a prayer for her to be adamant one. and that's how she grows. her desires are as hard as her efforts to reach every dream she has. how she always stands on her self, helps me. her maturity, teaches me.
agar dia menjadi jiwa yang teguh. dan begitulah dia tumbuh. keras maunya sekeras usaha mencapai setiap inginnya. kemandiriannya, meringankanku. kedewasaannya, mengajariku.
nine years. she has given more than a mother could ever hope for. a never ending surprises from time to time. I couldn't ask. I feel, I couldn't give her as much as she needs. but like when I could only give her 500 when she needed 1000, she tried to fulfill the rest herself. that how it's always been.
sembilan tahun. dia persembahkan lebih dari yang diharapkan seorang ibu. kejutan yang dia berikan tak pernah habis dari waktu ke waktu. hingga aku tak berani meminta. aku merasa, aku bahkan tidak memberi perhatian sebanyak yang seharusnya. tapi seperti ketika aku hanya mampu memberikan 500 rupiah saat dia butuh 1000, maka dia sendiri berusaha menggenapi kekurangannya. selalu begitu selama ini.
she's more than special. she's amazung. to me, she's just so perfect. and that's how she always wants things to be: perfect. she cries when forgot to do the homework… afraid that she might disappoint me when she didn't rank the semester… sad when forgot to shake our hands before school...
dia bukan istimewa. dia luar biasa. bagiku dia terlalu sempurna. tapi memang dia ingin semuanya sempurna, sampai ke hal-hal kecilnya. menangis ketika lupa membuat pe-er… ketakutan aku akan kecewa ketika rankingnya turun… sedih ketika lupa belum salim ketika mau berangkat sekolah…
ah, miss perfectionist, why don't you just be naughty some times?
ah, miss perfectionist, sesekali jadilah anak badung.

happy birthday, Mbak Ibit. I can't be the best mother for you, so let me be your best friend. and you, always be my angel.
selamat ulang tahun, Mbak Ibit. ibu tidak bisa menjadi ibu terbaik buatmu, jadi biarlah ibu menjadi teman terbaikmu. tetaplah menjadi bidadariku.
ibit, i'm happy on you day.. :) though we haven't met each other, but i can see that you are soooo special,dear..life's waiting for your next steps..everyday is a gift from God to you. :)
happy birthday Ibit :D
happy birthday mba ibit
wish you a brighter tomorrows :)
Happy Birthday, Ibit. Wish you always the best :)
Awww! You've got a leo on your hands, she must be a special one! Happy bday Ibit!
Happy Birthday to your wonderful daughter!
Dengan hormat dan bangga saya sampaikan sebuah award kepada anda.
Award dimaksud silahkan dilihat dan diambil diblog saya pada artikel berjudul
Semog award ini bisa memacu semangat para sahabat untuk berkarya lebih mantap lagi.
Selamat dan terima kasih.
Salam hangat dari pakde di Surabaya.
♥ What a sweet post! I hope she has a FABULOUS birthday! :)
namanya bagus banget :)
met ultah.
moga jadi anak yg sholihah...
thank's for info,..!
thank's for sharing info,..!
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