Monday, May 31, 2010

the little guy

I am not a patient girl. nothing happens on my due date drove me crazy. I didn't want to be induce or have C-section. then I did crazy thing that I thought would give me contraction.
aku bukan gadis penyabar. tidak terjadi apa-apa di HPL bikan aku senewen. aku ga mau diinduksi apalagi operasi. lalu aku melakukan hal-hal gila, yang aku pikir bisa merangsang kontraksi

I swept the whole house's floor (well it is a small house anyway :P)
I cleaned the bath room
I walked 2 kilo meters in the morning, and again in the afternoon

aku ngepel seluruh rumah (halah, rumah kecil ding :P)
aku nyikat kamar mandi
aku jalan 2 kilo di pagi hari, dan lagi sore harinya

I wanted to walk around every floor in the biggest mall in the city but Dan thought it was too crazy he could not tolerate.

aku mau jalan-jalan keliling tiap lantai di mal paling besar di semarang, tapi ga boleh sama Dan.

I don't know if those worked, or there was any other reasons. I got contraction and about 9 pm I went to hospital. until 7 am (GOD, ten hours!) there was no progress, my contraction stood still, even weakening. I didn't want but I needed a little induction to fix the contraction. at 8 am they put it in, and alhamdulillah at 9.10 am, this little guy says hello to me.
ngga tahu apakah itu hasil usahaku atau ada sebab lain. akhirnya aku dapat kontraksi dan jam 9 malam masuk rumah sakit. sampai jam 7 pagi (Ya Tuhan, sepuluh jam!) tidak ada kemajuan. kontraksiku bukannya nambah malah melemah. aku tidak ingin tapi harus diberi induksi untuk memperbaiki kontraksi. jam delapan infus dipasang, dan alhamdulillah jam 09.10, lelaki ganteng ini berteriak menyapaku

world, Dek Ai'
dunia, Dek Ai'

*we haven't find a name but we already have that nick name.
*belum nemu nama panjang, pokoknya panggilanannya begitu

this has been the biggest toot of the week. so I'm joining

Thursday, May 27, 2010

the due date

this is me, I just took my very own picture with my cellphone, few minutes ago.

how do I look?

fat ?

no matter how I look, let me tell you how I am feeling inside, right now.

I am frustrated.

this is my due date and I still haven't got any signs. the doctor said if the baby doesn't come within a week, he will induce me -- or I might need a section.

I don't want either one. I hope everything will go, normally.

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Mamarazzi

Thursday, May 20, 2010

the schedule

I'm tired of listening to the kids fighting, who has to take bathe first or second or last. it happens twice a day, everyday.
capek tiap hari dengerin anak-anak berantem, siapa yang harus mandi pertama, kedua, terakhir. tiap hari, sehari dua kali.

so I made this schedule and put it on bathroom door. they MUST obey it or they should never take bathe - ever...
jadi aku bikin jadwal ini, ditempel di pintu kamar mandi. mereka harus patuhi jadwal atau ngga usah mandi sekalian - selamanya...

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Mom24

Monday, May 17, 2010


This is Popo. He is a boy from somewhere around the neighborhood. Popo is Sasa's boy friend. There is another boy who looked quite cute and flirted Sasa but Sasa didn't like. I must agree with Sasa, Popo is so handsome.

Ini Popo. Cowok dari sekitar perumahan sini. Popo ini pacarnya Sasa. Ada cowok lain lumayan ganteng yang naksir Sasa, tapi Sasa ga suka. Aku harus setuju sama Sasa, Popo emang ganteng banget...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

the illiterate


that's me.
technology some times drives me crazy.

iya, aku.
teknologi kadang bikin bete.

