Thursday, January 29, 2009

twin twin

kembar kembar

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

every child is unique. but tell me you don't agree that twins (or multiplets) are more than unique. because I think so. I remember when I was in senior high school, we had two sets of twins in my grade, one set in the grade below, and no twins in the upper grade. I could barely tell which one is who. I always asked 'are you Nug or Cah?' , 'are you Yad or Yan?'. I didn't realize then, how annoying it could be to them.
setiap anak unik. tapi katakan padaku kau tidak setuju kalo kembar itu lebih dari sekedar unik. karena menurutku begitu. aku ingat waktu SMA, ada sepasang kembar di angkatanku. sepasang lagi di angkatan bawahku, dan tidak ada di angaktan atasku. aku selalu bingung yang mana siapa. jadi aku selalu tanya, 'kamu Nug atau Cah?', 'kamu Yad atau Yan?'. waktu itu aku ngga berpikir bahwa pertanyyan itu mungkin menyebalkan buat mereka.

now my boys have to deal with the 'same' question, almost everyday. our neighbours, even my mom and siblings can not tell which one is Ar and which one is Ir. I know the boys have had enough and been bored with the same question all the time, and some time they just keep silent or leave without answers. I had to bring them to the mirror, and let them see how they look a lot alike. that makes people have trouble in recognizing them as individual, so they have to answer that question.
sekarang anak-anakku yang harus berhadapan dengan pertanyaan itu, hampir tiap hari. tetangga kami, bahkan ibuku dan saudara-saudaraku ngga bisa bedain mana Ar mana Ir. aku tahu Ar Ir pasti bosen banget tiap kali ditanya begitu. kadang mereka diam, atau pergi gitu aja tanpa menjawab. akhirnya aku bawa mereka ke depan cermin, dan kuminta memperhatikan bahwa mereka mirip, dan orang suka bingung. jadi mereka harus jawab pertanyaan itu.

I don't meet too many twins around us. even in our neighborhood of over 300 families, there are only 3 sets of twins. first are mine, boy-boy. the second are boy-girl, and the last one are girl-girl. it is so cute that the girl-girl twin are happening to live just two doors away. and it brings funny things to us.
ngga banyak pasangan kembar di sekitar kami. bahkan di perumahan kami yang lebih dari 300 KK, hanya ada tiga pasang kembar. satu, anakku cowok-cowok. dua, cewek-cowok. dan satu lagi cwek-cewek. kebetulan banget yang kembar cewek-cewek itu tinggal cuma dua rumah jauhnya dari rumah kami. dan itu bikin terjadinya hal-hal lucu lebih lucu...

my twins always play with them, any time. when Ar Ir woke up in the morning, before they go to school, first thing they do is visit Nda and Nin. after school before nap, they play together again. in the afternoon after nap, them again.
I was touched when we just came from Solo visiting Dan's Grandma. first thing they do when they stepped out of the car, was, going to Nda and Nin's house. just to say hello, and then home.
Ar-Ir main dengan mereka tiap hari. bangun tidur, sebelum berangkat sekolah, hal pertama yang dilakukan adalah mengunjungi Nda dan Nin. pulang sekolah, sebelum tidur siang, main ke Nda dan Nin. sore bangun tidur, mereka lagi.
aku terharu waktu kami baru datang dari Solo mengunjungi mbahnya Dan, hal pertama yang mereka lakukan begitu keluar dari mobil, adalah, ke rumah Nda dan Nin. just say hello, lalu pulang.

their mother told me once, about this funny conversation they had when Nda and Nin were looking at their parents wedding pictures:
Nda: Mom, I want to get married
mom: with who?

Nda: Ar-Ir

Oh yeah, isn't that a great idea? I have to wait and see what will happen in, let's say, 20 years? :D
suatu hari ibu mereka bercerita padaku tentang percakapan lucu di antara mereka ketika Nda dan Nin sedang melihat-lihat foto manten orang tua mereka
Nda: Bunda, aku mau menikah
bunda: sama siapa?
Nda: Ar-Ir
Oh yeah, ide bagus kan?
aku akan menunggu dan lihat apa yang akan terjadi dalam waktu, katakan, 20 tahun? :D

my other neighbor told me about other funny thing she found.
she met 'I-wasn't-sure-it-was-Ar-or-Ir' in front of her house and asked him, 'where is your brother?'. answered. then she left but still could see and hear 'I-wasn't-sure-it-was-Nda-or-Nin' came to him and asked, 'did she asked you who you are?'
tetanggaku yang lain bercerita tentang hal lucu yang ditemuinya.
dia bertemu dengan 'entah-Ar-atau-Ir' di depan rumahnya, lalu bertanya kepadanya, 'mana saudaramu?'. dijawab. lalu dia pergi tapi masih sempat melihat dan mendengar 'entah-Nda-atau-Nin' mendekati si cowok dan bertanya, 'dia tanya siapa kamu?'

