Aku ngga ngasih hadiah banyak untuk ulang tahun Ibit. Cuma VCD Barbie seri terakhir. Aku bungkus dengan kertas putih, dan kutambahkan sedikit warna di atasnya. (Lupa ngga moto VCDnya. Sekarang memory cardnya udah nancep di netbook, males mau nyabut dan ambil gambar lagi... )

In the middle of the night I sneaked into Ibit's room and put it beside her pillow. She found it when woke up in the morning. I'm glad she liked it.
Malam-malam aku menyelinap ke kamarnya, lalu meletakkannya di dekat bantal. Dia menemukannya waktu bangun pagi harinya. Alhamdulillah dia suka

Then in the evening we went to see a dolphin show. There were many other animals beside the dolphins. A parrot, a pooh bear, and a couple of silly-super-funny otters.
Malamnya kami nonton pentas lumba-lumba. Selain lumba-lumba ada binatang lain beraksi. Burung kakatua, beruang madu, dan sepasang lingsang yang konyol-tapi-lucu.

Those animals are so smart. They do acrobats, play with balls, ride a tricycle... And the dolphins can counts. They know what 4 plus 9, and twice seven are. They give the answer by pushing a horn as many as the number. Those trainer are awesome!
Binatang-binatang itu cerdas banget. Mereka melakukan akrobat, main bola, naik sepeda... Lumba-lumbanya bahkan bisa menghitung berapa 4 tambah 9 dan dua kali tujuh. Mereka memberikan jawaban dengan membunyikan bel sebanyak angkanya.
Was it fun? Watch (and listen to) this 3 seconds duration video. And tell me how it was :D
Menyenangkan? Lihat (dan dengar) video berdurasi 3 detik ini. Coba katakan bagaimana :D

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Happy Birthday to Ibit! The card you made for her is so cute! The dolphin/animal show sounds like a lot of fun. That short video was great. I love the laughing. :)
Ibit..... happy Birthday. Hope you enjoyed the dolphins. They look good fun.
what an amazing birthday!
eh mbok nitip happy b'day buat ibit ya, peluk dan cium dari shabrina dan raras di jakarta :D
love the note - I took my children to swim with the dolphins once and they were scared out of their brains!
I hear the laughter so it sounds like it was fun! Happy b-day, Ibit! That is such a precious idea putting a card next to her while she is still asleep!
what a fun birthday. Here’s my photo story. happy Friday!
what a awsome birthday. I love the dolphin pictures great photo friday
Wants to see dolphins again !!! :((
Haapy birthday Ibit :D
♥ Love the card! How fun!!! The dolphins are fabulous! :)
ibit..happy b'day. there are great song for you at http://lagu-anak.blogspot.com
Beautiful job on the wrapping! What a fun day... a gift and dolphins. They really are amazing creatures.
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