Ibit dan Ar-Ir sedang liburan panjang akhir tahun. Dua hari yang lalu aku dan Dan mengirim mereka ke embah di Wonogiri. Kemarin pagi, tiba-tiba mobil Dan tidak bisa distarter. Lalu Dan bersama adikku Bond mendoronganya, dan menyuruhku duduk di belakang setir, masuk gigi tiga, injak kopling - dan melepasnya pelan-pelan ketika mobil sudah mulai jalan. Great, mesinnya hidup. Diputuskan untuk membawa mobilnya ke bengkel, katanya ada yang salah dengan dinmao-nya atau apalah. Well, aku ngga peduli, benerin aja...
Ibit and Ar and Ir are having their two weeks holiday in this year end. Two days ago I and Dan sent them to my mother's house in Wonogiri. Yesterday, Dan got problem starting the engine. So while he and my brother Bond pushed the car, he told me to sit behind the steer, put the car in the third gear, step on the coupling and release it ad the car goes faster. Great, the engine was on. Then we took it to a reparation and the said something was wrong about the dynamo or something. Well I didn't care what it was about, just fix it up..

Selagi montirnya bekerja, aku dan Dan duduk dan memandang ke seberang jalan dan melihat ini... Aku agak berdebar sedikit..
While the mechanic was doing his job, Dan and I sat and looked across the road and saw this... And I stopped breathing for few seconds...

Iya, soalnya ini masjid tempat aku dan Dan dulu menikah.
Yes, it is the masjid where I and Dan got married in.
Dan memegang tanganku dan berkata:
"Aku tidak terlalu memperhatikan masjidnya. Aku tidak ingat bagaimana aku bisa berada di dalamnya, naik mobil siapa, duduk sebelah siapa... Aku cuma ingat aku mengucapkan ijab Qabul, dan kamu jadi isteriku..."
Dan held my hand and said:
"I didn't notice about the masjid. I couldn't remember how I got there, in whose car I sat, who was sitting beside me. All I remember was, I was there, saying the ijab Qabul and then you became mine..."
Aku melihat dia sedang mengingat hari bahagia itu.
I looked at his eyes, and saw him remembering that happy day.
"O ya? Aku ingat aku naik mobilnya Pak Madi bersama Bapak dan Ibu. Kamu sama Om Dalin"
"Oh really? I remember I was in Pak Madi's Car, with my father and mother. And you were in Om Dalin's"
"Apa iya ya? Ga inget sama sekali. Aku terlalu excited menikahimu, ga peduli yang lainnya"
"Was I? I can't remember at all. I was too happy to have you as my wife, I didn't care about the rest"
"Aku juga bahagia, dan jantungku berdegub keras lihat kamu masuk, tapi aku masih ingat hal-hal lain.."
"I was happy too, and my heart beat so fast when I saw you walked in. But I still remember other things..."
"Aku enggak... aku enggak..."
"I don't. I don't..."
Wow, aku ngga pernah menyangka ternyata Dan sebahagia itu... sampai-sampai dia hanya melihatku dan ngga peduli sekitar kami.
Semoga kami akan tetap selalu bahagia...
Wow, I never thought that Dan was THAT HAPPY... so he only saw me, and didn't give a damn about other things.
I hope we'll always be happy, as should be...

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
What a sweet post. I hope you are always this happy too.
How very sweet! It's obvious he loves you so much.
Awwww! so sweet!
♥ Very sweet post!!! Joe doesn't remember many detail about much of anything! :)
This was a beautiful post!
Oh girl, that is so sweet and beautiful. What a wonderful relationship you have. He gets many bonus points for this.
What a great memory! hope your car got all fixed up!
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