Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Semalem kami jalan-jalan ke Jateng Fair, acara tahunan yang biasanya diadakan antara pertengahan Juli hingga pertengahan Agustus untuk menyambut hari kemerdekaan tanggal 17 Agustus.
Masih seperti acara tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Tapi kali ini kami nemu sesuatu yang menarik. Sebuah toko batik membuka pelatihan batik, dan membolehkan pengunjung mencoba sebagian kecil dari seluruh proses panjang pembuatan batik (bayar, tentu saja, Rp. 20.000).
Last night we went to Jateng Fair, an annual event held from medio July until medio August to welcome our indepence day, 17 August.
It was just any Fair we have come to before. But this time we found some thing quite interesting. A batik shop had a batik painting course, and let people to try to do a little part of long process doing the painting on batik fabrics (we had to pay, off course, Rp. 20.000 or about USD 2,5).
Ibit mencoba membatik dengan canting dan malam yang dipanaskan
Ibit tried to paint the batik using 'canting' and the hot melted wax
Ibit tried to paint the batik using 'canting' and the hot melted wax

ini hasilnya setelah diwarnai
this is the result after coloring
this is the result after coloring

membatik dengan malam cair panas kayanya agak berbahaya buat Ar dan Ir. jadi yang jaga standnya membantu proses canting-nya, jadi mereka tinggal mewarnai saja.
I thought hot melted wax is a little bit dangerous for Ar and Ir, so the shop keeper helped them doing the 'canting' process. they just had to do the coloring
I thought hot melted wax is a little bit dangerous for Ar and Ir, so the shop keeper helped them doing the 'canting' process. they just had to do the coloring

kucing, binatang kesayangan Ar
cat, Ar's favorite pet
cat, Ar's favorite pet

tadinya kupikir Ir ngga akan cukup sabar. tapi aku salah. hehe... aku lupa kalau Ir pernah juara lomba mewarnai, jadi pastilah dia bakal sabar kalo cuma nggambar beginian aja...
at the beginning I thought Ir wouldn't be patient enough to do this. but I was wrong. I forgot that he once won a coloring contest. so doing such thing must not be so hard for him
at the beginning I thought Ir wouldn't be patient enough to do this. but I was wrong. I forgot that he once won a coloring contest. so doing such thing must not be so hard for him

serangga yang tidak menakutkan
a not-scary bug
a not-scary bug

bener-bener cucunya mbah Sungkono mereka ini. darah seni-lukis beliau mengalir di tubuh anak-anakku...
they truly are Pak Sungkono's grand-kids. his 'painting-art blood' flows in my children's bodies...
Seruuuu pengen ikutaann :((
Saluut... anakku yo meh tak kursuske mbatik ah... tiru2 hal yg baek raono salahe... Yora Jeng...
Wow! Those are fabulous! Proud mom!
♥ They're all amazing artist! My kids do stick figures!!! :)
Beautiful art!
wow.. salut dengan kreativitas mereka... semoga selalu terasah daya seninya
Wow, those are beautiful pictures, what fun that must have been!
They did AWESOME!!! They are talented like their momma! That would have been a very interesting opportunity! did they turn them into the batik for you to take?
that was definitely fun. my kids enjoyed it much. and we can bring the painting home. Ar was so proud of his work, he put it on his wall room...
I want to try it too. I still have time until august 16 :)
I meant, room wall
*d'oh! messy english :D*
Wow. That is so cool. Those kids of yours are regular picasso's they are! Such talent. And what a great activity. It looks like they had fun!
What magnificent painting and gorgeous children!
Love the paintings! Hope you got to take the boy's paintings home with you :)
he's very talented, and I love your header
Here’s my photo story. happy Friday!
full colour, full imagination, i love them full... ha ha ha
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