Sunday, November 18, 2007

Identical or Fraternal ??

My twin...

They had one big placenta. But the doctor said it could be one big placenta for two, or, two placentas that grew too close so they became one. So I assumed my twin is identical. They are so similar in many ways. But they grew became two different persons, and I'm glad about it.
Mereka punya satu plasenta besar. Kata dokter, itu bisa jadi satu plasenta besar buat berdua, atau, dua plasenta yang tumbuh berdekatan sehingga menyatu. Jadi aku asumsikan mereka identik. Mereka sangat mirip di banyak hal. Tapi mereka tumbuh menjadi dua orang yang berbeda, dan aku bersyukur.

I even sometimes misscall them. 'Hey Ir'. And he stood still. When I got close, it's Ar! Their father once pinched Ar because he thought it was Ir who was being naughty. So Ar cried, starred at him and say 'But I'm Ar. I was good'.

Kadang-kadang aku salah panggil. 'Hey IR'. Tapi dia diam saja. Waktu kudekati, ternyata itu Ar!. Bapakny apernah mencubit Ar karena dipikirnya itu Ir yang nakal. Jadi Ar nangis, sambil menatap melas ke Bapaknya dan berkata, 'Tapi aku Ar, aku nggak nakal'.

this is Ar

Ar is much noisy. He's fussy. He sings all day long since he was 2. He learns things so fast. And he cries more often than Ir. He always confuse when he has to decide something (ex: Do you want ice tea or orange juice?; which car do you want?; are you staying at home or go with us?), He's so interested in computer.
Ar itu rame. Dia cerewet. Dia suka bernyanyi sepanjang hari sejak masih 2 tahun. Dia cepat belajar. Dia lebih sering nangis dibanding Ir. Dia selalu bingung kalau harus memilih (co: Kamu mau es teh atau es jeruk?; kamu suka mobil-mobilan yang mana?; kamu mau ikut atau di rumah saja?). Dia suka sekali komputer.

and this is Ir
While Ir is so quite. He doesn't speak a lot, but once he does, you'll be surprise with what he says. He also doesn't sing alot, but I remember once, he sang along to a song on the radio, in the background vocal version. He needs a little more time to understand things, but once he understand, he'll be able to conclude things related to it. He always feel sure about what he choose. And still I can't see in what he's really interested. I mean, he likes cars - but don't every boy do?
Ir anteng banget. Dia nggak banyak bicara, tapi sekali ngomong, mengejutkan. Dia juga gak banyak nyanyi, tapi aku ingat pernah suatu saat dia ngikutin lagu di radio, pake suara dua. Dia butuh waktu lebih lama untuk mengerti, tapi sekali mengerti, dia akan bikin kesimpulan tentang hal-hal yang berkaitan. Dia selalu yakin akan pilihannya. Dan aku belum tahu dia suka apa. DIa suka mobil - tapi kan semua anak laki-laki begitu...

So I think it's no big deal wether they're identical or fraternal. I believe every child is unique.
Jadi kupikir, gak masalah mereka satu atau dua telur. Aku yakin setiap anak itu unik.


Are You Serious! said...

My sister has twins except her's are girls and mine are boy/girl. She decided to have the DNA test to see if they were fraternal or identical. Turns out that they're identical. But they have 2 completely different personalities like you described with your boys. How old are your twins? Mine are 3 and into EVERYTHING. :)

Claremont First Ward said...

Cute are doesn't matter whether they are identical or're just so blessed to have them! :)

Claremont First Ward said...

P.S. I love how you talked about their different personalities.

latree said...

they're 4 and some, and they're so good together..

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Great post about your boys! They are so cute! Every child has their own personality and they are each a separate being. They just happen to be blessed with a playmate, friend sparing buddy the same age as them; a twin!