Friday, March 25, 2011

the (not) conjoined twins

I can't tell how grateful I am to have these miracles in my life
aku tidak bisa mengatakan betapa bersyukurnya aku memiliki dua keajaiban ini dalam hidupku

when I was having my pregnancy of Ar and Ir, I didn't have USG until week 16. I felt my tummy was too big for the age of the pregnancy. I was worried if there was something wrong, so I checked out. I move from midwife to doctor.
waktu hamil Ar Ir, aku belum USG sampai umur kehamilan 16 minggu. aku merasa perutku gede banget, untuk umur segitu. aku khawatir ada apa apa. makanya aku periksa. aku pindah dari bidan ke dokter.

I still remember the first thing the doctor said.
'they have separated bag, that is good. so we know they are not conjoined'
aku masih ingat hal pertama yang dikatakan dokter
'kantongnya terpisah, jadi kita bisa yakin mereka bukan kembar siam' 

so that's why it was bigger than my pregnancy of Ibit, at the same age. I was shocked. I wasn't ready. it took time for me to take the reality that I was having twin babies...
jadi itu sebabnya perutku lebih besar dari ketika hamil Ibit pada usia kehamilan yang sama. aku shock. butuh waktu untuk bisa menerima kenyataan, bahwa aku hamil bayi kembar...


this afternoon I went to Karyadi Hospital to see a set of conjoined twin - Sanaya and Isnaya. their parents are not my family. not my friend. I don't even know them. I just know them from the newspaper. but the news about them have pulled my sympathy. they are not rich family who can easily afford a surgery to separate the twin. 
siang ini aku ke Rumah Sakit Karyadi menjenguk sepasang bayi kembar siam, Sanaya dan Isnaya. orang tuanya bukan saudaraku. bukan temanku. kenal juga enggak. cuma tahu tentang mereka dari koran. tapi berita tentang mereka bikin aku trenyuh. mereka bukan keluarga mampu yang bisa dengan mudah membiayai operasi pemisahan bayi mereka.

the time I entered the gate my heart was beating faster. when I entered the building my eyes started watering. when I entered the room I found my self hard to breathe. but when I saw them I was so glad. the look beautiful and all right.
waktu masuk gerbang rumah sakit aku berdebar kencang. waktu masuk gedung matau mulai panas mau nangis. waktu masuk ruangan rasanya sesak napas. tapi ketika aku melihat mereka rasanya lega. mereka cantik dan baik-baik saja.

I wanted to hold and carry them but don't know how. so I just saw their mother change their diapers and carry them gently. I wanted to take a picture but it is not allowed. I had to see the PR to get a permission. but I don't think it is important. the most important thing is I know they are healthy and will be ready for surgery in a few months --- and live a normal life.
pengen nggendong, tapi bingung bagaimana caranya. jadi aku lihatin saja ibu mereka mengganti popok dan menggendong. pengen moto tapi dilarang. boleh sih, tapi harus minta ijin bagian humas. ribet. ga penting. yang penting aku tahu bahwa mereka sehat dan akan siap untuk dioperasi dalam beberapa bulan --- lalu menjalani hidup dengan normal.

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli

(I grabbed the picture of Sanaya and Isnaya from this web)


Anggie...mamAthar said...

Dengernya aja udah bikin sedih, samaan mbaak... Ga tegaan kl lihat bayi/anak kecil sakit.. Sehat itu bener2 mahal harganya.. Tak tergantikan oleh apapun di dunia..

Henny said...

punya anak kembar pasti repot, dan dag-dig-dugnya dobel ^^

Anonymous said...

Stories like this do make you ever grateful for healthy babies! Hope all goes well for their surgery.

Are You Serious! said...

Amazing! What a tough but wonderful time for their family!

Bril said...

nice blog, Mbak. Salam kenal.

Heather said...

What a wonderful post. Your boys are getting so much older looking. They look like quite the pair.

Forgetfulone said...

I remember the feeling of knowing mine were not conjoined. I will pray for these babies and their family. I hope they can get the surgery and live full, healthy lives.

Thinking about conjoined twins said...

read my imagination about conjoined quadruplets at

Rahul said...

once scanning is taken, it is bound to be thatone o the heads would have been an extra growth only and to be removed in the interest chil"s extension of live.This child can not exist ffor a longn time with two heads which is unanaturel.