yes, they play around the block, four of them. but people only know them as 'Ar-Ir' and 'Nda-Nin', can not tell which one is who. they said, 'it doesn't matter if we can not tell it, as long as their parents can'.
oh, have I told you that Dan pinched the wrong 'naughty'? and how often I miss-called them?
iya, mereka main berempat keliling blok. tapi orang-orang cuma tahu meraka adalah 'Ar-Ir' dan 'Nda-Nin', ga tau siapa yang mana. kata mereka, 'biar aja kita ga tahu, yang penting orang tuanya tahu'
oh, aku sudah pernah cerita kan, tentang Dan salah cubit si anak 'nakal', dan betapa seringnya aku salah panggil?

Monday, January 26, 2009

the dentist (dokter gigi)

is it so hard to get your children to the dentist?
susah ngajak anak ke dokter gigi?

let them watch the video, and they'll even get harder to go there :P
coba deh ajak mereka nonton video singkat ini, pasti makin susah :P

open your mouth..
are you ready?
1.. 2.. 3..
AAAAAAA........!!!! AA!!
here it s, it's done... :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

just couple other awards....

award lagee....

Di at forgetfulone awarded me this triple award. oh my, triple!
Di di forgetfulone memberiku triple award ini. ya ampun, triple!

lemonade, sisterhood, and bestfriend!
lemonade, sisterhood, and best friend!

mmm, lemonade. may be I am. I sometimes am sour. hehe.. is it what it means? or fresh? well I am too, I guess.
sisterhood? I guess I'm related to it in some way I might not know..
bestfriend? well, Di, I'm happy you think I am one. you are too...
mm... lemonade? mungkin aku memang begitu, kadang-kadang suka agak kecut. hehehe.. maksudnya itu bukan ya? atau segar? na.. kalau itu sih selalu..
sisterhood? kalo ini sih pasti aku terhubung entah dengan cara apa..
bestfriend? wah Di, makasih banget kamu nganggep aku begitu. kamu juga....


Heather at a day in the life gave me this beautiful award
Heather di a day in the life memberiku award cantik ini..

I've always been amazed by this beautiful creature. how can we not be? remember how it turns from a worm into it? I've even ever once thought to use it as my icon instead of dandelion. but I guess I haven't changed my self that beautifully :P
aku selalu kagum pada kupu-kupu. gimana enggak? ingat bagaimana bentuknya waktu masih berupa ulat? aku bahkan pernah berpikir untuk memakainya sebagai iconku, bukan dandelion. tapi kayanya kok aku belum merubah diriku menjadi seindah itu.. :P

so. the rules to the receivers of these awards are:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded the blog to you.
3. Award up to ten other blogs ('who has great attitude and gratitude' as an additional requirement for the triple award).
4. Add links to the blogs you award onto your blog.
5. Leave a message for your awardees on their blogs.

jadi, ini peraturan bagi para penerima award:
1. pasang logonya di postinganmu
2. jangan lupa link ke pemberi award ini
3. berikan lagi kepada sepuluh blogger lain (ada syarat tambahan untuk yang triple award, yaitu 'who has great attitude and gratitude')
4. pasang link ke para penerima award
5. tinggalkan komen untuk mereka

ten? okay. I pass on both awards to five Indonesian blogger, and five international ones. you all get both awards.
sepuluh ya? oke deh. aku berikan kedua award ini kepada 5 blogger Indonesia dan 5 blogger luar negeri. semuanya mendapat dua award sekaligus.

