Friday, July 3, 2009

end of academic year and loneliness

It's over. Well at least for this year. So Ar Ir are no longer kindergarten kids. They've done with it. They are now waiting for the time to be an Elementary School students. I have registered them to the same school with Ibit. And Ibit is no longer a 3rd grader. She is now a 4th grader.
Tamat sudah. Paling tidak untuk tahun ini. Ar Ir sekarang bukan anak TK lagi. Mereka sudah puas di sana. Sekarang nunggu saatnya jadi anak SD. Aku sudah mendaftarkan mereka ke sekolah yang sama dengan Ibit. Dan Ibit bukan anak kelas 3 lagi, sekarnag kelas 4.

This is their last performance at their former school.
Ini penampilan terakhir mereka di sekolah mereka yang dulu.

And I took this picture of Ibit, before she go to school to perform in the graduation celebration for 6th grade at her school, singing with her band. The teacher told me she would perform at about 11.30AM. So I and Dan and the twins went from our house at 10.30. But when I got there, she just finished sang her song and was taking a bow.... Forgive me for being late, Bit...
Dan aku ambil gambar Ibit ini, sesaat sebelum berangkat ke sekolah untuk tampil bersama band-nya di acara akhirussanah dan pelepasan lulusan. Kata gurunya, Ibit akan tampil sekitar jam 11.30, jadi aku dan Dan dan kembar berangkat jam 10.30. Ternyata oh ternyata, ketika kami sampai di sana, Ibit baru saja menyelesaikan chorusnya dan sedang membungkuk menghormat..... Maaf Bit, Ibu telat...


It was all about two weeks ago. It's been a week since I drop my kids there in my parents house for holiday. I thought it would be fun to be just with Dan at home. It was, for a day and two. But the rest were oh so uncomfortable. I missed them, yes I do. Yesterday when I called them, Ar said, "I miss you, Ibu, I want to kiss you..."
Itu sudah hampir dua minggu yang lalu. Dan ini sudah seminggu sejak aku mengantar anak-anak ke rumah embah mereka buat liburan. Kupikir bakalan asyik berdua Dan aja di rumah. Tadinya iya, satu dua hari. Setelah itu... ga enak. Aku kangen sama anak-anak, banget. Kemaren waktu aku telpon mereka, Ar bilang, "Aku kangen Ibu, aku pengen dicium Ibu..."

Oh boy, how I miss you even more, and I miss kissing the smell of you under arms...
Oh boy, Ibu juga kangen kamu... banget. Dan Ibu kangen cium kelek kecut kalian....

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


Are You Serious! said...

♥ don't with Kindergarten! My twins are going into K this year! Love the pictures so cute! :)

Nana said...

Time flies by. Although you miss your babies, it's nice to have some alone time with the hubby :)

Heather said...

Enjoy them while you can because they sure do grow up fast. Enjoy their time off. :)

Forgetfulone said...

Congrats on a successful academic year and on the performances. I am missing my kids right now, too. They are visiting their grandmother in another state, pretty far away, and they'll be gone another three weeks.

Claremont First Ward said...

How long will they be gone? I know I'm going to have a hard time when my twins move up each grade, too.

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Aww, such sweet photos! Missing them is okay but enjoy the alone time too.

Unknown said...

Kids grow too fast! Can you believe we already have school supplies in the stores and it feels like school just got out?!

Anonymous said...

Sekarang udah balik mbak??..
udah rame lagi??.. ponakan2ku udah pada balik. gantian anak2 sleepover tmp adikku.. :( Sepiii...