Sunday, May 16, 2010

the illiterate


that's me.
technology some times drives me crazy.

iya, aku.
teknologi kadang bikin bete.

I like my old Sony Ericsson C510 cell-phone with it's built in camera. it is simple as a camera but I think so cool for a camera-phone. it is auto focus, can take macro photos, and the best part is, I can simply send every picture I took to Face Book and to 'Stupidshots' - my photo blog on Blogger. Sony Ericsson has prepared it for me.
aku suka henponku yang dulu, SE C510 dengan kamera. kalo mau dibilang kamera memang terlalu sederhana, tapi lumayan keren untuk ukuran camera-phone. bisa auto-focus, moto makro, dan yang paling aku suka adalah, bisa langsung kirim foto ke FB dan ke blog foto-ku di blogger, Stupidshots. Sony Ericsson sudah menyiapkan fasilitas itu buatku.

today, everyone around holds qwerty cell phone, cell-phones with computer-keyboard-alike key pad. first was Black Berry, and now every name has this kind of phone. I, my self, never thought it was cool. I think qwerty-keypad is weird and touch screen like i-Phone is way cool.
sekarang, hampir semua orang pegang henpon qwerty, yang kwypadnya mirip keyboard komputer. dulu mulai dengan BlackBerry, sekarang semua merk bikin henpon model begini. menurutku sih henpon qwerty itu ngga keren, aneh malah. yang keren itu yang touch screen macam i-Phone itu.

but, i-Phone is not affordable, for me. so as an i-Phone wannabe I bought Samsung Monte. it was beautiful and looked just as cool as I wanted it to be. the problems is, you need to be some one so soft to do touching. I can't be. I don't touch, I hit. so it didn't work. I was frustrated using it, especially when it came to typing. after a week stressed, I sold it.
tapi i-Phone itu ga terjangkau olehku. jadi aku beli Samsung Monte yang mirip-mirip. keren sih. masalahnya, kalo mau make henpon touchscreen itu kudu orang lembut. aku ngga bisa. karena aku ngga bisa sekedar 'menyentuh', aku cenderung mengetuk. jadi ga klop. frustrasi makenya, apalagi kalo nulis. makanya setelah stress seminggu, akhirnya kujual lagi

I should have been thankful and just held on to my Sony Ericsson, but I didn't. I bought this.

harusnya aku cukup bersyukur sudah punya SE itu, tapi aku malah beli ini.

Nokia E71

it is a qwerty I know. and I am not ashamed to finally confess, although it looks weird, it is easier for me to type texts. so I lived with the qwerty thing. it also has a 3,2 mpx autofocus camera. but, this phone doesn't have that simple feature to send pictures to FB and Blogger. for a while I thought, maybe I just haven't found it. but after some exploring I found that Blogger is not included in the webs this phone supports for sending picture directly. I need to set up a mobile blogging for my phone.
iya, itu qwerty. tapi aku ngga malu mengakui bahwa walaupun tampangnya aneh, tapi enak buat ngetik. jadi aku terima hidup dengan si qwerty. dia juga dilengkapi dengan kamera autofokus 3,2 mpx. tapi, henpon ini ga punya fitur simple buat ngirim foto langsung ke FB atau Blogger. tadinya kupikir karena belum nemu aja. tapi setelah aku pelajari, Blogger memang tidak termasuk di web yang disupport untuk kirim foto langsung. harus set up mobile blogging dulu.

this morning I spent hours learning how to start blogger-on-the-go, and it's not as simple as sending a text message, as told in the Blogger help center, because I don't live in US. so I did other way, set up my mobile blogging via email.
tadi sepagian aku mempelajari bagaimana memulai blogger-on-the-go. tapi ternyata ga semudah kirim sms seperti yang ada di help-centernya Blogger, soalnya aku tidak pake nomor US. jadi harus set up mobile blogging via email.

here, I got confuse, whether I had to make a new email account right from my cell-phone, or I could just use my old account but access it through phone. what I did was, I set the Nokia email wizard using my old account - I had to install it. well it worked. I did a test and I succeeded posting a picture. but then, like in every second my phone beeped. a notification of an incoming email. GOD. the email I put in my phone was an email I use to join a crazy mail-list, which sends me over one hundred emails in a day. this really drove me crazy.
di sini aku bingungnya. apa aku harus bikin akun email baru langsung dari henpon, atau cukup akses email lama dari henpon. akhirnya aku aktifkan Nokia email wizard dan memakai akun email yang sudah ada. berhasil sih, aku bisa uplod foto langsung ke Blogger. tapi kemudian henponku tulat tulit terus, ada notifikasi email masuk. GOD. email yang aku pasang itu adalah email yang aku pakai untuk join milis yang seharinya bisa kemasukan seratusan email lebih. bener-bener sinting.

