Tuesday, July 10, 2007


no mashed spices fried rice

Ini resep dadakan hasil kelabakan. Waktu itu aku maen ke rumah kakakku yang pengantin baru di Jakarta. Laki perempuan kerja semua, jadi siang hari aku terpaksa di rumah sendirian. Pagi kami sarapan roti. Untuk siang aku masak nasi, tapi lauknya apa...
Karena di kulkas ada bakso, udang, ikan, aku pilih bikin ini. Mau masak yang macem-macem gak bisa, dan keburu laper.... Dan aku tuh paling males nguleg, nyuci cobeknya itu loh.....

this is a recipe that came by accident. I was staying in my sisters house in jakarta, who just got married. they both work, so I was left at home. we had bread for breakfast, but for lunch... I had to find somthing for myself.
in the fridge, there were meatballs, shrimp, fish, and so I decided to make this. I don't cook much, and was too hungry. and I hate mashing spices...

- sepiring nasi
- bakso sesukanya (tiga butir yang kecil cukup) , iris2
- sebutir telur
- 2 sdm kecap
- 1 siung bawang putih, iris
- 2 buah bawang merah, iris
- 3 buah cabe merah, iris
- garam
- 2 sdm minyak untuk menumis

what you need:
- a plate of rice
- meat ball, I took 3, slice
- an egg
- 2 spoon of soysauce
- 1 garlic, slice
- 2 shallot, slice
- 3 red chilli, slica
- salt
- 2 spoon of vegetable oil

Cara memasak:
Panaskan minyak, masukkan telur, orak-arik. Setelah telur mengental masukkan bumbu yang diiris, kecap. Lanjutkan dengan bakso, lalu nasi dan garam. Aduk rata. Harum? Angkat....

how to cook: heat the oil, put in egg, scramble. then put in sliced stuffs and add soy sauce. last, rice and salt. stir. mells good? done.

Tips: Minyaknya jangan terlalu banyak, jadi nasinya agak-agak gosong. Lebih enak daripada nasinya berminyak.....
don't use too much oil. little burnt smell is better then yucky oily fried rice.
Para penonton bertepuk tangan ketika dua gadis kecil itu beraksi. Meliuk-liuk di ayunan tali yang menggantung (mungkin) 10 m di atas tanah.
The audience gives applause as the two little girls are in action. Swing (maybe) 10 meters above us.
Tapi aku diam, air mataku mengalir pelan tapi tak bisa berhenti. Umurnya mungkin baru 12 – 13 tahun. Seharusnya dia masih sekolah. Anakku sedang tes semester, hari ke-5. Tapi si gadis akrobat harus bekerja dengan kelenturannya.
But I didn’t. My tears fall slowly but it can’t stop. They may be only 12 -13 years old. They should be in school by the time. My daughter is having her fifth day exam. But the acrobat girls have to work with their flexibility
Mungkin aku sentimentil. Tapi aku sama sekali tidak melihat kegembiraan di wajahnya. Gemulai tubuhnya tidak diimbangi senyum, wajahnya tanpa ekspresi. Jadi kusimpulkan dia melakukannya dengan terpaksa.
May be I’m just too sentimental. But I can’t see happiness in their faces. The beautiful movements weren’t balanced with smile, there was no expression. So I assumed they do it because they have to.
Mudah-mudahan dia ikut home schooling....
I hope they are in a home schooling program….
Girls from circus