1. easy
2. unisyifa
3. mlandhing
4. nina
5. ardifa

6. melissa at areyouserious!
7. carrie at liveinthebadland
8. G at wherearemyangels?
9. tumblewords at tumblewords
10. crazydaisy at foreverdaisies

all are girls? of course lah! there is a siserhood award there!
lha kok cewek semua? ya iya lah! kan ada sisterhood awardnya..

okay awardees...... you all really deserve it. pass on the love and link..
okay para penerima award... kalian semua berhak mendapatkannya. sebarkan cinta dan link-nya...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

manasik haji Ar Ir

Ar Ir's manasik haji

Minggu lalu Ar dan Ir dan ratusan murid Tk Islam se Semarang selatan melaksanakan manasik haji, sebagai simulasi pelaksanaan rukun Islam yang kelima, pergi ke Mekkah untuk berhaji.
Last week Ar and Ir and hundreds of Islamic kindergartens students in South Semarang did a manasik haji. Manasik haji is a simulation to a Islamic Pilgrimage to Mecca, to do the fifth rukun as a moslem, and be home as a haji.

Buat muslim Indonesia, pergi haji butuh usaha besar, terutama sangunya. Memang buat sebagian orang, uang bukan masalah, tapi buat sebagian besar yang lain, itu perlu usaha lebih.
For us, moslems who live in Indonesia, going to Mecca to do haji is a big effort, mostly about the funding. Off course, to some people money doesn't matter, but for most of us, it does.

Alhamdulillah kedua orang tuaku, juga kakak perempuanku dan suaminya sudah melaksanakannya. Sekarang jadi mimpiku dan suami untuk menjadi yang berikutnya.
Alhamdulillah both my parents, and my eldest sister and her husband have already done it, and it becomes my dream to be the next to go.

Menyaksikan anak-anak berpura-pura menjalankan ibadah haji membuatku trenyuh, dan bertanya-tanya kapankah, atau akankah aku pernah punya kesempatan sekali seumur hidup melakukan haji yang sesungguhnya.
Watching those kids pretending doing the pilgrimage has made my eyes watering and wondering when will I be able to, or will I ever have a chance of a life time to do the real one.

Semoga Allah mengabulkan permohonan kami, amin.
May Allah fulfill our wishes, amin.

for this week's sundayscribblings prompt, the pilgrimage

and photo story Friday

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I am overloaded....

capek deh....

with the kids fights.
anak-anak berantem terus.

I don't know why each time my kids get close one another there always be a fight. and yesterday I really feel had got too much of it.
kenapa ya, anak-anak itu kalo deketan satu sama lain pasti ada aja bahan berantem. dan kemaren itu bener-bener udah kelewatan.

first: Ibit VS Ar. fought over.... I forgot what. I was reading in the living room and they fought over something in the kitchen, on their way to their room. results: crying and shout.
satu: Ibit VS Ar. rebutan.... apa lupa. aku sedang baca di ruang tamu, mereka berantem di dapur sambil jalan mau ke kamar mereka. hasilnya: tangis dan jeritan

second: Ibit VS Ir. Ibit was looking for her 'monopoly' in nanny's cupboard and found a fan she used to use to dance when she was in second grade. that's what they were fighting over. result: I didn't know how, but they broke nanny's lamp plus crying and shout.
dua: Ibit VS Ir. Ibit lagi nyari mainan monopolinya di lemari embak. tiba-tiba dia nemu kipas yang dia pake nari jaman masih kelas dua. ya itu yang jadi bahan rebutan. hasil: ga tahu gimana lampu kamar embak pecah, plus tangisan dan jeritan.

third: Ar VS Ir. object: unknown. result: Ir bit Ar's finger. crying and shout.
tiga: Ar VS Ir. obyek: ga tahu. hasil: Ir gigit jarinya Ar. tangisan dan jeritan.

that's enough. so I said, "why do you guys always fight when you get close one another? Ok then, tonight I don't want to see you in the same place with any other of you"
cukup sudah. jadi aku bilang, 'kenapa sih kalo kalian deketan jadinya berantem? sudah, sekarang Ibu ngga mau lihat k alian deket-deketan lagi'

I brought Ir to sleep in the praying room upstairs. yes tonight they all have to sleep alone.
it would be easy for Ibit since she's always been sleeping alone in her own room. but Ar and Ir have been sharing the same bed since they were zygots, and I believe it was hard. have I been so mean?
aku bawa Ir tidur di kamar shalat di ruangan atas. yap, malam ini semua tidur sendiri. Ibit sih sudah biasa tidur di kamarnya sendiri. tapi Ar Ir udah terus tidur bareng sejak mereka masih berbentuk zygot, dan pasti berat harus tidur sendiri-sendiri. aku kejam ngga sih?