I like my old Sony Ericsson C510 cell-phone with it's built in camera. it is simple as a camera but I think so cool for a camera-phone. it is auto focus, can take macro photos, and the best part is, I can simply send every picture I took to Face Book and to 'Stupidshots' - my photo blog on Blogger. Sony Ericsson has prepared it for me.
aku suka henponku yang dulu, SE C510 dengan kamera. kalo mau dibilang kamera memang terlalu sederhana, tapi lumayan keren untuk ukuran camera-phone. bisa auto-focus, moto makro, dan yang paling aku suka adalah, bisa langsung kirim foto ke FB dan ke blog foto-ku di blogger, Stupidshots. Sony Ericsson sudah menyiapkan fasilitas itu buatku.

today, everyone around holds qwerty cell phone, cell-phones with computer-keyboard-alike key pad. first was Black Berry, and now every name has this kind of phone. I, my self, never thought it was cool. I think qwerty-keypad is weird and touch screen like i-Phone is way cool.
sekarang, hampir semua orang pegang henpon qwerty, yang kwypadnya mirip keyboard komputer. dulu mulai dengan BlackBerry, sekarang semua merk bikin henpon model begini. menurutku sih henpon qwerty itu ngga keren, aneh malah. yang keren itu yang touch screen macam i-Phone itu.

but, i-Phone is not affordable, for me. so as an i-Phone wannabe I bought Samsung Monte. it was beautiful and looked just as cool as I wanted it to be. the problems is, you need to be some one so soft to do touching. I can't be. I don't touch, I hit. so it didn't work. I was frustrated using it, especially when it came to typing. after a week stressed, I sold it.
tapi i-Phone itu ga terjangkau olehku. jadi aku beli Samsung Monte yang mirip-mirip. keren sih. masalahnya, kalo mau make henpon touchscreen itu kudu orang lembut. aku ngga bisa. karena aku ngga bisa sekedar 'menyentuh', aku cenderung mengetuk. jadi ga klop. frustrasi makenya, apalagi kalo nulis. makanya setelah stress seminggu, akhirnya kujual lagi

I should have been thankful and just held on to my Sony Ericsson, but I didn't. I bought this.

harusnya aku cukup bersyukur sudah punya SE itu, tapi aku malah beli ini.

Nokia E71

it is a qwerty I know. and I am not ashamed to finally confess, although it looks weird, it is easier for me to type texts. so I lived with the qwerty thing. it also has a 3,2 mpx autofocus camera. but, this phone doesn't have that simple feature to send pictures to FB and Blogger. for a while I thought, maybe I just haven't found it. but after some exploring I found that Blogger is not included in the webs this phone supports for sending picture directly. I need to set up a mobile blogging for my phone.
iya, itu qwerty. tapi aku ngga malu mengakui bahwa walaupun tampangnya aneh, tapi enak buat ngetik. jadi aku terima hidup dengan si qwerty. dia juga dilengkapi dengan kamera autofokus 3,2 mpx. tapi, henpon ini ga punya fitur simple buat ngirim foto langsung ke FB atau Blogger. tadinya kupikir karena belum nemu aja. tapi setelah aku pelajari, Blogger memang tidak termasuk di web yang disupport untuk kirim foto langsung. harus set up mobile blogging dulu.

this morning I spent hours learning how to start blogger-on-the-go, and it's not as simple as sending a text message, as told in the Blogger help center, because I don't live in US. so I did other way, set up my mobile blogging via email.
tadi sepagian aku mempelajari bagaimana memulai blogger-on-the-go. tapi ternyata ga semudah kirim sms seperti yang ada di help-centernya Blogger, soalnya aku tidak pake nomor US. jadi harus set up mobile blogging via email.

here, I got confuse, whether I had to make a new email account right from my cell-phone, or I could just use my old account but access it through phone. what I did was, I set the Nokia email wizard using my old account - I had to install it. well it worked. I did a test and I succeeded posting a picture. but then, like in every second my phone beeped. a notification of an incoming email. GOD. the email I put in my phone was an email I use to join a crazy mail-list, which sends me over one hundred emails in a day. this really drove me crazy.
di sini aku bingungnya. apa aku harus bikin akun email baru langsung dari henpon, atau cukup akses email lama dari henpon. akhirnya aku aktifkan Nokia email wizard dan memakai akun email yang sudah ada. berhasil sih, aku bisa uplod foto langsung ke Blogger. tapi kemudian henponku tulat tulit terus, ada notifikasi email masuk. GOD. email yang aku pasang itu adalah email yang aku pakai untuk join milis yang seharinya bisa kemasukan seratusan email lebih. bener-bener sinting.

I said to my phone crazily: ' I know you are beautiful but stupid!'
kataku kepada henponku: kamu cantik tapi oon.

