Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Super Sensitive

I always thought Ir was so sensitive.
May be he is. But dek Ai' must be super sensitive then.

Whenever he sees a little 'hard' thing around, such as some one falling, or a fight, or a scream; he cries.
He likes to hear me singing. But when I get to hi-tones, he cries.


This evening I helped my twins doing their math homework. I did my best to explain the method. I repeat it again and again, but still they didn't understand. It was simple. But it was me who couldn't explain it well.
Then I started speaking loud. Dek Ai' was sleepy and hugging me. I should have taken him to bed. But I still hadn't finished helping the twins doing their homework. I lost my patience. Then I start yelling. I didn't notice that my loud voice has made Ai' cry. The louder I yelled, the louder he cried. Suddenly I realized Dek Ai' was like, crying hysterically.

I, right then stop yelling. I lower my tone, brought Ai' away from the twins and tried to calm him down. I know it was my voice that made him cry. But I needed to be away from the twin to stop yelling.
I still said half whispering to the twins, 'I give up. I don't know how to make you understand. I'm not a good teacher. Ask your teacher tomorrow how to do it.'

It took few minutes for me to calm down Dek Ai' until he finally fell asleep. Right now I'm feeling like I have been a terrible monster and frightened my own baby.

God, I need to gain more patience.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Sickies

Katanya memang sedang musim. Belakangan ini cuaca tidak karuan. Habis panas terik, hujan deras. Lalu panas, hujan, panas, hujan.

Sejak awal minggu lalu satu-satu anggota keluarga dikunjungi demam dan flu. Mulai dari aku, Dan, Ibit, lalu Ar, eMbak, Dek Ai'. Mudah-mudahan Ir kuat bertahan tetap sehat, tidak ikut-ikutan sakit.

Ibit yang paling parah. Panasnya tidak turun sampai 4 hari, sehingga dokter memutuskan untuk rawat inap. Hasil lab darah selama beberapa hari relatif bagus. Trombosit sempat turun sampai 127 ribu di hari ke 2 rawat (hari ke 5 panas), tapi besoknya sudah 153 ribu. Dengue-nya juga negatif. Kata dokter, amandelnya bengkak besar. Mungkin itu penyebab panas dan batuknya yang tidak berhenti.

Ada yang bilang aku kecapekan, karena acara yang penuh minggu lalu. Bisa jadi. Dan Ibit juga. Dan orang-orang mengomeli aku karena keseringan mengajak Ibit bercapek-capek...

Ya sih. Sejak sebulan yang lalu jam pelajaran setiap hari Senin - Kamis ditambah, untuk persiapan ujian akhir. Durasi latihan Tae Kwon Do juga ditambah, persiapan ujian kenaikan tingkat bulan depan. Masih ditambah latihan-latihan bersama KPJ untuk rekaman dan pentas Blakotang. Dan kemudian proses rekamannya yang sampai pagi. Pentas launchingnya sampai hampir tengah malam. Jadi memang minggu lalu ada hari-hari yang full dari pagi sampai malam, bahkan sampai pagi lagi.

Aku agak merasa bersalah juga. Tapi Ibit bilang dia senang menjalani semuanya. Bahkan dia kecewa karena tidak bisa ikut tampil membawakan Blakotang di Cakra TV karena sedang sakit...

Memang anaknya aktif dan menikmati banyak kegiatan. Fisiknya yang kurang mendukung. Ini PR buat emaknya.

Cepat sembuh mbak Ibit, minggu depan ujian Tae Kwon Do. Si... Jak!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

the good news

Ibit has stopped writing since the day she received the rejection letter from the publisher she wanted to publish her writing with. I did my best to tell her that it happens to writers. Even to the famous author, and she was only just beginning. But it didn't work. So I just let her take a break. 

It was Unge and Momo who held a fun writing game, #15HariNgeblogFF (15 days blogging flash fiction). The rule was you had to write one flash fiction a day for 15 days on your blog, with the tittle that the hosts made. I thought it was fun and would be a good way to practice gaining ideas in limited topics and time. I asked Ibit if she would join it as I did, and she would. She was so enthusiastic, she didn't want to skip a day. Even when she was having examination at school, and when she had toothache, she still worked hard to write and submit before the daily deadline.

At the middle of the game, the hosts announced that chosen flash fictions would be published together in a book. This has hit Ibit to write better and harder. At the end of the game she asked me. 'do you think your story will be picked?'. I said I just hope so. There were over 100 participants and they all wrote great. Ibit thought she had some flash fictions good enough to be chosen and hoped she will be picked.

Yesterday evening I was watching time line on twitterland and found a news I shoud check. The contributors for Book 1, and taadaaaa....

I showed Ibit what I found. She smiled. She laughed. She cried. 
She was so happy.

Now she just needs to wait for the book to be published. She deserves it.
Thank you Unge and Momo for bringing Ibit's writing passion back :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Cuci Cuci

Lagi pada rajin. Cuci mobil cuci motor. Tapi langit mendung. Jadi sisakan satu yang tidak dicuci. Untuk pergi-pergi kalau ternyata hujan, nanti.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Blanket

I'm jealous with this red blanket.
It comforts Dek Ai' better than I do.