so I post about this 'original' idea of mine as a response to this weeks sundayscribblings prompt: organic.
along with my weekly new habit, joining PSF.
I always think that Batik has been a special gift to the world....
aku selalu merasa batik adalah anugerah istimewa buat dunia...
I once made a batik giveaway, on my #100 post. it was a sheet of batik fabric and won by Carrie Keiser.
aku sudah pernah bikin batik giveaway untuk post ku #100. waktu itu yang menang Carrie Keiser
this time I'm giving away some other batik stuffs for two winners
kali ini aku mau bagi dua barang untuk dua pemenang
a pair of batik sandals
sepasang sandal batik
sepasang sandal batik

and a batik blouse
dan sebuah blus batik
dan sebuah blus batik

are you interested?
well this is all you have to do:
ini yang harus anda lakukan:
since I am NOT an English native speaker, and I learned my English only from school, enriched by listening to English songs and watch English movie -- and read English blogs... :D... I realize that my English is far from perfect. then why I post in it? because I believe, the more I use it, I will improve it. now as I post in English, I know I make mistakes, but some times I just don't know where I do the mistakes.
berhubung aku ini bukan berbahasa ibu inggris, dan belajar bahasa inggris juga cuma di sekolah, ditambah denger-dengerin lagu-lagu berbahasa inggris, dan nonton film berbahasa inggris, dan baca blog berbahasa inggris... maka aku yakin inggrisku jauh dari sempurna. jadi ngapain aku nulis blog dalam bahasa inggris? karena aku yakin dengan makin sering menggunakannya aku akan makin mahir. aku tahu aku banyak bikin salah, cuma ga tahu juga salahnya di mana...
1. I want you to pick any of my post in this blog, that you think has mistakes in writings, grammar, anything (in English)--- (which I believe each post does :P..). then post it on your blog. in your post you should:
1. pilih satu postingan dari blog ini, yang menurutmu mengandung kesalahan dalam penulisan di bagian bahasa inggrisnya -- yang aku yakin pasti semua ada... :P, lalu tuliskan postingan. dalam postingan tersebut, harus:
- write on your tittle: "when a silly Indonesian woman tries to write in English (a contest)". if i still write this tittle wrong, go write it right..
- tell in the beginning of the post you do, about this give away and link to this post.
- optional: rewrite the post you choose, and its tittle. or just show me where the mistakes are... (you can skip this if you feel don't want to do)
- tell me how you think about this blog, in any way (you can choose one, or two, or all): the language, the topics, the style, the look, the pictures, anything! remember, I don't mind if you tell bad things, as long as it is not rude. I'll take it as a critic.
- tulis judul postingan: "when a silly Indonesian woman tries to write in English (a contest)", kalau judul yang aku bikin ini masih salah juga, ya betulkan sekalian
- di awal postingan, ceritakan tentang kuis ini, dan kasih link ke postingan ini
- opsional: tulis ulang postingan yang anda pilih, juga judulnya. atau cukup tunjukkan di mana letak kesalahannya. bagian ini boleh tidak dikerjakan.
- katakan apa pendapat anda tentang blog ini. boleh kasih saran atau kritik.
I know I should have used miss linky, but I still haven't figured out how to use it...
2. jangan lupa tinggalkan komen, aku akan senang kalau sekalian di kasih link ke postnya jadi aku bisa langsung ke TKP dan melihat betapa buruknya ingrrisku selama ini... :P
emang sih, enaknya pake miss linky, tapi aku belum tahu caranya..
this contest will be closed as January ends. and I will tell you who the winner will be on 2 February 2009, and I'll bear the shipping don't worry :D
kuis ini akan ditutup akhir januari, dan pengumuman pemenang insya Allah tanggal 2 Pebruari 2009, dan jangan khawatir, ongkos kirim aku yang tanggung :D
come and join me, and thanks!
selamat bergabung, dan terima kasih!