I immediately open the manual book to find out how to turn off the notification but again I was frustrated. the manual book was in Bahasa Indonesia while I set my phone language in English. may be I am weird but I feel technical language translated to Bahasa Indonesia IS weird and confusing... after some hard working (well not that hard actually...) I gave up. more over, lately I found that I was charged for every incoming email notification. NOWAY. that is such a waste, unless I buy an unlimited data-content package. but why should I do that, it is not that urgent, for me.
lekas aku cari buku manualnya, gimana caranya matiin email notifikasi, tapi yang ada aku malah tambah bete. buku manualnya cuma tersedia dalam Bahasa Indonesia, padahal henponku aku set berbahasa Inggris. mungkin aku aneh, tapi menurutku bahasa teknis yang diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia itu yang aneh dan membingungkan. setelah bekerja keras (ngga terlalu keras sih...) aku menyerah. apalagi kemudian ketauan bahwa setiap ada notifikasi pulsaku berkurang. enak aja. mubadzir itu namanya. kecuali aku beli paket data unlimited. tapi buat apa, ga terlalu penting buatku.

so I un-installed my Nokia emailing instead of just turning off the email notification. I know I have to find some other way to be able to send pictures right from my phone, and some how I will. 'coz I know this phone is smart, only I am illiterate and need to learn A LOT more. wish me luck.
jadi email wizardnya aku un install. aku tahu aku harus cari cara lain supaya bisa kirim foto langsung dari henpon, nanti juga ketemu. karena aku tahu henpon ini sebenernya pinter, akunya yang gaptek dan harus banyak belajar. wish me luck.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

good bye, nowy...

Nowy is (was) one of Sasa's babies. after Chacha and Chichi were gone, she had three other babies: Nowa - Nowy and Kiki.
Nowy adalah salah satu anak Sasa. setelah Chacha dan Chichi hilang, dia punya tiga bayi lagi: Nowa - Nowy dan Kiki.

this afternoon, we were about to go to the barber shop, Ar and Ir needed some hair cut. the kids were there at the terrace while I was still inside preparing some thing. Dan drove the car out of the car port, and seconds after I heard the kids screaming. I ran out and screamed -I thought- even louder than the kids did.
siang ini, kami sedang siap-siap mau ke tukang cukur, Ar Ir sudah perlu potong rambut. anak-anak menunggu di teras sedang aku masih bersiap-siap di dalam. Dan mengeluarkan mobil dari carport, dan beberapa detik kemudian aku dengar anak-anak menjerit. aku lari keluar dan menjerit (kurasa) lebih keras dari mereka.

Nowy was there lying down. blood came out her mouth and she sounded " eek... eek..." her body was convulsing. I immediately got back in. I couldn't stand seeing that little soft frail body suffering. I knew just what happened.
Nowy terbaring. darah keluar dari mulutnya dan dia bersuara "eek... eek..." badannya kejang-kejang. aku buru-buru masuk lagi, ga tahan melihat tubuh lemah kecil itu menderita. aku tahu apa yang baru saja terjadi

Dan has run the car over her. I guess she was sleeping under the tire, like she and her sisters usually do at noon. it was a terrible accident.
Dan melindasnya. mungkin dia sedang tidur di dekat ban, seperti yang dia dan suadara-suadaranya biasa lakukan kalau siang. kecelakaan yang mengerikan.

later when the convulsion stopped - means she's already dead, I got out and lift up her body. Dan buried our little kitten in the garden near our house. a neighbor couldn't understand how we, the whole family, could cry over a cat's dead body. I wouldn't explain anything. those who understand don't need any explanation, at all.
beberapa saat kemudian ketika kejangnya berhenti - yang berarti dia sudah mati, aku keluar dan mengangkat tubuhnya. Dan mengubur mayat kucing kecil kami di kebun dekat rumah. seorang tetangga keheranan bagaimana bisa kami seisi ruman menangisi kucing yang mati. aku tidak akan menjelaskan apa pun. orang yang mengerti tidak butuh penjelasan, sama sekali

this video is, a memory I caught, of our poor Nowy.
video ini, kenangan yang sempat kutangkap, akan Nowy kami yang malang.

good bye, Nowy
selamat jalan, Nowy

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli