Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Sleep

Kemarin malem nyaris begadang lagi, seperti hari-hari waktu Ai' masih bayi banget. Entah kenapa tidurnya gelisah. Rewel. Pakai acara gendong-gendong segala. Padahal berangkat tidurnya juga udah pakai rewel. Kupikir karena hawa yang panas. Untung lewat tengah malam mulai adem...

yesterday night was almost like one sleepless night, like nights when Ai' was still a so baby. I don't know why he couldn't sleep well. crying through the night. I had to carry him to make him quiet. he went to bed crying too. I thought it was because yesterday night was hot. thank God after midnight the air was getting cool.

Tadi malam rasanya mau panas lagi. Dari sore Ai' main sampai keringetan. Bajunya basah, badannya lengket. So, sebelum jam tidur aku lepas bajunya. Aku lap pakai air hangat, lalu kupakaikan baju yang bersih. Dia masih sempat ngajak main sebentar, tapi kemudian tidur juga. Tanpa rewel. Tanpa gendong. Dan semalam tidurnya pulas, cuma bangun minta susu...

last night it felt going to be another hot night. but I didn't want another sleepless night. Ai' played to the sweat since early evening. so before bed time I undressed him. I wiped his body with warm water and changed his clothes. after a little more playing he fell asleep easily. no carrying. and slept sound.. 

Katanya tidur yang pulas membantu anak untuk tumbuh lebih cerdas. Semoga jadi anak yang pinter ya, Ai'.....

people said that the quality of the sleep will help to develop the brain. well, be a smart boy Ai'......


Are You Serious! said...

I remember nights like that!!! I feel for you!

Nina Agustina said...

Aamiin..Semoga Ai menajdi anak yang sehat, cerdas, dan sholeh ^^

Unknown said...

Eh, ini fotonya udah agak gedean yah? Perasaan Ai baru lahir kemaren deh. Sekarang umurnya berapa, Mbak?

Forgetfulone said...

Yes, be a smart boy and let momma get some rest, too. He is precious!