How much are you concerned about the issue?
seberapa peduli kah dirimu tentang isu yang satu ini?
Ibit read about it in her kid magazine, BOBO. Since then she always tried her best to save the earth from global warming. One of her action is reducing plastic trash.
Ibit membaca tentang itu di majalah BOBO. sejak itu dia selalu berusaha untuk menyelamatkan bumi dari global warming. salah satuya adalah mengurangi timbunan sampah plastik.
Yesterday we need to go to a market and shop some stuff. She told me to bring our own bag and refuse to use plastic bags the store would give.
kemarin kami belanja kebutuhan harian. dia memintaku untuk membawa tas sendiri dan jangan mau dikasih plastik dari tokonya
That isn’t something we usually do. This is what the stores give us to bring our stuffs home.
tentu saja ini bukan hal biasa. biasanya toko akan memberikan ini untuk membawa belanjaan pulang
But Ibit thought it will add plastic litter on earth.
tapi kata Ibit itu akan menambah sampah plastik di bumi
“I’m afraid of global warming”, she said, “The ice in the north pole will melt, the sea water level will increase, and we will be drown in it. We have to save our earth”
"aku takut dengan global warming". katanya, "es di kutub utara akan mencair, muka air laut akan naik. lalu kita tenggelam. kita harus menyelamatkan bumi"
I told her to tell the cashier what she wanted to do. And she did. So we didn’t litter this time, because Ibit brought her own bag, and insisted to just put the milk box in the trolley without plastic bag.
jadi aku minta dia untuk bicara ke kasir tentang keinginannya. dan dia mau. jadi kali ini kami tidak nyampah, karena Ibit bawa tas sendiri, dan dia ngotot untuk langsung meletakkan box susu di troli tanpa tas plastik
“We can put in the car baggage, thank you”, she said.
"biar nanti langsung kami taruh di bagasi saja", katanya.
The cashier smiled. I didn’t know what she thought and I didn’t try to explain either. I’m glad I can let Ibit do some thing she thinks is important for the earth.
kasirnya senyum-senyum aja. aku ngga tahu apa yang dia pikirkan, dan enggak juga pengin kasih penjelasan. aku senang bisa membiarkan Ibit merasa telah berbuat sesuatu untuk menyelamatkan bumi
It may sound simple. But think, if everybody in the world thinks and does the some. Would it still be simple?
mungkin kedengarannya sederhana. tapi coba, kalau semua orang di dunia berpikir dan berbuat sama. ngga simple lagi kan?

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
She is a girl after my own heart. Doing things that are better for the Earth are very important to me.
you would think it would be that simple!
That is awesome that she is so concerned. :)
What a coincidence I met u here....from indonesia :D Saya dari Jakarta :)
My PFS entry this week : in HERE. Hope you have time to visit . Thanks
How wonderful she is concerned about global warming.
I think she is a sweet girl. It should be that simple. Good for her taking steps to reduce plastic trash!
Good for her!! And way to go Mom for helping her do her part!
♥ I think it's wonderful!!! We try to be careful with all of that stuff too! I'm all about recycling and stuff!
Yay IBIT! :)
how sweet she cares enough to act and that her momma supports her.
Wow, she is going to be something huge someday. She is so smart and already showing such leadership skills. What a blessing.
Someday i will have to post about my deodorant. I bought it to reduce plastic. It will last me at least a year and it looks like a Chrystal rock. Here is is very popular to bring your own bags to the store's. But I keep forgetting them out, in the car when I go in.
It certainly is a global issue, any little thing will help, that's my philosophy. But we do need to big corporations, the big leaders to step up. It is very scary. And I don't think we've even really seen the beginning of it, it is going to be bad. Sadly.
that is very sweet of Ibit ... i definitely support her. I have also tried to do the same thing, but only when I bought small things.
What a determined little gal. Way to go Ibit! I wish to that we could all be that conscience!
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