Friday, February 25, 2011

the blame

would be me
for not taking care of him well during my pregnancy
and it's not enough just saying I'm sorry...

he must have a blood test for thyroid, a mantoux test, and a rontgen for thorax. he might even need a CT scan...
we will be seeing the doctor next tuesday. and I hope every thing is going to be just fine.......



pinkparis said...

Sorry to hear that, mbak. Hope all will be fine.

Yessi said...

dek Ai', mb? hope everything will be fine..
he will be fine *hug*

Are You Serious! said...

You know Latree there are some thing that happen just because not always from something that you did! I hope everything is okay with him!!!

Anggie...mamAthar said...

Napa mb dek Aik??