Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Balikpapan lagi!

Akhir pekan yang cukup panjang kemarin, kami menyempatkan mengunjungi Mbahnya- anak-anak di Balikpapan. Setelah 4 tahun yang lalu. Wuhu. Udah lama juga ya. Habisnya... lumayan berat juga kalau pergi ke sana berombongan. Berat di ongkos hehe.. Tapi demi mengunjungi Mbah, biar berat dibikin ringan. Yang penting Mbahnya senang, anak-anak apalagi. 
Last long week end we decided to visit Dan's parents in Balikpapan. After four years since our former visit. Quite long, huh? Well, going to Balikpapan is not that simple. Especially when it comes to cost :D

Seperti kunjungan sebelumnya, kami terbang dari Yogya. Sempat menginap semalam (setengah malam tepatnya) dan bertemu dengan keluarga sahabat blogger, om Warm. Berombongan kami menggiring anak-anak bermain di Kids Festival yang kebetulan sedang berlangsung di JEC. Ada banyak permainan. Ada mini zoo dari Kebun Binatang Gembira Loka.
Like our visit  before, we took a flight from Yogya. We stayed for half- a nite there, and met my blogger friend, om Warm, and his family. Together we brought the kids to Kids Festival at JEC. Many games you could play. And there was mini zoo by Gembira Loka Zoo.

becak mini

sepeda tandem

bapak-bapak kompak baby sitting :D

pengen foto bareng semuanya, tapi anak-anak berlarian ke sana kemari. ya udah bapak ibunya aja lah :D

Aku sempat khawatir Dek Aik akan rewel di dalam pesawat. Ternyata pada saat take off dan landing dia bisa tenang dengan membuka-buka buka inflight shop :D
I was worried that Dek Aik would cry in the flight. but he was just fine. He sat and calm during tha take off and landing, opening the in-flight shop book...

Kebetulan, tanggal 21 lalu Ar dan Ir berulang tahun. Secara sederhana Embah bikin selamatan. Nasi kuning plus lauk-pauk dimasak oleh Mbah Putri. Setelah dibacakan doa oleh Mbak Kakung, disantap bersama untuk sarapan :D
March 21st was Ar and Ir's birthday. Mbah Putri made Nasi Kuning for a little birthday celebration. After a prayer from Mbah Kakung, we had the nasi kuning for breakfast...

Yang paling bikin anak-anak semangat pergi ke Embahnya di Balikpapan adalah pantai. Ngga bisa enggak. 
The most exciting thing about going to Balikpapan is beach. And there is noway you can keep us away from it...

Hari kedua, pantai lagi. Kali ini bersama keluarga Budhe dan sepupu-sepupu. Rame. Piknik makan di pantai seru juga. Walaupun makanan dan minuman kena pasir sedikit sedikit, tetap nikmat :D
The second day, we went to Manggar Beach. This time we went together with Auntie and cousins. A little picnic is fun. 

Dua hari memang kurang. Harusnya seminggu gitu... Tapi lumayan lah, daripada tidak. Ya kan? Mudah-mudahan aja, lain kali ada kesempatan lagi berkunjung ke Balikpapan untuk waktu yang agak lama. Biar bisa puassss....!
Two days are definitely not enough. But that's better than nothing at all. Hopefully we will have another time, a longer time, to visit Mbah...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Only the Good Ones Die Young

Few days ago Ibit told me, one of her friend's 6 year old younger brother was accidentally hit by a motorbike when he was playing around the neighborhood. He got a serious injury and trauma on his head and got a surgery, and was in a comma.

This evening I heard the news that he couldn't make it and passed away.

Right now I'm lying beside my baby and can't stop crying thinking of the poor boy. We still met him two weeks ago when the kids had the Tae Kwon Do examination. He was so cute, and totally fine. Who would think he'd pass away so soon, this way?

I know God only do the good things. And may be that's why He took him. Prayers.

Monday, March 19, 2012

the magic

I like, I love, walking around the block with him. In the morning, in the evening.

Not because I am afraid he would fall.

But because I just like it. I like the magic I feel every time his tiny fingers hook with mine.

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Vehicle

Some body fell in love at first sight with this toy bus. He had to wait for another month to be able to have it.

Than the other one thought he should have a toy car too, for his brother did. But he didn't like that classic bus. He chose this orange Lamborghini.

Between Ar and Ir, who do you think like the bus (or the lamborghini)?


See. They may look alike a lot. But they are totally different person.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Bath Tub.

Or bath tube?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Loop Loop Tie your Shoe

I never found tying shoe lace is complicated. But I heard it is, to some people. I remember how complicated it is to Sponge Bob Squarepants, until he finally did it with the help of his song. I just found the lyric here, and here it is.

You wanna learn how to tie your shoe?
It's a very easy thing to do
Just sit on down and I'll give you the scoop..
What's that? It's called loop-de-loop
You put your laces each hand
go over and under again, you make loop-de-loop and pull
and your shoes are looking cool
You go over and back, left to the right, loop-de-loop and pull 'em tight.
Like the bunny ears on a Christmas bow, lace 'em up and you're ready to go!
You make your loop-de-loop and pull, and your shoes are looking cool.

I think whoever sees this episode should learn that tying shoe lace is simple. But it has made my children think the opposite. And for years they chose to wear shoes without laces.

Few days ago I accompanied Ibit and Ar and Ir bought their school shoes. Ibit and Ar chose their shoes without laces. But Ir decided to have the ones with laces. He asked me if I would teach him to tie them. And I said off course I would.

I tried to remember what Sponge Bob did but I failed. I thought I could have searched on youtube how to do it, but I didn't have much time. So I just showed Ir how I do it and he succeded in his first try.

He made it. And he looks darn so cool...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Ujian Kenaikan Tingkat (lagi)

hari Minggu kemarin, Ar Ir dan Ibit mengikuti ujian kenaikan tingkat Tae Kwon Do.
Ar dan Ir yang memang sudah lebih dulu ikut Tae Kwon Do, mengikuti ujian dari kuning-strip ke hijau. sedang Ibit berusaha untuk menambahkan strip pada sabuk kuningnya

Dek Ai' sengaja kuajak mengantar kakak-kakaknya. awalnya dia merasa tidak nyaman, seperti biasa ketika berada di tempat baru. tapi melihat para peserta ujian yang bersemangat, dia minta turun dan masuk ke tengah barisan. aku rikuh mau ikut masuk dan mengajaknya keluar. tapi para penguji sepertinya membiarkan saja, karena toh para peserta ujian sedang satu per satu keluar untuk berlari 2 km sebagai pemanasan sebelum ujian.

hm... mungkin Dek Ai' ingin seperti kakak-kakaknya :D