But this view has shocked me when I logged in and face my dashboard.
Iya, memang sudah lumayan lama ngga posting di sini. Lagi (sok) sibuk dengan kerjaan. Malam ini rencananya mau posting tentang, seperti biasa, anak-anak -- inspirasiku.
Tapi pemandangan ini membuatku shock saat aku log in dan melihat dashboard-ku

So I sent an unlock request. My blog is not a spam. Did any of you ever think so? I am not an android, I am I real human. My heart beats, I breathe, I think, and I feel. And I am annoyed with this message. See? A spam would never ever feel so!
Jadi aku langsung kirim unlock request. Blog-ku bukan spam ya. Ada yang pernah merasa begitu? Aku bukan manusia buatan, aku manusia beneran. Jantungku berdetak, aku bernafas, aku berpikir, dan aku merasa. Dan aku lumayan terganggu membaca pesan itu. Ya kan? Spam ngga akan bisa merasa seperti itu!
Then I signed in to my mail to see if I had an answer right then. But this was what I found:
Lalu aku sign in ke mail, siapa tahu langsung dapat jawaban. Tapi aku malah nemu ini:
No way. They said this blog will be deleted in 20 days? Come on... my almost 3 years hard work?
I hope they received my request. Then as they promised some one will look at this blog and realize that I am a human. I have kids those were born by me. And it's them most of this blog posts are about.
Enak aja. Katanya blog ini akan dihapus dalam 20 hari. Yang benar saja, kerja keras selama hampir 3 tahun? Mudah-mudahan mereka meneriman pesanku. Dan seperti yang mereka janjikan, akan ada yang melihat untuk memastikan bahwa aku manusia. Aku punya anak-anak yang kulahirkan dari rahimku. Dan memang tentang merekalah kebanyakan isi postingan di blog ini.
Or... I hope this is just a mistake, an error the Blogger team will soon fix.
Okay, I guess I will have to pend what I wanted to write about for... some day later. But first I need to save my xml-data, just in case...
Pray for me guys, please... pray for the continue of this blog... *amen, thanks for praying :)*
Atau... mudah-mudahan ini cuma sebuah kesalahan, error yang akan segera diperbaiki oleh team Blogger.
Oke, kayanya aku harus tunda apa yang tadinya mau aku tulis malam ini hingga... beberapa hari nanti. Tapi sekarang yang terpenting, aku harus selamatkan data xml-ku. Jaga jaga....
Tolong doakan ya teman-teman... doakan kelangsungan blog ini.... *amin, terima kasih do'anya :)*
updated 31st july 2009 (18.45pm): the message on the dashboard has gone. yup, my Dandelion is unlocked, and free from accusation as spam. alhamdulillah, thanks for all the supports :D
and thank you Blogger Team for let my blog free...
Mbk latree tenang aja ya,. :)
waktu dapet peringatan ini pun saya bingung plus sebel banget,.
Semoga besok peringatan itu udah ilang.. :D
♥ Holy cow! Definitely not spam! I'd just die if I found out that they were going to delete my blog! SO much is on there! I hope they sent the OK very soon!!!
Wow! this is so odd, maybe somebody reported you? That's the only thing that would make sense... I hope everything goes well!
prepare for the worst, bekap semua dan simpan di harddisk
Yikes! I hope it works out. I have heard of several people who this has happened too and their blogs were not deleted...hopefully that will be the case with you.
Wow! I hope everything gets worked out. I'd hate to lose everything too.
I would be heartbroken.
Hope *they* will realize it is a mistake.
what the heck? that is just plain crazy! I'm sure they will review and realize their mistake!
that must be somekind of mistake mb la
hope they wont delete this blog, i enjoy your writing so much
That's terrible. I'm glad you got it all straightened out.
This time of year is busy for us all. I haven't posted as much as I'd like to either. Hope you and your family is having a great summer. :)
my neices blog was blocked and deleted too. I had to go back and read through the agreement that I so flippantly checked the box for when I created my blog. It was a little scary if you want to know the truth. Everybody should read it. Here’s my photo story. happy Friday!
So pleased that you have got it sorted and can keep the blog.
I wonder what the problem was?
I think that's a problem that is more common than they'd like to admit. Their mistake. I love your blog and glad it didn't get deleted.
when I still haven't got any email about my request, I tried to resend a request for review. a message showed up, telling that they have received my request, and by sending the request it shows that I am a human. their anti-spam robot has made a mistake, and soon my blog would be reviewed and unlocked within 2 business days (what a humorous sentence - d'oh!.
who cares, my blog is back and I hope this will never happen again, to me, and to any other bloggers...
Oh my goodness. That just gave me chest pain. I'm so glad this worked out! I'd have been heartbroken.
such gorgeous pics!
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