Ir didn't say a word, but I know he was sad.
Ar, you can't expect him to just keep what he feels.
'why does Ir have to sleep upstairs?', he asked
'because you two always have a fight when ever you get close'
'but not when we are sleeping, let us sleep together'
I giggled, off course you can't fight when you are asleep. but I said, 'NO'

Ir ngga bilang apa-apa, tapi aku tahu dia sedih.
Ar, jangan harap dia bisa menyimpan perasaannya.
dia bertanya, 'kenapa Ir harus tidur di atas?'
'karena kalian kalo deketan berantem'
'tapi kalo tidur enggak kok bu, biar deh Ir tidur bareng aku'
aku agak geli, ya mestilah, kalo tidur gimana mau berantem. tapi aku bilang, 'TIDAK'

I asked Dan, 'is it going to be temporary or permanent?'
'isn't it a good idea to separate Ar Ir in the different rooms?'
'is that necessary?'
aku tanya Dan, 'ini sementara aja atau selamanya?'
'ide bagus bukan, kalo Ar Ir kamarnya dipisah?'
'perlu ngga?'

so I accompanied Ir and Dan accompanied Ar until they fell asleep. and this morning, they both stick together so sweetly. ah....
jadi aku temani Ir dan Dan temani Ar sampai mereka tidur. dan pagi ini, mereka main bareng, rukun. ah....

Thursday, January 8, 2009

batik contest (again)

I looked up at the dictionary and found the word 'organic' means 'dasar', a word that if I translate back to English would also mean 'basic'. can I consider it as 'original'? my idea to write in this blog bilingually, do you think it is original?
so I post about this 'original' idea of mine as a response to this weeks sundayscribblings prompt: organic.
along with my weekly new habit, joining PSF.


I always think that Batik has been a special gift to the world....
aku selalu merasa batik adalah anugerah istimewa buat dunia...

I once made a batik giveaway, on my #100 post. it was a sheet of batik fabric and won by Carrie Keiser.
aku sudah pernah bikin batik giveaway untuk post ku #100. waktu itu yang menang Carrie Keiser

this time I'm giving away some other batik stuffs for two winners
kali ini aku mau bagi dua barang untuk dua pemenang

a pair of batik sandals
sepasang sandal batik

and a batik blouse
dan sebuah blus batik

are you interested?
well this is all you have to do:
ini yang harus anda lakukan:

since I am NOT an English native speaker, and I learned my English only from school, enriched by listening to English songs and watch English movie -- and read English blogs... :D... I realize that my English is far from perfect. then why I post in it? because I believe, the more I use it, I will improve it. now as I post in English, I know I make mistakes, but some times I just don't know where I do the mistakes.
berhubung aku ini bukan berbahasa ibu inggris, dan belajar bahasa inggris juga cuma di sekolah, ditambah denger-dengerin lagu-lagu berbahasa inggris, dan nonton film berbahasa inggris, dan baca blog berbahasa inggris... maka aku yakin inggrisku jauh dari sempurna. jadi ngapain aku nulis blog dalam bahasa inggris? karena aku yakin dengan makin sering menggunakannya aku akan makin mahir. aku tahu aku banyak bikin salah, cuma ga tahu juga salahnya di mana...

1. I want you to pick any of my post in this blog, that you think has mistakes in writings, grammar, anything (in English)--- (which I believe each post does :P..). then post it on your blog. in your post you should:
1. pilih satu postingan dari blog ini, yang menurutmu mengandung kesalahan dalam penulisan di bagian bahasa inggrisnya -- yang aku yakin pasti semua ada... :P, lalu tuliskan postingan. dalam postingan tersebut, harus:
  • write on your tittle: "when a silly Indonesian woman tries to write in English (a contest)". if i still write this tittle wrong, go write it right..
  • tell in the beginning of the post you do, about this give away and link to this post.
  • optional: rewrite the post you choose, and its tittle. or just show me where the mistakes are... (you can skip this if you feel don't want to do)
  • tell me how you think about this blog, in any way (you can choose one, or two, or all): the language, the topics, the style, the look, the pictures, anything! remember, I don't mind if you tell bad things, as long as it is not rude. I'll take it as a critic.

