long week end kemaren si embak pulang kampung. tapi rupanya aku tidak perlu khawatir. banyak volunteer :D
last long weekend, the nanny went home, but seemed I didn't need to worry, I had volunteers... :D
Ir bagian nguleg bumbu. pake kacamata, katanya biar ngga pedes kena bawang... keren :D
Ir mashed the spices. he wore glasses, he said mashing garlic and shallots made his eyes watering... cool :D
Ar bagian ngerajang, lumayan. walaupun ni mata ngga bisa lepas ngawasin, takut terjadi sesuatu...
Ar sliced onion leaves. not bad. but I couldn't take my eyes of the knife, afraid of something going wrong...
mbak Ibit bagian nggoreng tempe dan ayam, aku bagian was-was...
Ibit fried the chicken and tempe. I was watching afraid of the oil that might splash on her..
makasih semuanya...
yang lebih membahagiakan, siang itu anak2 makan sendiri dan lahap. enak katanya. padahal menurutku ya biasa aja, kurang asin sedikit malah... karena ikut masak kali ya, rasanya jadi beda...
thanks everybody..
what made me feel even better was, that day they had their lunch so well and quick. they said it tasted so good. I thought it wasn't that good. I even needed to put a little more salt actually. may be because they were involved doing it, made it taste different..

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
wew, it's very nice of them :-) *lovely*
They were really involved with the preparation! No wonder they liked it so much!
I love that he mashed with the glasses on. Very cool!
kemandirian yang harus dipupuk sejak dini, its good for them!
pake kaca mata kaya aku pas waktu kecil di ajarin bikin nassi goreng ma bapak waktu kecil..hehe...
Ooooo, what cute little chefs you have!
Glasses! So cool and what a great idea. I'll need to try that. Great captures and I am sure they worked very hard.
Visiting from PhotoStory Friday!
what a lovely story! kids always like what they help to create ... a lesson I'm just learning!
♥ Looks like they did a great job!!! Very cute! Emma made dinner last night "all" by her self. With very little supervision. She made pancakes from scratch and they actually tasted alright. :)
that is so great that they worked together on making their own meal
They did such a good job! Wow! :)
I'm so impressed they can help so much in the kitchen at that age. how sweet.
weeew...what a wonderful kids you have
and a wonderful blog too
the idea of writing in two language made it different from another blog written by indonesian blogger
and the story about ar, ir, and ur...is simply captivating
++jadi pengen punya anak...gubrak hyakakakakakaka++
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