about a week ago I (Ibit, Ar, and Ir -- actually) received a package from my Multiply friend Tary. it was three books for Ar Ir and Ibit. thank you very much, auntie Tary...
sekitar seminggu yang lalu aku (tepatnya Ibit dan Ar Ir) menerima paket dari Tary, teman Multiply-ku. ada tiga buku buat bertiga. terima kasih tante Tary...
Tary and I have found each other about 10 months ago. now as the world has turned to Facebook, I and Tary continued our friendship there.
Tary dan aku berkenalan sekitar 10 bulan yang lalu. karena sekarang dunia lagi asyik dengan Facebook, kami melanjutkan pertemanan di sana.
but not only there. because as you see, our friendship has grown more than just commenting on each other's posts. I feel like she is a friend in a 'real' world, although we never met physically. oh I hope that' day will come soon...
tapi sebenarnya bukan hanya di sana. karena ternyata, pertemanan kami tumbuh lebih dari sekedar saling mengomentari postingan masing-masing. aku merasa dia adalah teman di dunia 'nyata', meskipun secara fisik kami belum pernah bertemu
I asked her, for what occasion this pakcage was. it is not the birthday of any one. she said it was not for any specific occasion. she just thought my children are cute and she fell in love with them. she knows how Ibit lives to read, or how 'naughty' Ar and Ir are. she's been following this blog (but never commented, I wonder why?) and thought my kids are lovable. well off course, you know who their mother is :P
aku tanya ke Tary, dalam rangka apa dia mengirim buku itu. soalnya tidak ada yang sedang ulang tahun. katanya, bukan dalam rangka apa pun. dia pingin aja karena menurut dia anak-anakku nggemesin, dan bikin dia jatuh cinta. dia tahu kalo Ibit suka dan baca, dan Ar IR suka iseng. dia mengikuti blog ini (tapi ga pernah ninggalin komen, heran deh!) dan menurutnya anak-anakku menyenangkan. ya iya lah, siapa dulu ibunya... :P
no lie, I can relate to how she feels about my kids. I feel the same about my bloggie friends' kids also. reading all post about them like watching them grow in front of me. I mean, you know when Baby O has to go to a doctor, you witness Baby L is now six, you see Baby Z doing cute things with mom's lipstick...
then you feel sad when they get sick. and you can feel the happines when they do some thing great. and you laugh to die when they do funny things...
bukan isapan jempol. aku bisa kok merasakan yang dirasakan Tary. aku juga merasa begitu dengan anak-anak teman-teman bloggerku. membaca postingan tentang mereka dari hari ke hari membuatku rasanya melihat mereka tumbuh di hadapanku. kau tahu kapan Baby O harus pergi ke dokter. kau menyaksikan Baby L berulang tahun yang ke enam, kau melihat Baby Z berbuat hal lucu dengan lipstik mama...
lalu kau ikut sedih kalau mereka sakit, ikut bahagia kalau mereka melakukan hal yang luar biasa, dan ikut tertawa setengah mati kalau mereka melakukan hal lucu...
it is the power of blog. do you ever feel the same?
kekuatan blog. apakah kau merasakannya juga?

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
I feel the same. I have some 'real' friends that are also my blog buddies, but apart from them. I have 3 bloggers I follow religiously, and with whom I've gotten quite close. Funny thing is, they're all related. I hope to meet them someday too.
blog drives fortunes too, hehe :D
♥ What a fun surprise! No reason is the best reason! :)
It is amazing how the internet can connect all of us. I enjoy reading your posts about life in Indonesia and reconnecting with friends I went to school with.
it sure is a sisterhood. i love it
Not as much from blogs, but I have certainly made life-long friendships from internet forums. It's amazing the connections you can form on the www!
I do feel this way as you get to know your bloggy friends you do seem to connect through the children! Great post.
Blogging is a creative way to reach out to others. Here’s my photo story happy Friday!
Yes! I really cherish the friendships I've made through blogging.
sangat La! aku sangat merasakan kekuatan blog *hugs*
I absolutely feel the same way! It's a big world, but blogging brings us closer.
hmm what does blogging mean to me?
Im not sure but I like it
I totally agree. Some of the bonds are amazing between some the people I've gotten to know through blogs and some forums.
Wow, two very powerful stories. And connection via blogging has become a very powerful voice.
I am still connecting through the blog world and it is fun to get a glimpse of others lives on here and get to know them in a way too!
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