  • tulis judul postingan: "when a silly Indonesian woman tries to write in English (a contest)", kalau judul yang aku bikin ini masih salah juga, ya betulkan sekalian
  • di awal postingan, ceritakan tentang kuis ini, dan kasih link ke postingan ini
  • opsional: tulis ulang postingan yang anda pilih, juga judulnya. atau cukup tunjukkan di mana letak kesalahannya. bagian ini boleh tidak dikerjakan.
  • katakan apa pendapat anda tentang blog ini. boleh kasih saran atau kritik.
2. dont forget to leave a comment here, I'll be glad if you give the URL to your post so I can go straight there and find out how bad my english has been :P...
I know I should have used miss linky, but I still haven't figured out how to use it...
2. jangan lupa tinggalkan komen, aku akan senang kalau sekalian di kasih link ke postnya jadi aku bisa langsung ke TKP dan melihat betapa buruknya ingrrisku selama ini... :P
emang sih, enaknya pake miss linky, tapi aku belum tahu caranya..

this contest will be closed as January ends. and I will tell you who the winner will be on 2 February 2009, and I'll bear the shipping don't worry :D
kuis ini akan ditutup akhir januari, dan pengumuman pemenang insya Allah tanggal 2 Pebruari 2009, dan jangan khawatir, ongkos kirim aku yang tanggung :D

come and join me, and thanks!
selamat bergabung, dan terima kasih!


PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Friday, January 2, 2009

new year's eve/day with Dan

so this is what I did for new year's eve. sitting and enjoying 15 minutes weird massages on this lazy chair, till I fell asleep in Dan's office's lobby. Dan was up in his office room, having a meeting. and the kids were 130km away, at their granny's.
jadi inilah acara malam tahun baruanku. menikmati pijatan aneh di 'lazy-chair' sampai ketiduran di lobby kantor Dan... Dan masih di lantai dua di ruang kerjanya, dan anak-anak 130km jauhnya dari aku, di rumah embahnya...

we got out of Dan's office at 10.30 and saw this. yeah, everybody fulfilled their tank for the nite...
kami keluar dari kantor Dan jam 10.30 dan melihat ini. yeah, semua orang mengisi penuh tankinya untuk persiapan muter-muter sepanjang malam..

we had to soon get out of the city center, or we would be trapped in a huge traffic jam. like all vehicles in Semarang were coming to one direction, Simpang Lima, to witness the 00.00 AM, blow trumpets and fireworks. yes this view below was just a beginning to that.
kami harus cepat-cepat keluar dari pusat kota, atau akan terjebak di kemacetan luar biasa. sepertinya semua kendaraan dari seluruh penjuru Semarang menuju ke Simapng Lima, menyaksikan jam 00.00, meniup trompet, dan menyalakan kembang api. pemandangan ini hanyalah awalnya...

I wanted to ask Dan to join them, or at least park on the top of Gombel Hills so we could at least enjoy the fire works. but how could I? seeing Dan's tired face, I could imagine him looking at me and beg without saying,"please, no. do you want to kill me?". of course not, honey. this is your birthday and I still love you...
so we eat at street fried rice and home and sleep. I could still hire the fire works from nearby, but was too sleep to get out and see...
pengin sih, ngajak Dan ikut rame-rame, atau paling tidak parkir di Gombel dan lihat kembang apinya. tapi mana tega? lihat wajah capek Dan aku sudah membayangkan jawabannya. 'Plis deh, kamu mau membunuhku?". tentu tidak, sayang. ini hari ulang tahunmu, dan aku masih mencintaimu..
akhirnya kami makan nasi goreng pinggir jalan, lalu pulang dan tidur. kami masih sempat mendengar kembang api yang di nyalakan deket-deket rumah. tapi ngantuk bangeeet...

we woke up pretty late and decided to just enjoy the day before we pick up the kids. yes, Gunung Pati durians was the best enjoyment you can have. they are so soft and tender and delicious.. yummy...
kami bangun super telat, dan memutuskan untuk santai aja seharian sebelum berangkat menjemput anak-anak. yup, duren Gunung Pati adalah cara terhebat memanjakan diri. lembut, tebel, enak....

we filled our baggage with plenty of them, and went for Wonogiri, to pick the kids...
dan kami penuhi bagasi, lalu berangkat ke Wonogiri jemput anak-anak...


PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek