Tuesday, February 8, 2011

the name (the luck)

do you believe names can bring good (or bad) luck?

about a year ago, Sasa had three babies. we named them Kiki, Nowa and Nowy. at the age (about) 2 months, Nowy died, hit by car when Dan drove out of the carport. Nowa, however has grown up being a beautiful girl. on 17 Desember 2010 she had a baby and we named it Nowy II.

two days ago it got an accident, dropped by our neighbor's child who tried to carry it. its legs was injured and so was his head. we tried to help it and brought it to a doctor.

but it didn't make it. it died last night.

I don't believe names bring luck. but I will never name my cats 'Nowy' again, ever. it is just too sad that both our Nowy-s died in a baby age - by accident....


Ms Mushroom said...

Aku gak akan kasih apapun dengan Nowy deh ~.~"

Liz Mays said...

I'm very sorry!

Stacy Uncorked said...

Awwww! That's so sad!!

WW: Reflection

Michelle said...

Oh no, either way...that is really sad. So I say to be on the safe side not to name any more kittens Nowy.

Hennyyarica said...

poor baby cat..i'm very sorry to hear that

Claremont First Ward said...

How sad. So sorry the kitty died.

Forgetfulone said...

Oh, no! I just left a comment on your other post, and I should have read this first. So sorry Nowy II died. Poor kitten. Hope the kids are taking it okay.

Are You Serious! said...

That's just terrible that it happened! I don't believe the name was the problem either but I still wouldn't name another cat that either! :)

Kartika Nugmalia said...

my deepest condolence for ur cat La...Hope it will get the best place out there :)