Sunday, November 4, 2007

what do you do to be a woman?

Aku ini cuek urusan merawat tubuh.
Pake hand body misalnya, paling-paling sehabis mandi -- kalau inget.
Pake pelembab muka misalnya, pagi hari -- kalau inget
Bersihin muka, malam hari, kalau inget. Kadang inget tapi kalah ma ngantuk...
Pake make up -- kalau mau ke kondangan.
I'm so careless about my body.
Using body lotion: after bath -- if not forget.
Using face moisturizer: in the morning -- if not forget
Cleaning face: before bed -- if not forget. I sometime remember, but sleepy don't let me to.
Wearing make up: only if I have to go to a party.
Aku punya teman, Kulitnya halus seperti kaca. Bersih,hampir tanpa noda. Selalu bermake up, walaupun tipis, tapi lengkap. Aku jarang pake make up, tapi aku tahu dia pake lipstick, eyeshadow, blush on, pensil alis -- tapi tanpa maskara.
Suatu hari kami ada rapat, dari pagi...
Seperti biasa dia tampil cantik anggun mempesona. Sedangkan aku, seperti biasa, natural (baca: No make-up at all).
I have a friend, her skin is so delicate like glass. So clean and spotless. She alway wears make up, thin, but complete. I knoe I don't wear make up that much, but I know she wear lipstick, eyeshadow, blush on, eyebrow pencil, but no mascara
One day we had a meeting together, started in the morning.
As usual she appeared with elegance beauty. While I was so natural (read: no make-up at all)
Rapatnya lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa banget.
Jam 1 siang waktunya istirahat makan dan sholat. Temanku itu menghilang. Aku makan, sholat, lalu balik ke tempat dudukku. Tidur tengkurep di meja menunggu rapat dilanjutkan, ngantuk you know.
Ruangan mulai ramai lagi. Orang-orang mulai berdatangan. Aku ke kamar mandi, cuci muka, lalu balik ke ruangan lagi. Tak lama, si cantik muncul.
The meeting was soooooooooooooooooo long.
At 13.00, it was time to break. I had lunch, sholat and back to the meeting room. I put my face downward the table and sleep to charge my battery -- I was so sleepy, you know.
The room was starting to get noisy again, people have comeback. So I went to the toilet to wash my face, and back in. Not so long after, the 'beauty' got in.

Dengan make up yang sudah diperbaiki, dan senyum yang manis...
With a made-up make up, and a nice smile...

Oh, I wish I could be just like that!
But Still I don't think I could... Ough....


Claremont First Ward said...

I put make-up on very lightly once a day......who has time to constantly re-apply? I think the most beautiful moms are the moms whose inner beauty shines through no matter what clothes she is wearing or how "groomed" she looks. Your children are beautiful!

latree said...

I put a light make up on this morning..