Friday, July 4, 2008

this wasn't such a real quite week

it's been a five days
monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday
I wake up every morning and prepare some food and drinks for 3 handy man who are working on our house
I get out of my office at four or five. but would i just go straight home? nobody waits for me. and Dan usually get home late. so I spend my time walking around. to a book store, to a mall, or torture my self with two hours exercise at gym. as long as I can kill time until Dan pick me up and get home.
sudah lima hari.
senin selasa rabu kamis jumat
aku bangun tiap pagi lalu menyiapkan logistik buat 3 tukang yang lagi benahin rumahku.
aku keluar dari kantor jam empat atau lima. tapi masa mau langsung pulang? ngga ada siapa-siapa di rumah. jadi aku menghabiskan waktu jalan-jalan ke toko buku, ke mall, atau menyiksa diri dengan ikut senam dua sesi. yang penting bisa bunuh waktu sampai Dan menjemputku.

is that enough, and I can take a bath and go to my bed? nope. those handyman never forget to leave dust all around my house. and I hate dust, I really do. every night when I get home, and before bed, I mop all over every surface at least twice. I've tried to cover stuffs with old curtains. but wow, those dust still can find a way to sneak in. I think they still fly filling up every square inches of my space here inside my house... believe it or not. I can taste the dust on my tongue... bleh!
every other day, while mopping, I do my laundry. and now they are waiting for some one to iron them :P
begitu aja, lalu sampai rumah aku mandi trus tidur? nope. pak tukang itu ga pernah lupa ninggalin debu menyelimuti seisi rumah. aku benci debu, sungguh. jadi setiap malam sebelum tidur aku ngepel paling tidak kuulang dua kali. aku sudah menutup barang-barang pakai gorden bekas, tapi si debu itu masih bisa aja menyelinap masuk. kelihatannya mereka masih beterbangan di setiap inchi ruang di rumahku. percaya atau tidak, aku bahkan bisa merasakan ada debu di lidahku. bleh!
dua hari sekali, sambil ngepel, aku muter mesin cuci. sekarang baju numpuk nunggu yang mau nyeterika :P

there was a day when Dan got out his office a little earlier. so on wednesday we had a relax time at a restaurant. there was a piano player, and I sang a song or two (well 5 actually). then we saw a movie, iron man. hmmm. too childish for me. I didn't enjoy the movie too much (I even hate the 'war' part), but I enjoyed being with my husband...
ada hari ketika Dan pulang agak gasik. hari rabu kami nyantai di sebuah restoran. ada pemain piano, dan aku iseng nyanyi satu-dua lagu (5 sebenarnya). lalu kami nonton, iron man. filmnya anak-anak banget. aku ga terlalu suka. apalagi bagian perang-perangnya.. tapi aku menikmati saat-saat berdua aja dengan Dan...

not to forget. nights without kids are so inviting :)
malam-malam tanpa anak-anak, sangat mengundang ;)

and how are they, my kids, doing?
I call them everyday, and they're okay. I asked their granny if they ever asked about their bapak and ibu. nope. not even once. isn't that a little sad thing to hear? well, I'll just take the positive thing. their happy having vacation in their granny's house.
dan bagaimana kabar mereka, anak-anak?
aku telpon setiap hari, dan mereka baik-baik saja. aku tanya embahnya apa mereka cariin bapak dan ibu. tidak. sama sekali. sakit hati ngga sih? well, ambil nilai positifnya aja. berarti mereka bahagia menikmati liburan di rumah embah.

one more week to go!
masih tambah satu minggu lagi!


Forgetfulone said...

The time flies even when we think it will go slow, no? My kids are at their dad's this weekend, then at their grandmother's for two days. I miss them, but I find things to do.

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

I would hate having the dust everywhere too! Too bad you and Dan didn't a vacation while the kids are gone.
I've been absent from the blogging world this past month,but am now trying to get caught up.

Claremont First Ward said...

What a bummer that you have to dust up every night of your "vacation".

Are You Serious! said...

♡ I'm not a dust fan either! It makes me feel like I can't breathe. The kids must be having a great time with their grandparents! :)