Para penonton bertepuk tangan ketika dua gadis kecil itu beraksi. Meliuk-liuk di ayunan tali yang menggantung (mungkin) 10 m di atas tanah.
The audience gives applause as the two little girls are in action. Swing (maybe) 10 meters above us.
Tapi aku diam, air mataku mengalir pelan tapi tak bisa berhenti. Umurnya mungkin baru 12 – 13 tahun. Seharusnya dia masih sekolah. Anakku sedang tes semester, hari ke-5. Tapi si gadis akrobat harus bekerja dengan kelenturannya.
But I didn’t. My tears fall slowly but it can’t stop. They may be only 12 -13 years old. They should be in school by the time. My daughter is having her fifth day exam. But the acrobat girls have to work with their flexibility
Mungkin aku sentimentil. Tapi aku sama sekali tidak melihat kegembiraan di wajahnya. Gemulai tubuhnya tidak diimbangi senyum, wajahnya tanpa ekspresi. Jadi kusimpulkan dia melakukannya dengan terpaksa.
May be I’m just too sentimental. But I can’t see happiness in their faces. The beautiful movements weren’t balanced with smile, there was no expression. So I assumed they do it because they have to.
Mudah-mudahan dia ikut home schooling....
I hope they are in a home schooling program….

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Ini hasil surfing, nyariin latihan buat ngecilin perut suami yang ukuran celananya naik terus....
Tiap pagi bangun tidur, dan malam sebelum tidur. Berhasil lho! (Diiringi mengurangi konsumsi gula)

Move 1.
Sit up straight, feet flat on floor, knees bent. Pull abs in firmly, round the back and lower down so the upper body is about 45 degrees off the floor.
Now hold arms out forwrads and do 32 little pulses. On the last one hold and move arms out to sides (1 count) up to vertical (count 2), out to the sides again (count 3) and back to front (count 4). Repeat 8 times to make 32 counts in total.
At the end hold for 16 counts, then little pulses (1 count each) for 16 counts.
Judge the strength and fitness of your class here. You can let the rest, hug the kness in then resume the position. Otherwise make them hold the position and keep going.
Now you move the right arm round to the outside of the right knee on 1 count and back to center on count 2. Do this 8 times. Then repeat to the left. Then alternate sides for 16 counts.
Then move right hand across towards the left knee. It's the same sequence: 8 times on each side and 8 alternating.

Move 2
Now it's time to focus even more on the sides.
Lie on right side. Knees bent at 90 degrees and out in front of the body. Lean back a little hands behind head, pull abs in hard and lift legs off the floor too. Now crunch together the legs and upper body. Do 32 on a single count, hold for 16 and do another 16 on single counts. Turn over and do the other side.This should give a good workout and is a bit more interesting than doing boring old crunches

Taken from: www.turnstep.com

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Jipang Karamel

Apaan sih… Jipang itu labu siam…. Kok karamel… dibikin pudding… cake… atau apa….? He he.. sayur tuh…

- 2 buah labu siam ukuran sedang (kupas, cuci, potong sesuai selera)
- 100 gr udang (bisa diganti telur puyuh, tahu, ayam...)
- 500 ml santan (gak usah terlalu kental, tapi jangan terlalu encer juga)

- 5 buah cabe merah, iris
- 3 siung bawang putih,iris
- 5 buah bawang merah,iris
- Daun salam
- Lengkuas
- 2 sendok makan gula pasir
- Garam secukupnya
- Minyak untuk menumis

Cara memasak:
Panaskan minyak, masukkan cabe, bawang merah, bawang putih, daun salam dan lengkuas. Masukkan gula pasir sampai agak terbakar dan tercium bau karamel. Masukkan udang. Setelah udang berubah warna masukkan labu siam, disusul santan. tunggu hingga matang, masukkan garam. Tungu sebentar, angkat.
Selamat mencoba!

Monday, July 2, 2007


Perempuan itu sudah semakin nekat. Pada awalnya dia hanya menelpon. Lalu ngajak ketemuan. Lalu hampir tiap hari kirim email, dengan dilampiri sesuatu yang dia dapat dari situs porno, yang tentu saja membuat si pria tidak tahan untuk tidak mendatanginya. Coz when he does, si perempuan sudah siap untuk mempraktekkan isi lampiran emailnya itu.....
That woman has gone crazy. At the beginning she only called. Then she started asking to meet. And then she sent email everyday, with an attachment she got from a porno site. And off course the man couldn’t stand not to meet her. Coz when he does, she’d be ready to do what the attachment shows...
Kegilaannya mulai muncul... Dia minta dinikahi.
The madness comes up. She wants to be married.
“Aku rela jadi istri kedua...”
“Aku mau meskipun nikah siri aja....”
“Let me be your second wife, I’m ok with that”
Si pria tidak bisa memenuhinya. Istrinya tidak mungkin mau dimadu. Dan dia tidak mungkin menceraikan istrinya. Dan bagaimana anak-anaknya nanti?
He can’t do that. His wife won’t let him do. And he can’t divorce her too. And what about the children?
Jadi begitulah....
And so...
Pagi ketika dia sarapan di kantin deket kantor, biasanya dia akan menjawab dua telepon masuk dengan kata-kata yang kurang lebih sama. Kepada istrinya, dan kepada perempuan itu.
Everyday when he has breakfast at a foodcourt near by his office, he would answer two phone calls with the similar words. To his wife, and to the woman.
“Lagi makan – di warung ini – sama si anu (temen kantor)....”
“Yeah.. I’m having breakfast – with ‘x’ (office mate)”
Istrinya berkata, “Syukur deh, aku tenang kalau kamu pergi sama dia”
His wife would say, “Thank God, I’m glad you gi with him”
Si perempuan berkata, “Kenapa ya... Kalau kamu pergi sama dia aku jadi deg-degan.....”
The woman says, “Why I feel so bad everytime you go with him?”
Kenapa ya....??? Karena si temen kantor itu adalah orang baik yang selalu berusaha mengingatkan si pria untuk selalu kembali ke jalan yang benar...
Why? Because ‘x’ is a good man who always remind him to stay on the right track....
Kecurangan berlanjut....
The cheating goes on...
Kegilaan menjadi....
The crazyness goes on...
Si perempuan mulai berani memperlihatkan diri di kantor. Tidak peduli si pria kelabakan, dan teman-teman seruangannya terbelalak melihat kegilaan itu. Si pria segera menarik perempuan keluar kantor sambil bergumam,”Kamu ngapain ke sini...? Aku kan....blablabla...”
The woman begin to come to his office. She doesn’t care the man got red and everybody in the room can’t say a word. The man took her out with hummings,”What the hell....”
Lebih gila lagi.
It’s even more crazy.
Dalam suatu acara resmi kantor, menjamu rekanan, bahkan keluarga karyawan pun tidak diharapkan kehadirannya.... Si perempuan datang penuh keanggunan, memakai gaun malam. Bertanya sambil kepada penerima tamu sambil mengedarkan mata, “Mmm... Maaf, Mas XYZ ada?”.
In an official event, gathering clients, where even the employee’s familiy weren't expected to come... The woman comes up in a night gown. Asking to the reception, “Excuse me... Ineed to see Mr....”
Yang dicari tidak menyangka. Mukanya merah padam, dan dibawanya perempuan itu meninggalkan tempat acara.
He never thought she would do that. In an anger he took her out, away from the room...
Si pria marah besar.
He got mad.
Lebih marah dari pada ketika si perempuan tiba-tiba muncul di kantor.
More than when she came to the office.
Lebih gusar dari pada ketika istrinya menemukan SMS mencurigakan di handphonenya....
Worse than the time his wife found a suspecious SMS onhis cellphone...

Si perempuan berkata, di usianya yang ke 33, “Aku merasa sudah tua, aku tidak pede lagi kalau mau mencari pendamping hidup.”
The woman said, in her age of 33, “I feel too old and have no confidence to find myself a man”
Please deh ah, what does she think she’s doing?
Oh please, what does she think she’s doing?
“Kalau bisa, kamu nikahi aku tahu depan ya sayang....”
“I hope you can marry me next year...”
Please deh ah (lagi)......
Oh please (again)
Dan inilah jawaban si pria yang sudah beranak, dan beristri perempuan baik-baik.
And this is what the man says, as he got agood wife and nice children.
“Kalau pun keluargaku hancur karena kamu, kemudian aku ingin menikah lagi, pasti bukan dengan kamu. Gila apa?”
“Even if my family is broken, because of you, and I want to get married again, it won’t be you for sure. I'm not crazy”