Me and my siblings went to
Aku dan saudara-saudaraku pergi ke
It was such a great moment, you know, family time. Spending time with them is never boring. But we had only two days and a night. We spent the night walking around the city. And on Sunday we went up Kelud mount. Climbing? Walking? Nah… by car. We stopped in a parking yard and continued the trip with a little walk to get closer to the crater.
Saat yang menyenangkan, kumpul bersama keluarga. Bersama mereka tidak pernah membosankan. Tapi kami cuma punya dua hari satu malam. Kami menghabiskan malam jalan-jalan keliling kota. Minggunya kami naik Gunung Kelud. Mendaki jalan kaki? Ngga… naik mobil. Kami berhenti di lapangan parkir lalu melanjutkan dengan sedikit jalan kaki untuk melihat lebih dekat ke kawah.
There is a unique view up there, a lava dome has rose through the center of the crater. You can read about the process, here.
Ada pemandangan unik di atas sana. Sebuah kubah lava telah tumbuh di tengah kawah. Proses terjadinya kubah itu bisa dilihat di sini
This is a picture of the dome, in that foggy Sunday hi-noon. Dan took this picture with his camera.
Ini gambar kubah itu, dalam suasana Minggu siang yang berkabut. Dan mengambil gambarnya dengan kameranya.

Now, look at the picture closer. Do you see what I see? I see a silhouette of a man screaming bearing pain.
Sekarang perhatikan gambarnya lebih seksama. Bisa kau lihat yang kulihat? Aku melihat siluet orang yang sedang menjerit menahan kesakitan.
I’m talking about point of view. You see what you want to see. And that also for every thing happens in our life.
Aku bicara tentang sudut pandang. Kau melihat apa yang ingin kau lihat. Dan itu juga berlaku untuk banyak hal dalam hidup ini
Some times we find our selves in a deep sadness, or trouble, or we even call it disaster. So ‘turn’ it in an angle until you find goodness in it. And you’ll feel much better.
Kadang kita merasa tengah berkubang dalam kesedihan yang mendalam, atau permasalahan berat, atau malah kita menyebutnya bencana. Maka coba putar sedikit sudut pandang kita, sampai kita menemukan satu sisi baik dari kejadian itu. Dan kita akan merasa jauh lebih baik.
Just like Bot and Lin’s moving from
Seperti kepindahan Bot dan Lin dari
And oh, this is a picture of us who joined the trip.
Ini mereka yang ikut naik gunung Kelud.
Ngad, Ard’s husband was there too but we lost him. He walked some other direction and we met again on the way down. My #4 brother Bond didn’t stay for the night. He and my parents went home that Saturday evening, back to Wonogiri, because he could not leave her wife End with her 5 months baby at home alone for too long.
Suami Ard sebenarnya ikut, tapi dia jalan-jalan sendiri, ngilang. Baru ketemu lagi waktu jalan turun. Bond, saudara #4 tidak menginap. Sabtu sore dia langsung pulang ke Wonogiri, ngga bisa terlalu lama ninggalin istrinya sendirian di rumah bersama anaknya yang 5 bulan.
This is us: my parents and siblings.
Ini kami: orang tuaku dan kami bersaudara.
Bond, Bot, Mother, Father, Ard, me, Non
It looks like your family had a great time together. I like your view on point of view. If you are having a bad day, find something positive to make it a better day. That's a good way to live life. :)
I have always thought about perspective and how powerful it is. You really can choose joy and happiness in the midst of hard things. I love the picture of you and your siblings! It's so wonderful to have a big family.
♥ Awesome pictures! Love your point of view! :)
I love family get togethers! HOW fun! ;)
I totally saw your screaming man! And your point of view is so true! Nice looking family you've got.
have I used the wrong phrase?
'perspective' sounds to be the right word instead of 'point of view'.
well, you know what I mean lah... that's what is important :D
I'm so glad you got to spend time with your family. There is nothing better.
wah, keren nih blog ada terjemahannya pula. mantap deh. blognya byk juga ya.
setuju banget bu dengan 'point of view'nya
berat-ringan, susah-senang, semua bermula dari 'sudut pandang' kita sendiri ;)
Family time is always great! You guys are a lovely family! I can see the screaming man! :)
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