat at all. Either the parents are working or just don't make anything for the kids and they are too busy playing. Maybe it will pass and the friend will be back. :)

Claremont First Ward said...

How sad! I can't believe that the mother won't let them come to your house anymore. Perhaps she is worried that you will think she doesn't feed her children so you have to? Giving children a snack when they are at your house is COMMON and expected, really. At least here.

Forgetfulone said...

I don't get it, either. I love the new look here, though.

Are You Serious! said...

♥ Yeah I'm with Angie... That's how it is in our area also... If I'm going to give my child a snack then it's just fine to do the same for the little friend... So sad for Ibit!