Monday, February 28, 2011

the clue


that small red spot is the clue that Ai' is having TBC. I really have no idea where he got it from.
now he needs to swallow medicine every day, for the next six months. it definitely no fun at all. but if that's what it takes, that's what I'll give.
bintik merah kecil itu adalah tanda bahwa Ai' terkena TBC. aku ngga tahu dari mana dapatnya. sekarang dia harus minum obat rutin tiap hari, selama enam bulan. bukan hal menyenangkan. tapi kalau memang harus dilakukan ya bagaimana lagi.

mean while we will continue the medical rehabilitation and see the development in a month.
sembari terus minum obat, Ai' juga akan terus menjalani rehab medik, dan melihat perkembangaannya sebulan mendatang.

I can breathe now, for a while.
aku boleh bernapas sekarang, sementara.

Friday, February 25, 2011

the blame

would be me
for not taking care of him well during my pregnancy
and it's not enough just saying I'm sorry...

he must have a blood test for thyroid, a mantoux test, and a rontgen for thorax. he might even need a CT scan...
we will be seeing the doctor next tuesday. and I hope every thing is going to be just fine.......


Saturday, February 19, 2011

the mawleed

today the jamaah of masjid darussalam is celebrating Prophet Muhammad's birthday. we are hoping that what we are doing today will be a reflection to our selves, and keep the Prophet as our example in living our lives.

the chidren in the mosque qur'an learning class performed on stage. we hope this will be a start to loving the Prophet.
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

the name (the luck)

do you believe names can bring good (or bad) luck?

about a year ago, Sasa had three babies. we named them Kiki, Nowa and Nowy. at the age (about) 2 months, Nowy died, hit by car when Dan drove out of the carport. Nowa, however has grown up being a beautiful girl. on 17 Desember 2010 she had a baby and we named it Nowy II.

two days ago it got an accident, dropped by our neighbor's child who tried to carry it. its legs was injured and so was his head. we tried to help it and brought it to a doctor.

but it didn't make it. it died last night.

I don't believe names bring luck. but I will never name my cats 'Nowy' again, ever. it is just too sad that both our Nowy-s died in a baby age - by accident....

Monday, February 7, 2011

the tiny sicky

a 2 yrs old kid, our neighbor, held Nowy and dropped it. its right front leg was injured and it lost its balance. doctor said its head must have hit the floor.
it must hurt so bad it didn't want to do anything. plus, Nowa the mommy is a ten months babycat that still can not act like a mommy. she often refuse to milking Nowy.
so as the doctor told us to help Nowy, I took some of Aik's milk and gave it to it.

get well soon, Nowy...
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