I said to my phone crazily: ' I know you are beautiful but stupid!'
kataku kepada henponku: kamu cantik tapi oon.

I immediately open the manual book to find out how to turn off the notification but again I was frustrated. the manual book was in Bahasa Indonesia while I set my phone language in English. may be I am weird but I feel technical language translated to Bahasa Indonesia IS weird and confusing... after some hard working (well not that hard actually...) I gave up. more over, lately I found that I was charged for every incoming email notification. NOWAY. that is such a waste, unless I buy an unlimited data-content package. but why should I do that, it is not that urgent, for me.
lekas aku cari buku manualnya, gimana caranya matiin email notifikasi, tapi yang ada aku malah tambah bete. buku manualnya cuma tersedia dalam Bahasa Indonesia, padahal henponku aku set berbahasa Inggris. mungkin aku aneh, tapi menurutku bahasa teknis yang diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia itu yang aneh dan membingungkan. setelah bekerja keras (ngga terlalu keras sih...) aku menyerah. apalagi kemudian ketauan bahwa setiap ada notifikasi pulsaku berkurang. enak aja. mubadzir itu namanya. kecuali aku beli paket data unlimited. tapi buat apa, ga terlalu penting buatku.

so I un-installed my Nokia emailing instead of just turning off the email notification. I know I have to find some other way to be able to send pictures right from my phone, and some how I will. 'coz I know this phone is smart, only I am illiterate and need to learn A LOT more. wish me luck.
jadi email wizardnya aku un install. aku tahu aku harus cari cara lain supaya bisa kirim foto langsung dari henpon, nanti juga ketemu. karena aku tahu henpon ini sebenernya pinter, akunya yang gaptek dan harus banyak belajar. wish me luck.


lailly said...

As far as i know, you can set your email on mobile phone as a pull email rather than push email, thus you can pick the time when you need to pull your email right to your phone only when you need, if i'm not wrong, it is on setting, you should turn off the 'always online' option or s'thing sounds like that
it work on my old nokia 6300 and also my SE G700, hope that would help :)

fahmi! said...

bisa kok, bisa!

E71-mu itu lebih canggih daripada E51-ku dulu. aku dulu bisa kirim2 email secara nyaman. tapi nggak terganggu arus email2 yg masuk. karena memang bisa disetel nggak otomatis. kalo aku nggak niat ngecek inbox, mereka nggak akan masuk.

santai ae, cek buku manualnya pelan2. kalo bingung, baca help-nya aja yg sudah ditanem di henfon situ.

latree said...

it's not just about the emailing. I want to be able to send pictures to my websites, and I know I can. I just haven't found out how but I will.
thanks lailly and fahmi :D

WheresMyAngels said...

I would spend more time on the internet if I had a phone that connected to it. It is too expensive for me to do so. This summer, I think about buying a phone I hear about that is very cheap service and gives unlimited messaging, unlimited internet and unlimited minutes. All for under $50.00 here. Right now I spend $130.00 for two phones that I can't even get on internet with and have limited messaging and minutes.

I would love an iPhone but too expensive! So I have a Blackjack (like a blackberry). It is smart, but not smart enough.

Forgetfulone said...

I have a keyboard, but it was one of the least expensive phones Verizon had. And I rarely use it. I think it's easier to text with the numbers. I certainly can't afford an iphone!

Are You Serious! said...

I don't have internet on my phone either... I'm too cheap! but you already know that! :)

cute phone!!! :)

latree said...

iPhone is so expensive :P
I'm with you G, sometimes when I go somewhere I just leave my connected-to-internet phone at home, so I can learn not to be too addicted to it.

some people are more comfortable with regular key pad, Di.

and Mel you are not cheap at all, you just find fun in other things such as scrapbooking sewing and baking. that's a whole lot better trust me!

maslie said...

Pakai Bebe dong mbak....

Anonymous said...

Nokia, my fave phone,
i think ngutak-atik Nokia easier than SE, and I wasn't know if SE smart enuff to blogging from itself.
but whatever, right now I neither have SE or Nokia, I used a what I called -whateverphone-, but I comfort with this one..
*hahaha smoga kau mengerti *

latree said...

@maslie: I will use BB only if it is Onyx and not less. unfortunately it is still too expensive for me :D

@omwarm: I understand. people who is familiar to SE need some time to get used to Nokia, and other way. but it was true, the two last SE I used was featured with direct blogging to Blogger.