aku merasa sangat beruntung punya orang tua. anugrah. dan aku bahagia mereka berdua masih hidup dan sehat.
I’ve been so lucky to have parents. Blessed. And I’m happy they both are still alive, and healthy.
pun anak-anakku. kuharap itu pula yang mereka rasakan tentang aku dan Dan.
I hope that's also how my children feel about me and Dan.
aku membayangkan bagaimana rasanya tidak punya orang tua, jika kita masih anak-anak. kita pasti butuh tempat bernaung, tempat bergantung, yang akan melindungi dan menjaga kita. orang-orang yang terikat secara emosional maupun biologis.
I wonder how it fells not to have parents, while we are still children. We would need ones to hold on, to lean on, to protect us, to keep us secure. Ones emotionally tied, as well as biologically.
hari ini, aku bersama Loenpia.net, komunitas blogger Semarang, mengunjungi yatim piatu di panti asuhan Fatimatuzzahra. ini adalah salah satu bentuk aksi Loenpia peduli.
Today I joined Loenpia.net,
aku mengajak anak-anak, agar mereka tahu ada orang-orang yang kurang beruntung, agar mereka lebh bisa berempathy. aku menjelaskan bagaimana keadaan anak-anak yang tak punya orang tua ini.
I took my children with us, to show them that some people are not as lucky as they are, and learn to have more empathy. I told them what parentless children are, and how they have to live harder life in the institution.
Ar: ke mana orang tua mereka?
Ar: “Where are their parents?”
aku: meninggal
Me: “Died”
Ar: mereka tinggal sama siapa?
Ar: “Who do they live with?”
aku: orang tua angkat mereka di sana
Me: “Their foster parents there”
Ir: aku jadi sedih
Ir: “This makes me sad”
Ibit: boleh aku berikan beberapa bukuku pada mereka?
Ibit: “May I give some of my books to them?”

aku tahu anak-anak ini butuh lebih dari sekedar baju bekas pantas pakai dan buku-buku. mungkin hal yang paling mereka rindukan di dunia, adalah kasih sayang orang tua. tapi setidaknya, apa yang kami lakukan adalah juga berbagi kasih sayang dengan mereka. semoga bisa membuat hari mereka sedikit lebh berbahagia.
I know they need more than just some used clothes and books. May be love and comfort from parents is the thing they miss most. But at least, this way we can share love and caress to them. Hopefully what we did to day could bring them a little happiness.
mudah-mudahan aku masih bisa mengikuti lagi kegiatan-kegiatan Loenpia.net di waktu yang akan datang. dan mengajak lebih banyak lagi orang di sekitar kita, tersenyum
I hope I can still join Loenpia.net in more activities in the future. and make more people around us, smile.

What a wonderful thing to do for your whole family. It really is a blessing to have parents who care for and love you.
♥ That's awesome that you took the kids also. It's never too early to start doing charity work! Good for you! ;)
I know they need more than books and clothes too, but it sounds like you've given them and your kids a bit of your heart with your donation. What a wonderful example you are to your children!
What a great experience for you all. I too am thankful for my parents and that I didn't have to grow up with out them.
We have a family here that has adopted children (a whole family --5 kids) from a Russian orphanage. She said they were removed from the home but they don't have enough foster homes or they end up in orphanages and up for adoption.
What a heart warming experience. I am sure that trip will stay with your children forever.
Happy Friday!
It was just a little thing I and my blogger friends did. Carrie, your family did a wonderful thing, adopting those children. God bless you..
What a wonderful way to show your children what charity really looks like.
What an important thing to do with your boys! I hope you can do more too.
Smiling and crying in one moment. Nice article, Latree.
wah... yang komen bule2 semua
jadi ndredeg mo komen apa
and our SMILE make them smile..
i've always remember that eyes.
they strugle to survive, no parent, no good nutrition, i dont whether they havent got a good education.
and when i saw their face i said in my heart : i was so lucky.........
How fantastic - what a beautiful post and an amazing thing to do!!
that's awesome...the children look happy. nice posting :)
Any little thing we can do for others is of great worth! That is a neat experience! I am sure your kids will never forget this!
mengharu-biru aku mengingat semau itu
bentar lagi aku mau tinggal di smarang, moga bisa ikutan acaranya loenpia.net
This is great that you took your kids to see that others aren't as lucky as they are. We are always looking for ways to help our children see that here too. How sweet that they wanted to share books.
nice posting
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