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
ha ha - you are funny and i happen to think you English is quite good - how long DOES it actually take you to write a post??
I agree with T&T. It seems like it must take forever! Don't enter me in the contest, but just know you are doing great!
this great idea. as i am not a ntaive english i have many times the same feelings as you shared here. and yes practice, writing and reading does makes it better.
I am Indian. My English is very good.
And I think you write well and I am not one for nit picking!
However, do count me in! LOL!
After reading the other comments, I feel bad for being the only one who corrected a post.
You have great English! And I love reading your blog. The corrections I made are actually small thing. You posts are always understandable. I probably made mistakes in my corrections. :) lol
Here you go :)
I love the batik you sent me and so dose everyone who see it! Thanks again for picking me in your first contest. I do want to enter this one also ..... but I hate to be critical of your English! I know I sure couldn't do a bi-lingual post!....:0) You're the best!
beautiful creations. and interesting contest idea!
Lovely creations and great work on the posting. I always enjoy your posts...
I hope you all will visit my new blog too. :)
I have never read your Sunday scribblings posts and had a problem either reading or understanding you. Your English is excellent. I only know a few words in Indonesian even though we are neighbors. You are doing extremely well. My only language is English and I know there are mistakes in my blog. I am not looking to be entered in your competition though it is a very nice idea.
Dropping by from sits. Happy Sunday! And you did great!
See, I knew I had made mistakes. My sister-in-law corrected me. The first some time should actually be 2 words.
The english language is so hard. :D
I think your english is wonderful. You are doing a great job and way better than I would if I had two languages. I probably make enough of my own mistakes. esp typing, my fingers dont do what my head says to do most of the time. hehe
What a fun idea! Thanks for visiting my blog. I have to admit, I think your English is very good!
Hi! I think you're English is good too, and I think it's been progressing since I started reading your blog. And, you know, English is not my first language either, so I don't think I'm competent to check your grammar, but you have a fun idea for a contest!
ha comment, me book your contest !!! i hope i win that cute bloues...hehehe
Latree, I have something for you at my blog.
iya iks... ternyata yg koment banyakan orang luar indo. Kok bisa yah :D
jadi pengen buat blog berbahasa inggris.
weleh... muntir aku...
trimo ra entuk sandal.
sukses yo mbak..
I wrote a review (well, not really) about your blog :)
I think typo, spelling, and grammar never really a problem. But thanks for encouraging me to write in english more...
mba maksudna hadiahnya sendal dua biji ya...
cuma bisa beristighfar dan mundur pelan-pelan ...
nah lo, yang orang indo dengan bahasa nginggris yang terbatas kayak aku, jadi pada muntir... hehehe... :P:P
jangan dong, apapun kita bisa belajar kok dari blog dandelion ini... latree sebagai pemilik blog rasanya cukup fair, dengan menuliskannya dalam dua bahasa... dengan demikian, kita jadi tahu tuh, bagaimana bilingual dari bahasa indonesia yang dia gunakan.
lepas dari 'benar' atau 'salah' tulisan dia, aku appreciate-lah dengan upaya dia mem-bilingual-kan tulisan-tulisannya... butuh keberanian buat expose diri dengan bahasa bukan bahasa ibu, semacam itu.
aku saja tidak berani... *blushing*
so, semoga dandelion tetap update dan setia dengan dua bahasa-nya.
sukses ya...
ga penting bener atau salah, mbak. yg paling bagus bikin tulisan yang bisa dimengerti orang, simpel. soal bahasa, itu suka-suka :D
siapa itu yang jadi model bajunya ?
kasian cuma blusnya doang yang difoto.
kepalanya ga ditampilkan :D
OK, here ya go, I took the challenge and did my best to edit a post of your. I debated for weeks on this.... here it is:
i just knew this after the contest was closed.
im also an indonesian. but u know i've never taken any english course, just have learnt it by watching on movies, reading newspapers or even any magazines, so on.
i think not all native speakers can write any english posts in good english.
plz check blogs they made.
just fine, think so.
let me get a link with u.
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