Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Ramadhan sudah separuh jalan. Bener-bener ngga terasa, cepet banget. Rasanya belum dapat apa-apa. Apalagi kalau bicara tilawah. Kok rasanya semangatku menurun dibanding tahun lalu ya? Payah.
Ramadhan has gone half way. Feels so fast. Feels like I have done nothing. More over about reading Qur'an. I don't read as much as I did last Ramadhan. What a bad girl.
Alhamdulillah, anak-anak justru semangat. Puasa tiap hari, meskipun Ar dan Ir sempat libur puasa karena agak demam. Ar Ir baru belajar puasa, jadi puasanya setengah hari. Kalau siang makan, sementara di antara waktu makan itu lah mereka belajar menahan diri. Tapi menurutku itu tetap berat untuk anak-anak seusia mereka. Hal terberat adalah bangun jam 03.30 untuk makan sahur. Mungkin mereka tidak terlalu lapar. Tapi saat ini Semarang lagi panas, dan mereka tidak mengubah aktivitas harian mereka. Tetap bermain seperti biasa. Jadi pasti berat buat mereka melawan haus. Mereka juga masih sering tergoda untuk nyaut cemilan.
Alhamdulillah, the kids are enthusiastic. They do fasting everyday. Ar and Ir didn't couple days, because they got flu. Ar and Ir is in the period of learning to fast, so they do a half-fasting. They still have lunch, but in times between meal time they have to control themselves not to eat or drink anything. I think it's a hard thing for kids their ages. The hardest thing is to wake up at 03.30 to have sahur (the early meal before starting fasting). They may not be too hungry. But Semarang is so hot nowadays., and they don't change their daily activities. They keep playing as usual. So it must be hard to stand the thirst. Another hard thing is to avoid snacks during fasting...
Ibit sudah mulai puasa sehari penuh. Dua hari pertama perutnya masih belum terbiasa dan sempat sakit. Tapi setelah itu dia bisa nyaman dan menyesuaikan diri. Sholat taraweh di masjid juga belum absen. Ar-Ir juga mengikuti sholat taraweh sampai selesai. Memang sih, saat ceramah mereka masih memiliih keluar masjid dan main sama teman-temannya. Biar aja. kalau dilarang takutnya mereka malah ogah sholat sekalian. Wong yang tua aja suka ngantuk juga dengerinnya...
Ibit do a full-fast. First couple days she hasn't get used to and feel uncomfortable with her stomache. But after that she was okay. Sholat taraweh every night in the mosque. Ar Ir do the whole sholats. They still choose to get out the mosque and play in the mosque yard during the sermon. I let them do. I don't want to push them to stay in the mosque with a possibility they feel bored and then refuse to go to mosque again. Even I some times sleepy listening to the sermon...

Selama minggu kedua Ramadhan, Ibit jualan sup buah untuk buka puasa di depan portal blok. Hari pertama kedua masih aku dampingi, tapi setelah itu dia sudah oke melayani pembeli sendiri. Hari pertama sepi dan membosankan, mungkin karena belum banyak yang tahu. Tapi hari-hari berikutnya lumayan rame. Ibit nampaknya menikmati kegiatan ini. Kalau dihitung-hitung sih jualannya ga terlalu membawa untung, tapi menurutku ada hal yang lebih penting dari itu, Ibit belajar berwira usaha.
During week 2 Ramadhan, ibit sells fruit soup for iftar in front of our block. First day was boring frustating, no buyers. May be because no body knows, yet. But the next days were quite busy. Ibit seems to enjoy this activity. May be it doesn't bring too much profit, but I believe it brings more important benefit -- Ibit learns about entrepreneurship.
I hope we all get the benefits or Ramadhan.
sukses buat Ibit, semoga sup buah nya laris manis :)
I hope you all benefit from Ramadhan too -- what an interesting insight you offered here.
♥ I think that's an amazing thing to do! What great kids to stick with it!
wah cara belajar yang oke tuh, bisa belajar maintain duitnya sendiri, dan berusaha untuk cari duit sendiri :D
kegiatan yg bagus tu bwt mbak ibit..aku jg berlatih wirausaha dr kecil,jd mandiri..tp g bisa liat peluang dikit pinginnya usaha...hihi!!
It must be very difficult for you all, especially the children.
Sounds like you are all very dedicated to it.
Good luck with the last two weeks.
Hope you all benefit by doing it and end up more fulfilled by Ramadan.
waaah, hebat! dari kecil udah dididik buat mandiri. sip!
Hey, I wanted to thank you for the comments on my past post, it made me think more about the consequences of my actions on the potential baby, and not just about the mother. I wush you and your family a great ramadan, and I think it's great that you're instilling entrepreneurship in Ibit, so early on, You're a very good, nurturing mommy :-)
Blessings during your holy time. I really enjoy reading about it.
no, i'm not going to comment it in english *rrr...but what do i exactly do by now :))*
waaw...mba ibit hebat...kecil2 udah bisa mandiri, and even make her own money *d'oh english again*
ar & ir juga pinter, mau belajar puasa plus tarawih juga
semoga mba la dan keluarga diberikan Allah berkah Ramadhan dan bertemu hari kemenangan :)
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